Sex with the Dalai Lama (video)

Controversy over the Dalai Lama’s innocent ‘boy game’ or the grooming of homosexual children?

Buddhist sex partner or consort tradition for nirvana with the Dalai Lama

This tulkus Pope allows it?
She presses him on how Tibetan monks can abuse their disciples using ‘crazy wisdom‘ as their excuse or theory behind their misconduct.

Although the Dalai Lama doesn’t stick his tongue in a young boy’s mouth for fun, he ends up ridiculing her instead of supporting her and her concerns.

  • What do you think of Rabbi Touch guys? – Excuse me?

    (Are we Westerners too tense, too concerned about something as trivial as sexual exploitation, abuse or homosexual play? There is that worrying moment in the Tibetan film Unmistakable child in which a Tibetan monk caresses the genitals of the child on screen, laughing as if the young boy has no idea how much gay fun he’s about to experience as he grows up as a lama, learning to fear and avoid women while growing closer and closer. older men and maybe even find a nice one pederasty position, not that it is ever discussed in public. What are we, Puritans?)

I Love boys really like it, girls too, tongues soft.

The Dalai Lama has no objection to self-proclaimed Tibetan ‘Living Buddhas’ sexually abusing their white female disciples under the pretext that ‘tantric sex’ is a good way to quickly achieve nirvana or sudden enlightenment…

The Dalai Lama himself tells of an incident when he was asked by a (hot) blonde, white nun to give him (her?) an ’empowerment’ of the third kind, i.e. tantric sex, so that she could reach nirvana fast and furiously. could come. .

And now for a Jedi mind trick. No one believes things like that that I do. Do you believe your lying eyes?
You protect me at the International Criminal Court, right Bushy? – Right, Dolly, and here’s a painting.


Tibetan ‘living Buddhas’, like the abusive leader of a sex cult Chogyam Trungpa (formerly A rinpoche who stripped naked to marry a child from England, as well as his accused rapist son, Master Sakyong Miphamhe left his Shambhala Buddhist heritage to become Pope-King of the Run, who subsequently sexually abused (many nearly brought the organization/cult to financial ruin) and lustful Sogyal Rinpoche have been abusing white Vajrayana Buddhist practitioners since the 1960s in the name of a bizarre practice of “mad wisdom,” as if they intended to Milarepa.

The Dalai Lama (much like the current Pope dealing with child molesters of Catholic priests in Latin America or Rome) failed to condemn the actions of such scum.

The Dalai Lama’s reaction to telling the boy to suck him

The Dalai Lama says: “If you decide to be with a Dharma teacher for twelve years and later discover that he is sexually abusing you, you should keep your distance from him/her rather than reporting him/her to the police (which would arrest him/her and embarrass us and all of Mahayana Buddhism and cost us money in a lawsuit airing our dirty laundry).

But is keeping ‘distance’ enough? Rape, child abuse and sexual abuse are all illegal, and anyone who abuses another deserves a prison sentence instead of any ‘renunciation’.

  • Is that why a Chinese soldier is killing my llamas?

    Buddhist monks, nuns, llamasAnd rinpoches are all bound by the rules of celibacy (in accordance with the Pratimoksha And Monastic disciplinary rules or Vinaya boundaries established by the historical Buddha). If celibacy is violated, it means that one immediately (before any proceedings or conviction or even before anyone else finds out) and irreversibly ceases to be a Buddhist monk (meaning one cannot be re-ordained in this life). But if you want to say or make people believe that he is now a ‘living Buddha’ who makes his own rules, that sounds like an additional ‘defeat’ (parajika) offense of lying about achievements (the fourth of the four offenses of defeat) that no one enforces.

Don’t ask and don’t tell, right, Dolly? They just want $$

But what if these (white female) disciples know everything and act to seduce monks (simply against their will) so that they can later file lawsuits against them to get some money?

You never know… So the Dalai Lama is careful and does not fall on either side of the gender debate, man or woman (rapist or victim, Tibetan “Living Buddha” or disciple, defeated monk guilty of sexual contact or innocent student ).

  • (Sophistry๐Ÿ™‚ Question 3: Why does Vajrayana practice need a female partner? (And will little boys do this, you know, for practice before you can talk a white woman into it?) Sure, what the teacher explains may be true, but who judges whether or not someone is “bound to afflictions”? “But oneself? So through self-deception you can have sex while saying, ‘I am above desire.’ Oh, this erection? sympathy. It is a selfless act. How can you even question me, Tantrika? – OK.
  • MarkhamX1100March 31, 2020; C. C. Liu, Ashley WellsAnanda (Dharma Buddhist meditation) (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

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