Tachles with Aviel – Nasrallah is dead! Finally!

Shortly after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finished his speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, there was an explosion in Beirut. In the world media, no one was concentrating on Netanyahu’s speech and rhetoric to the nations. Everything was focused on the Shiite terror stronghold of Dahieh in Beirut. The command center of the Shiite terrorist militia in underground bunkers looked as if a meteor had struck it. Then the photo was circulated of Netanyahu on the phone somewhere in the UN building on American soil, giving the green light to bomb Hassan Nasrallah. Even as he was addressing the nations, the thought was floating in his head that in a few minutes or hours Hassan Nasrallah would disappear from this earth and be sent to hell. An even fuller fledged multi-front war may break out because of this. However, Iran also sees what has happened to Hamas and Hezbollah since October 7. Negotiating with the enemy only when they beg for negotiations, not before. Until then, Israel must keep striking. Finally, the Israeli security apparatus is operating as the people wanted from the beginning – taking the initiative.

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah declared, in his first public speech after the October 7 attack in the south, that the attack proved that Israel was “weaker than a spider’s web.” The “spider web” is turning out to be resilient, having survived almost twelve bloody months of war, and having given Hamas and Hezbollah a good beating. Only together can we win, and our enemies fantasize that Israel is as weak as a spider web because of the divisions in Israeli society. It is not the Zionist entity that will soon disappear, as Nasrallah often emphasized in his speeches. It seems that he and his entire leadership are gone once and for all.

In his speech to the nations, Netanyahu reminded the world of what he said last year at the United Nations General Assembly, a few days before October 7.

I said we faced the same timeless choice that Moses put before the people of Israel thousands of years ago as we were about to enter the promised land. Moses told us that our actions will determine whether we bequeath to future generations a blessing or a curse. And that is the choice we face today – the curse of Iran’s unremitting aggression or the blessing of a historic reconciliation between Arab and Jew. In the days that followed that speech the blessing I spoke of came into sharper focus. A normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel seemed closer than ever, but then came the curse of October 7th.”

Netanyahu addresses the UN General Assembly. Photo: GPO

Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, is not just another leader of a terrorist organization, and his elimination is not comparable to the killing of a high-ranking member of the military wing of Hamas or Hezbollah. His death is a huge earthquake in the Middle East and the entire world of terror, the extent of which is difficult to estimate at this time. For Hezbollah, it is an unprecedented loss, since the organization’s most important figure since its founding is no longer there. For Iran, it is also an unprecedented loss, since its most important agent outside Iranian borders no longer exists. And it is a heavy blow to all terrorist organizations that saw in Nasrallah the man who could defeat Israel and reduce it to a “spider web” – until Friday.

In the West, politicians are scratching their heads and thinking that Israel has gone mad. Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign minister, said after the Israeli attacks in Dahieh, Beirut: “We are exerting all diplomatic pressure to achieve a ceasefire, but it seems that no one can stop Netanyahu.”

It is true that Israel is going crazy. In Hebrew we say: “The landlord has gone mad.” Finally. But it is not Netanyahu who must be stopped. It is not Israel who must be stopped. Israel will not and cannot stop now.

Finally, Netanyahu is reacting as the vast majority of Israelis had hoped. The enemy must be mercilessly defeated. Western governments do not understand what a favor Israel has done the West by fighting Islamist terrorist militias such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

What the US government in Washington fears is that Israel’s war in the Middle East will spoil the upcoming elections for Kamala Harris and the Democrats. Everything else is secondary. The fact that 70,000 Israelis have been displaced from Northern Israel for a year due is not an issue at all for Western governments. They still believe that diplomacy can solve everything. They are wrong. War is a tool of diplomacy, and Israel must continue to use it. Negotiate while waging war, not during a ceasefire. Negotiating during a ceasefire accomplishes nothing, except making the French and the EU happy, and helping Hezbollah and Hamas. Such negotiations do not help Israel.

View of a house that was hit from a missile fired from Lebanon overnight, in the northern Israeli city of Tzfat, September 28, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90

The West and the EU do not even understand the difference between Israel and Hezbollah, between good and evil, between blessing and curse. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to talk nonsense. The West should not belittle those who have the courage to fight Islamic terror. In Lebanon and Syria; Sunni Muslims, but also Christians and Druze are celebrating the elimination of Nasrallah in Lebanon by Israel. We showed this on our Telegram channel.

Nasrallah was more than a terrorist. He was a pioneer of politics, terrorism and the connection between the two. At the age of just 32, he was unexpectedly appointed Secretary General of the terrorist group, succeeding Abbas al-Musawi, who was also killed by Israel, in 1992. He quickly became a rising star in international terrorism, but also on the political map of the entire Arab and Muslim world, and especially Lebanon. Hezbollah destroyed the harmony in Lebanon and plunged the land of cedars into a political and economic abyss over the past 30 years, just as the PLO under its leader Yasser Arafat had done in the 1970s until the Israeli invasion in 1982. Back then it was to stop the Katyusha rocket attacks, and to drive the PLO out of Lebanon. The same scenario has now repeated itself.

In many ways, Nasrallah has succeeded in changing the region, especially the face of Lebanon. Under his leadership, Hezbollah developed from a small, isolated militia into a military empire with influence over forces in Syria, but also in Yemen and Iraq.

The Syrian civil war in 2011 prompted Nasrallah to make a dramatic decision: he sent troops to rescue Bashar al-Assad. His fighters fought on all fronts, against both the jihadists of ISIS and the moderate Syrian opposition. Hezbollah also began operating in Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain and around the world. Under Nasrallah, Hezbollah became one of the largest drug cartels in the world and established so-called narco-terrorism – the drug trade to finance terrorist attacks. Nasrallah spread the idea among many Muslims around the world that Israel was as weak as a spider’s web. But Nasrallah’s arrogance became his trap. Over the past year, he made one mistake after another and failed to read the political map correctly. The most serious mistake was his solidarity with Hamas and the decision to attack Israel on October 8, 2023. Nasrallah was convinced that Israel was too weak and too divided to risk a massive attack on Hezbollah. Now he is paying the price for his arrogance.

Israeli soldiers seen at a staging area near the Israeli border with Lebanon, September 27, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90

In conclusion, we are really facing dramatic and exciting times, and Israel really has no choice but to eliminate the terror and missile threat in the south and north once and for all, or at least drastically reduce it.

It is possible that Iran itself will again attack Israel, but not inevitable. Israel knows that war can break out. The bigger problem is the West, which wants to prevent Israel from continuing in this manner, and threatens with an arms embargo. Even if the West does not agree with Israel’s war on terror and Iran, it should at least not prevent Israel from destroying the terrorist militias. After all, that is in the interests of all people who want to live in freedom. But if you can’t choose between Israel and Hezbollah, you can’t choose between a blessing and a curse. Netzach Israel lo Yeschaker – The eternity of Israel does not lie!

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