The Morning Report 9/30/24

Good Morning Kids. So Israel continues a massive and far-reaching counterstroke that for sure is both in part a response to the barbaric Hamas invasion from Gaza almost one year ago, and also as a preemptive strike against Hezbollah that likely was planning some sort of operation against Israel as that anniversary loomed. I’m no expert on Islam, although everything I need t o know about it I learned in Munich ’72 and NYC on 9/11/01, as well as Beirut 1983. For those wholly unaware, Hassan Nasrallah who Israel vaporized was responsible for the planning of that attack that wiped out nearly 300 US Marines. Though his body count over the years is considerably higher.  But here’s what you got from the AP:

The Associated Press previewed the likely death of Hezbollah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah with a lengthy biographical article that rivaled The Washington Post — which famously referred to Al Qaeda terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an “austere religious scholar — in its effort to frame the Islamic extremist in a positive light. The original headline was posted on Friday, and it read, “Charismatic and shrewd: A look at longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.” But Saturday morning, the headline had already been edited to read simply, “Who is longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah?”

It should be noted that the “religion” in question seeks to annihilate the State of Israel and every single Jew on the planet, on its way to enslaving everyone else left standing. Something it has been preaching and practicing the world over for about 1,500 years now.

Speaking of an evil force that seeks to cut out the tongues and blot out the eyes of anyone and everyone who stand in their way of creating their own version of paradise on earth.  I give you none other than loping, lying heiress-boffer John Kerry:

Viscerally repulsive Deep State goon John Kerry took a break from his main job of promoting Climate Change™ terror porn to tend to another pet project of his and his ilk: decrying the right to free speech at, appropriately — you’ll be shocked to learn — the World Economic Forum.   He goes on to cite this election as a deciding factor in whether the government will ever be able to snuff out free speech in America once and for all.

This proclamation. And that is exactly what it was, not merely a musing or a what-if. As we all know all too well the Leftist/globalists are well on the way to ending freedom of expression here and in what’s left of the west via a governmental/corporatist axis of evil that will crush anyone who dares blaspheme their false gods and shibboleths. How positively Islamic, no?  And just the other week, Kerry’s predecessor emitted this flatus:

It’s 2016 all over again! Eight years later, having learned nothing from the epic public humiliation she suffered when her fact-free Russiagate hoax collapsed into itself with the Mueller Report, Rachel Maddow is still asserting “election interference.” Hillary Clinton is eager to assist her in her Red Scare propaganda efforts.Ironically, Hillary is now demanding criminal prosecutions for her opponents’ alleged propaganda — and not just foreign state actors, but explicitly “Americans,” presumably private citizens who post loosely defined “misinformation” on social media.

Funny how neither Donald Trump, nor a grandmother silently praying in front of an abortion mill are not considered austere religious scholars, but mortal dangers to our precious democracy. Ditto, a parent who refuses to hand over his child to have its genitals sawn off in the name of, what exactly?!

Have a good day.


  • The next time they try to do this to us, I hope not one of us will be in line to comply. Our loved ones died over Zoom calls while Covid experts had drug-fueled sex parties
  • Viscerally repulsive Deep State goon John Kerry took a break from his main job of promoting Climate Change™ terror porn to another pet project of his and his ilk: decrying the right to free speech at, appropriately — you’ll be shocked to learn — the World Economic Forum.  WATCH: John Kerry at WEF Literally Calls For End of First Amendment Speech Rights
  • The classic leftist view not only makes violence endemic to society; it makes violence acceptable when wielded in pursuit of what the left sees as the inevitable revolution. Marxist rhetoric reflects this acceptance. As Mao Zedong said, “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”  The godfather of the American left’s professional provocateurs, Saul Alinsky, in his 1971 book Rules for Radicals, summarizes Lenin’s approach to violence when the Bolsheviks still lacked the means to carry it out: “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.”  Trump Assassination Attempts Are The Logical Result Of The Left’s Marxist ‘Oppression’ Narrative
  • Chambers said the weapons were “of possible Iranian origin” and that his group received the information through “two separate reporting streams” on Sunday evening, September 22. One of the reports allegedly came from a confidential informant in New Mexico who has been able to infiltrate “nefarious networks” on the border. Report: Nine Surface to Air Missiles Have Entered the U.S. Through New Mexico Border; Target is Trump’s Plane


  • Terrorist group Hamas said an Israeli strike killed its leader in Lebanon on Monday, while another “Palestinian” terrorist group said three of its leaders were killed in a strike on Beirut, the first attack within the city limits. Israeli strikes kill Hamas leader in Lebanon and three “Palestinian” leaders in Beirut
  • IDF: “The targets included power plants and a seaport used to import oil, which were used by the Houthi terrorist regime to transfer Iranian weapons to the region, in addition to military supplies and oil.” 
    Israeli Airstrikes Hit Houthi Terror Stronghold in Yemen
  • Robert Spencer: The killing of Hassan Nasrallah and the entire Hizballah high command, followed almost immediately by the killing of Nasrallah’s designated successor Hassan Khalil Yassin, could mean the end of Hizballah as a force to be reckoned with in Lebanon. Nasrallah’s death also strikes a serious blow to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s decades-long effort to gain hegemony over the entire Middle East.
    The Decline and Fall of the Iranian Empire
  • Robert Spencer Parat Deux: The evil he did will live after him.
    Hassan Nasrallah: ‘Our Hostility to the Great Satan is Absolute’
  • The Israel Hayom: “IDF eliminated Nabil Qaouk, a high-ranking Hezbollah official and deputy to the organization’s designated secretary-general.” 
    After Eliminating Nasrallah, Israel Hunting For Remainder of Hezbollah’s Leadership
  • This is an enormous victory. It’s a signal that not just Israel, but perhaps there is hope for Western civilization in the face of these monsters, in the face of these people who want to rejoice over our demise.
    Israel’s and Our Victory – Hassan Nasrallah will not be rejoicing over us (Psalm 30)
  • For more than 20 years, Hassan Nasrallah avoided Israel’s attempt to kill him. During that time, he rose in stature to become one of the most admired Arabs in the Middle East. He was not a statesman or peacemaker. He was a fanatical Shiite terrorist who felt nothing about killing women, children, and other innocents. His legacy will be more killing. And for that, any civilized person should condemn him.  
    Who Was Hassan Nasrallah and Why Is His Death so Significant?
  • Pathetic. (Let’s poll the relatives of the Marines killed in Beirut in ’83 – jjs)
    Report: Biden Feels Netanyahu ‘Humiliated’ the Junta With Attacks on Hezbollah
  • ‘If you strike us we will strike you,’ Israeli PM says in ‘message for the tyrants of Tehran’
    Bibi Puts Tehran on Notice in Fiery UN Speech: ‘There is No Place in Iran That the Long Arm of Israel Cannot Reach’
  • “What hypocrisy, what a double standard, what a joke.”
    ‘We Are Winning’: Netanyahu Slams UN As ‘House Of Darkness’ In Scathing Speech
  • Spielman responded, “Israel carried out this attack because, as we’ve said from the beginning, Hezbollah is what stands in the way of Israeli civilians moving north and peace in the entire northern part of the country. Israel clearly felt that Nasrallah is a major target. … We work very closely with the United States. They’re our greatest ally, but Israel, at the end of the day, has independence to try to fulfill its military objectives in order to protect its own people.”
    IDF on U.S. Ceasefire Calls: Hezbollah Attacked Us for a Year and ‘No One Talked About a Ceasefire’ Until We Fought Back
  • Why didn’t we do this?
    Daniel Greenfield: In Six Weeks, Israel Has Eliminated As Many Wanted Terrorists as the US Has Done in the Last 20 Years
  • Exactly what’s next in the coming weeks and months is profoundly uncertain, but at least the nonsense that has animated Biden-Harris policy toward the Middle East stands exposed as the poppycock it’s always been.
    The IDF is exposing all the delusions that drive Biden-Harris Mideast policy

* * * * *

  • “Palestinian” gunmen in the Gaza Strip shot and killed an aid worker from a US based charity, firing on her car in what Hamas officials claimed was a case of mistaken identity. Other unverified reports, meanwhile, said that she was murdered by Hamas gunmen for refusing to turn over aid funds to the terror group. The car in which Islam Hejazy, Gaza program manager at HEAL Palestine, was traveling was intercepted yesterday in the area of Khan Younis in the south of the enclave. Hamas Gunmen Murder Aid Worker from American Charity in Gaza
  • ‘It is not only despicable but illegal for any person or group to provide support to terrorists,’ says Brenna Bird Republican Attorneys General Back Lawsuit Charging Americans for Muslims in Palestine With Supporting Hamas
  • The outlet was shamed into editing its headline within hours. AP Hits New Low With ‘Charismatic And Shrewd’ Description Of Dead Hezbollah Terrorist
  • Ta-Nehisi Coates’s ramblings on Israel are confused and insubstantial. Signifying Nothing
  • For the radical Left, the “Palestinian” is the last natural savage—innocent even when killing and slaughtering. A “Palestine” of the Mind


  • “Two injured children are in critical condition.” Syrian Muslim Injures 31 in Arson, Machete Rampage in Germany


  • The incident occurred Monday when an Airbnb host gave ballot chasers with Citizens Alliance’s PA CHASE program, a pro-Trump operation that knocks on 500,000 doors across the Keystone state, an hour’s notice to vacate the premises of the Philadelphia Airbnb.Exclusive: Airbnb Host Evicts Pro-Trump Ballot Chasers in Philadelphia
  • And I’ll just be very honest, I cannot stand the son of a bitch.” “We’re not going to accord this rotten mothafucka one iota of humanity or respect ‘Rotten Mothaf*cka’: James Carville Says Trump’s Not Fully ‘Human’ Less Than 2 Weeks After Assassination Attempt
  • “Specifically, Braddock threatened, in part, to ‘call up my Russian-Ukrainian hit squad’ and make Victim 1 (Luna) disappear. After making the threats, Braddock left the United States and was later found to be residing in the Philippines.” FL Rep. Luna’s 2022 Primary Challenger Charged ‘With Threatening to Kill Her’
  • State agencies led by Walz routinely say, ‘The land we are living and working on is stolen land from our Native American relatives’ For Tim Walz’s Minnesota Homelessness Council, Work Starts With Acknowledgment of ‘Stolen Land’
  • And to stock up 3-4 months supply of food and water . . . and pray. Video: FBI Whistleblower Urges Americans to Vote and Arm Themselves 


  • Kurt Schlichter: Shouldn’t two assassination attempts in the space of a couple of months be a big deal? Oh Yeah, They Tried to Kill the President … I Forgot About That


  • Victoria (Tori) Verber Salazar, one of the introductory speakers at Kamala Harris’s border event in Arizona on Friday night, is a former California District Attorney who was ousted by voters after a tenure of failure. In 2022, Verber Salazar was rebuked by dozens of local attorneys in her own office in San Joaquin County, who declared they had “no confidence in their boss, DA Tori Verber Salazar, to effectively manage prosecutions.” She lost a re-election bid just two months later. REVEALED: Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers.
  • The revelation came in a letter sent to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Patrick Lechleitner. The data disclosed by the agency showed that as of July 2024, there are 425,431 noncitizens convicted of criminal offenses, many of them serious, and 222,141 noncitizens with pending criminal charges who are currently not in ICE custody.Report: 647,000 Noncitizens Convicted Or Suspected Of Homicide, Other Crimes Are Not In ICE Custody
  • “This did not happen four years ago under President Trump. All they (Biden-Harris) had to do was to keep in place the policies that Trump put into place that led to a secure border.”EXCLUSIVE: American Voters Won’t Be Fooled by Kamala’s Border Visit, Says Texas Governor
  • Feeley said the real numbers are probably “double” what was released by ICE. There are currently over 662,566 non-citizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes both those detained and not detained, according to a letter delivered Wednesday to Republican Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales. ‘Total Failure’: Shocking Data On Criminal Migrants In US Highlight Harris’ Border Hypocrisy, Former ICE Official Says
  • Gerber Luis Sanchez-Centeno entered the U.S. illegally in June and was placed in a GPS monitoring program but absconded in August. Illegal immigrant arrested for murdering 18-year-old girlfriend in Maryland after he was released by border agents
  • The London Telegraph reports that the Labour Party intentionally “threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a ‘truly multicultural’ country.” Obviously, Labour feels the British culture is inferior and must be eradicated. America’s Democrats are no different. They hate their country so much they want to fundamentally transform it. The Democrats’ Joy Of Hating America
  • Those who flew from these 73 countries didn’t need a helping hand. Instead, a cadre of sneaky, dishonest anti-borders activists in the Biden-Harris junta are helping allied nonprofit migration advocates make a mint on all these incoming foreign nationals, who will show up asking for public assistance even with bank accounts from working abroad. Biden And Harris Fly Migrants In From The Bougiest Places On Earth Under Guise Of ‘Humanitarianism’
  • An Ohio police chief says his access to Springfield’s police radio frequency was cut off after the beleaguered city became a political lightening rod over its Haitian immigrant crisis.
    Springfield Has Cut Police Radio Access As City Descends into ‘Absolute Turmoil,’ Says Police Chief of Nearby Town


  • In that August letter, Jordan called for Nellis to sit down for a deposition and also sign a sworn affidavit saying that the firm has had no communication with Judge Merchan. Nellis has since called Jordan’s investigation “absurd and completely false.”
    EXCLUSIVE: Jim Jordan Sends Final Warning To Trump Judge’s Daughter With Ties To Kamala Before Contempt Proceedings


  • The Lamar Advertising Company rejected a billboard design from Catholics for Catholics that contained a prayer for Donald Trump. Advertising Company Axes Catholic Group’s Pro-Trump Billboard Display
  • Newsom signed AB 2655, the Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception Act of 2024, last week. He also signed AB 2839, the Protecting Democracy against Election Disinformation and Deepfakes Act. The bills would allow Californians to sue creators and platforms for making or hosting “materially deceptive” election content on the internet.
    Gavin Newsom’s Latest ‘Unconstitutional’ Gambit Could Deal Deathblow To Political Comedy, Experts Say
  • “I don’t think it (censorship) turns around if Kamala Harris gets into office. I think they clamp down more.”
    Joe Rogan Warns Harris and Walz Would be Awful for Free Speech
  • Williams’ deal with Amazon represents his first time back at an anchor desk since leaving NBC in 2021, according to Puck News. The returning news anchor’s suspension from NBC followed Williams making a false claim in 2015 that a military helicopter he was traveling in during his coverage of the war in Iraq was forced to land after being hit by a rocket, a story the pilots of the helicopter later said was false, according to PBS News.
    Amazon Choses TV Anchor With Well-Documented History Of Falsehoods To Head Election Night Coverage 
  • Bump is ready to quickly move on from any issue that could be a problem for the political party he’s trying to help win this election.
    Washington Post’s Incurious Philip Bump (on a log) Says The Media Should Just Give Kamala The ‘Benefit Of The Doubt’
  • On Friday, Fran Lebowitz appeared on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher where she advocated for (so-called quote-unquote) President Joe Biden to “dissolve the Supreme Court” — in effect, allowing the executive branch to seize control of the judicial branch, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.
    Toxoplasmosis Poster-Corpse Author Fran Lebowitz Tells Bill Maher: ‘Biden Should Dissolve the Supreme Court’
  • Miranda Devine: With damning facts piling up about Harris’ woeful record, the Dems’ only escape route is to censor bad news about the border, the economy and other failures of the Biden-Harris junta and try to bury Harris’ history of radical pronouncements which put the lie to her new fake persona as a moderate. This is why you have heard two former secretaries of state, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, bemoaning the existence of the First Amendment in recent days, using similar language about the need to “break the fever” of disinformation by electing Harris. 
    Dems can only escape Kamala Harris’ woeful record by censoring bad news of junta’s failures


  • The so-called core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, which excludes food and energy prices, rose 0.1 percent from July, the Bureau of Economic Analysis said Friday. That was in-line with expectations and below the 0.2 percent increase in the prior month. Core Inflation Ticks Up To 2.7%, Stuck At High Level Since May
  • Well, it should come as no surprise that in the final weeks of the presidential campaign we’re being gaslit about which candidate voters trust more on the economy. Kamala ‘Closes Gap’ With Trump on Economy… Oh, and Pigs Are Flying
  • If workers walk off Tuesday, it could cause economic turmoil and upend the presidential election. Here’s Everything You Need To Know About A Potential Dockworkers Strike
  • Despite all existing data exposing Harris as an economic disaster, more than 400 economists are turning to misinformation to hurt Trump. Woke Economists’ Kamala Endorsement Prioritizes Ideology Over Reality


  • “There are people in prison for demanding an end to new oil and gas. Something which is now government policy after sustained, disruptive actions, countless, headlines, and the resulting political pressure.” ‘Just Stop Oil’ agitators vandalize van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ painting just hours after other activists sentenced
  • Daniel Greenfield: It’s the middle of a summer heat wave and suddenly your air conditioning turns off. The Government is Coming for Your Thermostat
  • League of Conservation Voters Chair Carol Browner on advisory board of federal grant selectee Biden-Harris junta Gives $55 Million to Green Energy Company Linked to Pro-Kamala Ad Campaign
  • The latest news from Biden-Harris might not quite fit the booby trap label because whether the next president is Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, somebody is going to have to pay for Biden’s malign neglect of this country’s oil and gas production leases.  (The difference is that a Trump administration will take the blame for Biden’s actions but a Harris administration won’t mind — and the press will cheer her along because she’s saving the environment or whatever.) Biden-Harris Set Another Booby Trap for Trump 47 But It Will Hit You Right in the Wallet
  • There can be little doubt the ranks of the myriad green extremist groups are swollen by students, but the Generation-Z cohort is the least likely to do their recycling, suggesting something of a gap between happiness to virtue signal and willingness to make change in their own lives. Words, Not Deeds! Climate Radical Gen-Z Actually Worst at Recycling, Study Finds


  • The new Wild West: 30,000 barrels of liquid gold have been stolen since 2022. Illegal Immigration Fueling Oil Theft in Permian Basin
  • Eye-watering child abuse lawsuit payouts are making the foster-care system uninsurable.Justice at Any Cost?


  • A video posted on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) shows Kennedy describing Redfield’s support as “breathtaking.” Kennedy mentions that a recent lunch with Redfield was their first meeting. Redfield reportedly began the meeting by affirming Kennedy’s viewpoints, saying, “You got everything right.” Ex-CDC Chief Tells RFK: ‘You Got Everything Right.’
  • Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims he considered ordering an “aquatic raid” against the European Union (EU) to seize coronavirus vaccines impounded in the Netherlands. Five million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine were held up by the EU and Britain’s NATO allies in 2020. EU officials claimed that the pharmaceutical corporation had to meet its obligations to the bloc before exporting vaccines to Britain.“I was angry enough to ­contemplate this clandestine operation because after two months of futile negotiation, I had come to the conclusion that the EU was treating us with malice and with spite… we were vaccinating our population much faster than they were, and the European electorate had long since noticed,” Johnson argues in his latest memoir, Unleashed. Boris Johnson Admits He Considered Invading an EU Nation For This Wacky COVID Reason.


  • The 82-year-old (so-called quote-unquote) president, who has largely been shuffled off to the side by his own party after being replaced on the Democratic ticket by his own vice president, went on an angry tirade against the Second Amendment Thursday, ranting that the law as originally written didn’t include the private ownership of cannons. (Side note: it did, actually, which is a fact that’s been reiterated every time Biden has repeated this lie, but apparently hasn’t stuck in the mothball-ridden attic that is his cranium.) Biden Goes OFF on Gun Rights, Lies About Cannons, and Butchers a Jefferson Quote – In About 20 Seconds
  • Daily Caller: “All five of the people sitting on the organization’s board of directors, which includes Hoffman, are either Democrats or have a history of making liberal statements.”Report: ‘Police Leaders’ Group Hailed by Harris Campaign is New, Run by Anti-Gun Democrats


  • Red-state tax dollars should not fund hostile institutions. It’s Time for the GOP to Play Hardball With Public Universities


  • Mexico-based drug cartels facilitating an increase in unauthorized, self-conducted abortions in the United States continue unimpeded partly due to insufficient regulation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Postal Service (USPS), according to a report by the American Life League (ALL).Katie Brown, ALL’s national director, criticizes the FDA and USPS for failing to adequately regulate the distribution and screening of abortion-inducing drugs like Mifepristone and Misoprostol. “It’s clear that the FDA has dropped the ball on this. As the government agency charged with oversight of drugs coming into this country, they have failed. And where is the USPS? The post office is supposed to screen packages for illegal items, yet black-market abortion drugs are being mailed into every state,” she argues. REPORT: FDA & U.S. Postal Service Linked to Black Market Abortion Pill Cartels.
  • ‘Trump will sign a national abortion ban,’ we keep hearing. But just look at the extremism of the opposition’s position. What Harris and Walz Really Think about Abortion

THE 2020 AND 2022 ELECTION HEISTS & AFTERMATH— Plus Anticipated 2024 Shenanigans

  • The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project and the guerilla journalists at Muckraker have teamed up to unearth a little scheme down in Arizona — registering illegal aliens to vote. And shocker, I wonder which political party those new “voters” might be supporting? I’ll give you one guess, and I bet you’ll get it right. Is This How Democrats Are Hoping to Steal Arizona in November?
  • On Friday, the same day that Kamala Harris had her photo op at the southern border, where she pretended to take the issue of border security seriously, the Biden-Harris Justice Department announced that it is suing the state of Alabama for its efforts to remove illegal immigrants from its voter rolls. After Kamala’s Border Visit, Biden-Harris Junta Sues to Keep Illegals on Voter Rolls
  • Despite Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s claims, the state of Virginia has failed to give voters a voice in voting reform. Youngkin’s Election Reform Failure


  • Tiffany Henyard, the Democrat mayor of the Village of Dolton and the supervisor of Thornton Township, argued with her board’s attorney and accused the trustees of attacking her for bringing up her spending habits, video from the meeting shows: Cops Called to Illinois Democrat Mayor Tiffany Henyard’s Out-of-Control Board Meeting
  • (so-called quote-unquote) President Joe Biden is admitting to delegating much of his domestic and foreign policy to Vice President Kamala Harris amid ongoing concerns about the 81-year-old’s fitness for public office. The octogenarian Democrat praised Harris in an interview on The View earlier this week, stating that she was involved in all aspects of his decision-making.“As vice president, there wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do, and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy,” Biden said, seemingly acknowledging that Harris implemented much of his government’s deeply unpopular agenda. ICYMI: Biden Admits Delegating Both Domestic AND Foreign Policy to Kamala.
  • “Oh cool, VP candidate flipping off fans at a game 40 days out from a pivotal election,” one person wrote in a post on X. “These are not serious people.” WATCH: Tim Walz Flips Off Michiganders Yelling ‘Trump 2024, Baby’ at Him During Michigan-Minnesota Game


  • Democrats have consistently characterized former President Donald Trump as a “threat to our democracy,” but a New York Times/Siena College poll released Monday finds Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris tied at 47% among voters in key swing states — Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina — on who they trust to handle democracy. Carville, on Politico’s “Playbook Deep Dive” podcast, said Democrats should focus solely on winning rather than being “inclusive.”  James Carville Says Dems Should Run Autocratic Campaigns If They ‘Want A Democracy After The Election’
  • NBC National Political reporter Steve Kornacki stated Sunday that the Democrat Party’s grip on the Hispanic vote, a once stronghold for the party, has slipped by double digits over the past 12 years. Steve Kornacki Drops Bombshell As Dems’ Hold On Key Voting Bloc Crumbles
  • Although Nevada has consistently voted blue since 2008, the race between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is tightening in the swing state, which could prove damaging for the Harris campaign. Although Nevada’s electoral weight is smaller compared to other battlegrounds, the Silver State’s unique economy and demographic makeup could be a deciding factor for which candidate takes the White House, experts told the DCNF.Battleground State With Few Electors May Punch Above Its Weight, Deliver ‘Big Blow’ To Harris Come November
  • The 2024 race swings precariously back to Trump in the South. Trump Ripens in the Sun Belt
  • Robinson suffered second-degree burns during his appearance at the Mayberry Truck Show in Mount Airy, campaign spokesperson Mike Lonergan revealed in a statement, according to the AP.
    North Carolina Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Robinson Hospitalized After ‘Incident’ At Truck Show
  • REVIEW: ‘Rust Belt Union Blues: Why Working-Class Voters Are Turning Away From the Democrat Party’ and ‘Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame, and the Rise of the Right’
    The Decline of the Rust Belt and the Loss of Community
  • Speaking with donors at a fundraiser last Wednesday attended by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Slotkin said she is “not feeling my best right now about where we are on Kamala Harris in a place like Michigan,” a swing state that Trump won in 2016 before losing to Joe Biden in 2020.
    Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin: Kamala Harris ‘Underwater’ in Michigan


  • Victor Davis Hanson: Why does the Biden-Harris junta deify Zelensky and Ukraine but demonize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel? Our Ukrainian War Narrative—Paradoxes, Obsessions, and Disconnects
  • “I think the fact that we’re even together today is a very good sign.” Trump Meets With Zelensky After Leaders Trade Digs Over Plan To End War
  • KYIV, Ukraine (AP) – More than 100 Ukrainian drones were shot down over Russia Sunday, officials said, sparking a wildfire and setting an apartment block alight in one of the largest barrages seen over Russian skies since Moscow invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Ukrainian Drone Assault Sparks Wildfires in Russia, Officials Say
  • The meeting occurred on the same day as Biden announced $8 million more in aid to Ukraine. Harris Describes Peace Plans as ‘Proposals for Surrender’ In Zelensky Meeting


  • The attack came after Israel terminated the leader of Hezbollah. Iranian-Backed Terrorists Fire Dozens Of Missiles, Drones At U.S. Navy: ‘An Act Of War’
  • You believe you’ve done a good deed for God and country, only to discover you are now the target of state prosecutors.  Instead of thanking you, arresting and deporting the migrant, the government apparently lets him loose in Britain and then sends you a 3,000-pound fine for all of your work and civic engagement.
    UK Couple Discover Migrant in Back of Their Van, Report to Police, Get Fined £3,000
  • Moscow’s psyops are an element of warfare.
    Russia’s Propaganda War Damages The American Economy, National Security, And Public Health


  • Documents obtained from Air Force after lawsuit to force their release show reduction in White Male officer ranks dates from early in Biden/Harris Junta New Documents Detail Air Force’s Plan to Cut Number of White Male Officers
  • Should Kamala Harris win this November, the left-wing reimagining of the U.S. military and the consequences it will reap will get much worse. America’s Military Can’t Endure Another Four Years Of Democrat Rule
  • Fairfax authorities, including the police and fire departments, are using drones manufactured by DJI, a Chinese firm that controls around 80 percent of the U.S. commercial drone market and that the American government deems a spy risk, according to an investigation by the House Select Committee on China. The federal government sanctioned DJI in 2021 for its surveillance partnership with the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang, where an estimated one million Uyghurs are held in detention camps and subject to forced labor. ‘Data Security Risk’: In Northern Virginia, Drones From Sanctioned Chinese Company Fly Near National Security Sites, Sparking Bipartisan Concern
  • The Navy is dysfunctional. Is there anything that can be done about it? And when? Oiler Debacle Shows How the Navy Is Running Aground


  • Sure, they’ve gone through the bureaucratic motions of FEMA funds and staff-written statements, but their hearts manifestly aren’t in it. Kamala and Joe are pretty much ignoring the disaster in Asheville, NC
  • A homeowner in in Healdsburg, California is suing the city, arguing that its so-called “inclusionary zoning” fee for new construction is is both extortionary and unconstitutional. Jessica Pilling and her husband wanted to build a new family home with an accessory dwelling unit on a portion of their property. After subdividing their property, they applied for construction permits, only to be hit with a $20,000 inclusionary zoning fee on top of the usual permitting costs.   California Family Sues City Over $20,000 ‘Extortionary Zoning’ Fee


  • A former sanitation manager at the firm’s Virginia plant claims he was fired after he warned about lax health and safety standards. Death Toll from Boar’s Head Listeria Outbreak Hits 10


  • Starliner crew members Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were very happy to see a successful launch. SpaceX Launches Rescue Mission for Two Boeing Starliner Astronauts
  • While most news stories will focus on the rescue aspect of this mission, its crew reduced by two so that the two astronauts launched in June on Boeing’s Starliner capsule can come home on it in February, the real news story is that with this launch the United States set a new record for the number of launches in a single year. SpaceX launches two astronauts to ISS, setting new annual launch record for the U.S.
  • From this data the scientists believe the water was likely placed there by the “recent delivery by comets or the solar wind, rather than as a paleo-reservoir from an early volcanic atmosphere.” If so, the amount of material can be reasonably predicted, and is likely less than hoped for because it only exists in the top two meters. Scientists locate lunar impact crater produced by LCROSS in 2009


  • The family claims they followed the hospital’s advice to “support her in her identity,” by letting her wear breast binders and chop off her hair if she wanted to. But that wasn’t enough. Swiss Court Rips Child Away From Parents for Refusing Puberty Blockers
  • “The safety of Idaho’s female athletes is paramount to the appeasement of a woke agenda,” said Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID). (Boise to change name to GIRLSIE? – JJS) Boise State Women’s Volleyball Forfeits Game To Protect Players From Trans Opponent: Report
  • The Biden-Harris JUNTA has agreed to pay $210,000 in attorneys’ fees and other costs to resolve a lawsuit following an attempt to force Christian employers to violate their beliefs regarding funding or performing transgender surgeries. Filed in October 2021, the plaintiffs in Christian Employers Alliance v. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission allege the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) misinterpreted and enforced Title VII discrimination rules in a way that compelled religious employers to pay for and offer health insurance coverage for transgender surgeries and procedures against their beliefs.Additionally, the Christian Employers Alliance (CEA) lawsuit challenged the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) redefinition of “sex” in federal law to include gender identity, forcing religious healthcare providers receiving federal funds to perform or assist in these procedures. Biden-Harris JUNTA Pays Out YOUR Money After Trying to Force Christians to Fund Trans Surgeries.


  • According to The College Fix, two faculty members at Arizona State University are angry about “white ownership” of Shakespeare, who incidentally was white. And even if you subscribe to the idea that Christopher Marlowe wrote some of Shakespeare’s plays, it is worth noting that Marlowe was also white. Weekend Parting Shot: Shakespeare So White and Stupid Cruise Ship Tricks
  • As people who base how they think and act on common sense, reason and logic, when we “boycott” a company for “woke” policies or positions we don’t agree with, we’re not saying that company should cease to exist. We’re just saying that we’re not going to contribute our hard earned dollars to people that are diametrically opposed to the things we believe in while shaming us for not thinking like them. “That’s not cancel culture, it’s capitalism.”New Report Exposes Toyota’s Dedication to DEI & LGBTQ+ Activism
  • Christian Toto: ‘Veep’ alum makes shocking confession before doubling down on hypocrisyJulia Louis-Dreyfus Steps on Huge Rake in MSNSDAP Appearance


  • “Officials say that a sprinkler in the plant malfunctioned, causing water to make contact with a reactive chemical. That resulted in a small fire on the roof of the plant and a large plume.” Georgia BioLab Fire Blocks I-20, Prompts Evacuations
  • Sabin Howard’s A Soldier’s Journey brings a cinematic approach to the Great War—and defies the arrogance of Washington’s cultural elites.
    A Stirring Monument to America’s Warriors

FINALLY . . . 

  • “Thank you for loving him all these many years, and when you see a rainbow, know he’s smiling down at us all,” his family said. Legendary Performer Kris Kristofferson Dead At 88

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

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