Political Deception – DocuWiki

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Sociopolitical documentary presented by Didier Bezace, published by France Televisions in 2017 – English narration

Image: Political-Deception-Cover.jpg

(edit) Information

— Title of the French series “Intox” — Tells and analyzes big lies that changed the course of history. An illuminating investigation into large-scale disinformation and devious deceptions with serious geopolitical, historical and human consequences. Between an investigation and a forensic analysis. The biggest bluffs in our history. Deceitful politicians can escape scrutiny by claiming that truths are false, falsehoods are true, and that nothing can be proven either way. Deception is a documentary series that tells and analyzes big lies that changed the course of history. Between an investigation and a forensic analysis, each film is presented as a political thriller, deciphering every step of a particular brainwashing operation that had a dramatic historical impact, questioning the motives and strategies of the various parties involved. Elaborate hoaxes that changed the face of the world. Produced by Sunset Presse with CNC, France 5/France Televisions and Al Jazeera Media Network

(edit) Star Wars: Reagan’s Giant Bluff

President Ronal Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars, was a space-based missile defense system aimed at neutralizing the military threat from the Soviet Union. The Kremlin claimed this would provoke certain nuclear war, but Reagan’s military deception ultimately contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It begins as a children’s story, as the universal story of the battle between good and evil. A gigantic farce called Star Wars, which former movie star Ronald Reagan, President of the US, set in motion to overthrow his sworn enemy, the Soviet Union. The US president’s final leadership role was to capitalize on epic staging and setting, and would enshrine Reagan in history.

(edit) The Italian Conspiracy: The Years of Lead

Murders, kidnappings, terrorism… In the middle of the Cold War, a ‘tension strategy’ blocked the way for the communists in a country that was strategically crucial to the United States. Corrupt secret services, rebel soldiers, dirty politicians, the mafia… an investigation into twelve years of manipulation on the Italian peninsula.
What happened in the blood and shadows of the “years of lead”? From the late 1960s to the 1980s, Italy lived to the rhythm of social mobilizations, but also of massacres, murders and kidnappings. A dark era of extremism on both the right and the left, macabre connections and terrible suspicions of complicity with criminals, instigated by certain sectors of the state apparatus (police, secret services) and foreign powers.
From the explosion in Milan’s Piazza Fontana in December 1969 to the massacre at Bologna station in August 1980, including the assassination of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro in May 1978, Italy was hit like nowhere else in Western Europe. A low-intensity civil war and an open wound for Italy, which still struggles to untangle responsibility forty years later.

(edit) Iraq: a true deception

Saddam Hussein’s arsenal of “weapons of mass destruction” was George W. Bush’s main justification for waging war against Iraq in 2003. After invading the country, American leaders acknowledged that they had made a mistake and that the Baghdad tyrant was not had such weapons. an ability. Bush claimed it was a mistake and defended his good faith by denouncing the negligence of his secret services. The power vacuum created by this blunder led directly to the creation of ISIS.
The war in Iraq was decided on the basis of proven lies. It is the result of an unprecedented manipulation of American public opinion, the international press and political personnel on a global scale. This investigation exposes these mystifications, deciphers who created them and reveals why America has thrown itself into a conflict that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and approximately $3 trillion… US officials have also acknowledged that they were ‘wrong’ and that there was no weapons of mass destruction. Bush argued for error… But the truth is more cynical and brutal. The Islamic State is one of the consequences.

(edit) Kill Gaddafi!

How a military campaign in Libya, led for a time by Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama, was in fact part of the strategy for regime change in the Arab-Islamic world that the United States had decided to implement since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Revised the lies that justified the outbreak of hostilities against Mouammar Gaddafi, using misleading arguments to cover up the decision.
A look back at the lies that mobilized public opinion in early 2011 and helped justify the outbreak of hostilities against Muammar Gaddafi. A military campaign that was in reality a link in the strategy for regime change in the Arab-Islamic world, which the United States has decided to implement since the terrorist attacks of September 2001. The elimination of the dictator was then presented as a humanitarian intervention to save the world to save. Libyan people. It thus enabled the West to foment civil war in Libya. The country has been plunged into chaos, becoming the crossroads for cohorts of migrants fleeing to Europe and the lair of a new generation of terrorists.

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(edit) Technical specifications

Video codec: x264 CABAC High@L4
Video bitrate: 2 955 Kbps
Video resolution: 1920×1080
Display aspect ratio: 16:9
Frames per second: 23,976 fps
Audio codec: AAC (LC)
Audio bit rate: 126kb/s VBR 44.1kHz
Audio streams: 2
Audio languages: English
RunTime per part: 53 mins 51 secs – 55 min. 17 sec
Number of parts: 4
Part Size: 1.15GB – 1.19GB
Source: WEBDL
Coded by: DocFreak08

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