Saifuddin Nasution is confident about the credibility of PDRM in the GISBH investigation


PUTRAJAYA – Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has expressed confidence in the efficiency and credibility of the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) to conclude the investigation into GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH).

Speaking today at the monthly meeting of the Ministry of the Interior (KDN), he expressed full support for the enforcement actions carried out by PDRM through Op Global since the beginning of the month.

“Where there is clear evidence of exploitation of women and children, sexual offenses against children or human trafficking, action must be taken and pursued.

“I fully support the actions of the police against GISB. If there are (any) violations under the Criminal Code, they must continue. If there are offenses under the Sexual Offenses Against Children Act, they should be pursued,” he said.

Saifuddin Nasution is optimistic that PDRM would take into account all aspects and conduct an investigation in accordance with four laws, namely the Child Act 2001, the Sexual Offenses Against Children Act 2017, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (Atipsom) Act. 2007 and the Criminal Code.

Op Global, which is being conducted to combat child exploitation activities and alleged doctrines of religious fanaticism associated with GISBH, is now entering its fourth phase.

Since the first phase of Op Global began in early September, more than 300 people, including GISBH senior management, have been arrested, 572 victims have been rescued and eight individuals have been brought to justice on a total of 33 charges.

Saifuddin Nasution said the investigation and enforcement actions in this case were not only carried out by the PDRM, but also involved various agencies, with the participation of 1,226 officials and members from the Ministry of Health, Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission. and the National Registration Department.

Meanwhile, speaking at a press conference after the event, he said that 80 investigative papers have been opened so far, following the arrest of 359 GISBH followers as part of Op Global across the country.

“The police and all relevant agencies will take the necessary time to complete the investigations before submitting them to the AGC (the Attorney General’s Chambers). Whether there will be any prosecution will be determined by the AGC,” he said. — BERNAMA


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The report Saifuddin Nasution had confidence in PDRM’s credibility in GISBH investigation first appeared on The Malaysian Reserve.

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