Evans’ campaign company ‘in big trouble’ – SKWAWKBOX

Labour’s outgoing general secretary handed over business to his wife to ‘avoid’ conflicts of interest, but according to local media the company is now on the brink of collapse.

Now former Labor General Secretary David Evans

The Campaign Company, founded by former general secretary David Evans – who announced his sudden departure earlier this month just before the Labor conference, without publicly giving a reason – is at risk of being struck off the Companies House register as it has financial administration not kept up to date. The information presented shows that the country is in serious trouble.

According to the most recently filed (2021) accounts, The Campaign Company has a debt burden of approximately £178,000. Evans handed the company over to his wife, party worker Aline Delawa, when he became Starmer’s hand-picked party general secretary, claiming this would avoid any conflict of interest. The company was subsequently awarded at least one contract by Labor.

The company was first threatened with delisting by Companies House in early 2023 and again in February 2024. The 2022 accounts are months overdue.

As general secretary, Evans oversaw a major data breach that saw the loss of members’ data due to a criminal ‘ransomware’ attack on the company to which he had outsourced membership management. His associates’ “Anonyvoter” system, which was used by the party under Evans’ tenure, is seen by many as rigged to manipulate candidate selection and other party votes. The party awarded the contract to Anonyvoter without a competitive bidding process. The then deputy leader of Croydon Council, Alison Butler, has a child with Evans. Croydon Council awarded contracts worth almost £200,000 to Evans’ company over a four-year period. None of these concerns hampered Starmer’s determination to appoint Evans as general secretary.

Most infamously – or it would be, had it not been ignored by the so-called ‘mainstream’ media – Evans and his boss covered up the ‘criminal’ and ‘sadistic’ exploitation and sexual abuse of Muslim victims of domestic violence, by staffer and alleged lover of right-wing member of Starmer’s front bench, Khalid Mahmood. The pair repeatedly ignored a whistleblower’s attempts to prompt them to take action to protect the women. Mahmood, who fired whistleblower Elaina Cohen, did not challenge the evidence of one of the many victims when she testified before the subsequent and successful employment tribunal for wrongful dismissal.

None of this is expected by insiders to pose any obstacle to Starmer’s appointment of Evans to an easy seat in the House of Lords, just as happened with the previous and equally controversial right-wing secretary general, Iain McNicol – assuming the extremely unpopular situation. Starmer has been at number 10 long enough. Rumors of ‘open secrets’ among journalists about to go public and of ‘chaos behind the doors of Downing Street’ have been circulating, although these cannot yet be verified.

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