PSYOP-19, Illegals and NWO Globohomo Hurricanes

The destruction of America from within is now in its final stages, with the Cloward-Piven 2.0 strategy accelerating directly into the United Nations’ dystopian transhumanist 2030 Agenda and the World Economic Forum’s technocratic horror show Great Reset.

Last week, our darkest fears were confirmed when ICE grossly underreported the illegal invaders, criminals, rapists and terror cells the ‘Biden’ administration was deliberately allowing into the country…

…and now we witness the complete inversion of reality as perpetrated by the cackling prostitute doll:

What this radical Marxist Democratic nominee admits in the video above is that if the election is stolen again, she, on behalf of her handlers at the Intelligence Industrial Complex, will grant citizenship to millions upon millions of illegal citizens, further pushing more and more American cities will turn into third world slums overrun by pet-devouring Haitians and various South American gangs that have already gained significant footholds in several left-wing cities; in other words, they want these hordes of criminal occupiers to entrench themselves in all cities, especially the red ones, for maximum social unrest and even full-scale civil war.

And to bring into sharper focus the democide program currently underway, we must consider the PSYOP-19 scam as the gateway operation that paved the way for the acceleration currently being wrought: the increasing destruction of Americans that began the economic and social crisis. the damaging effects of the fraudulent mandates, the ongoing military-level fear programs of MSM mass formation, and the “free” payload of slow-kill bioweapon “vaccines” that are increasingly wreaking havoc on mortality rates and overall health – as the South border was opened further, just as the world was deliberately distracted by the introduction of the gain-of-function virus…

Lest we forget, with millions of Americans classified as “food insecure,” many of these illegals receive upwards of $10,000 a month in various illegal benefits.

It is crucial to realize that although Harris is now parroting Trump’s border policies, her main goal as “border czarina” was to ensure that there would always be an increasing flow of illegals into the country; in other words, Harris is a traitor and as such a criminal who should be prosecuted along with the rest of “Biden’s” administration.

But it’s getting worse, much worse, because all these illegals are being imported not only to destroy what’s left of America, but also to guarantee that only the Democrats will ever be ‘voted’ into power, ensuring that this communist takeover will last forever. ; with “Biden’s” DOJ aiding and abetting their unprecedented litigation:

Or as PSYOP MUSK so aptly stated:

As this Substack has been writing for years, the illegitimate federal government is waging an all-out war on behalf of the NWO globohomo against We the People from the alien nation of Washington, DC, and illegal immigration is just one of their most destructive weapons:

Could geoengineering be another crucial part of this war against America and its people?

Further erosion of the food supply will put even more pressure on Americans, while the private central bank fuels ever-increasing inflation through wasteful money printing. social engineering scam of “income” taxes that guarantee the eradication of the dwindling middle class as said stolen money is continually funneled through taxes into black-ops money laundering schemes abroad in plain sight; to know:

Help for Americans?


And here we have another very disturbing “coincidence” that coincides perfectly with one of the most serious hurricanes in recent history to rip through America…


…which provides the perfect opportunity for criminal illegal immigrants to plunder these disaster areas.

The “President” was installed precisely because he was a demented pedophile, and if anyone still believes that FEMA’s role is disaster relief and not Cloward-Piven 2.0 full of re-education camps across America, then here is the publicly stated primary purpose, or Goal 1:


Or why towns like Ashland, NC will continue to be flooded thanks to FEMA while the unabated flow of DEI illegals continues to invade towns with the full support of the various unconstitutional federal government agencies and their NGO partners in crime.

Bringing in equality, “vaccinations” and climate change is what FEMA is all about on the road to takeover all American cities on behalf of their co-conspirators like the UN, who also happen to be in the business of “bringing in” global “justice”; more like fueling global post-human neo-feudalism, or genetically modified human slavery.

While he hasn’t made all the connections publicly, President Trump has certainly emphasized the more obvious points:


If the election isn’t stolen for the second time in a row, will Mr. Operation Warp Speed’s promises to deport all the criminal hordes be as empty as when he promised to lock up Hillary?

While hope is not a viable strategy, let’s hope against hope that the coming election will be fair, and that this next time around Trump will be real. And that he is dead serious about turning the tide of radical Marxism in America, otherwise it will really be over.

We continue to watch the denouement of the politrix Kabuki theater shitshow as the Banana Republic of America simultaneously burns and drowns in hurricane surges and the incessant waves of illegal invaders.

They want you dead.

DO NOT comply.

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