US Heads Toward Civil War As Red October Begins – Weekly geopolitical news and analysis

The United States is heading toward civil war as Red October begins, multiple intelligence sources say. This war will also affect Israel, Ukraine, Great Britain and Japan And other countries are still controlled by the Khazarian mafia.

Here’s what the CIA white hats had to say about the situation:

When Ukraine falls, it will mean the end of the Deep State. That’s why Trump met Zelensky. To tell Zelensky that end game coming very soon. Don’t be surprised if Zelensky disappears in a few weeks. The State of Israel will finally be taken care of and cease to exist. I was also told that the WH military alliance had staged a coup went to doesn’t look like a coup. CIC Trump has already done that been installing the National Guard in key US cities. In preparation for what will happen during Red October. The military does not expect a presidential election on November 5. There will be another assassination attempt on one of the doppelgängers. This is when the real CIC Trump will emerge. The National Guard and the military alliance will take over kind of Martial law will be declared. EBS will be used to communicate for several days. A civil war will most likely break out. The Deep State won’t know what to do other than fight back. The borders will be closed. The airspace will be closed to stop the Deep State actors still left to escape. The military alliance knows exactly where all the satanic Deep State agents are. They can run, but they can’t hide. There will be deviations because nothing is set in stone. The timeline now changes daily.

We have confirmed that the airspace over Washington DC has already been closed to prevent bad actors from escaping.

In a sign that the Khazarian mafia expects a white hat offensive, what appeared to be the real Hillary Clinton warned on She also makes a Freudian mistake about the need to combat ‘false disinformation’, in other words – according to logical analysis – truth. She then referred to the “crazy story that I was running a child trafficking operation….”

This writer has posted videos of herself torturing a 10-year-old girl to death. Of the twelve New York City police officers who saw the video, nine were killed attempting to suppress it.

Even more interesting is how she says, “In October something will happen like it always does.” High-level sources in various intelligence agencies agree that we are stuck in this some kind of repetitive time loop. The white hats launch an offensive in the autumn, the dark hats strike back in the winter, there is a stalemate until the summer and then a new autumn offensive follows.

However, there are indications that the loop has been broken this time and that a breakthrough is on the way.

Israeli for example Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu went to the annual UN meeting of heads of state to deliver his usual tirade against Iran. But this time he brought it to an empty room. Mossad sources also said that it was a “fat double” this year, and not Netanyahu himself, who appeared.

Not only that, Italian P3 Masonic and Mossad sources say Netanyahu was rushed to Tel Aviv’s Souraski Hospital after his plane from the United States was hit by two Yemeni Houthi missiles while landing at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. Hospital sources subsequently confirmed that he had been declared clinically dead.

Further evidence came when Netanyahu failed to appear at a press conference to boast about the bombings that took out much of Hezbollah’s leadership. “He released a pre-recorded video. Are we facing an artificial intelligence intervention?” asked a P3 source.

Mossad sources said: “First, the real Netanyahu was taken out, as we know. The clone/avatar in New York at the UN General Assembly was fake. Just like the fat man gives orders from his hotel room…. A photo on…Yes, Netanyahu, the avatar was injured by a Houthi ballistic missile upon his return from New York, at Tel Aviv airport. This could be how they will begin phasing in the release of his death. The whole thing is a stage. We’re watching a movie.”

The British MI6 and the Rothschilds also contacted us with market advice and said we have to do it now

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