I still need to get a few things off my chest

I unloaded a few weeks ago. People responded. Apparently their chests were stacked just like mine. So why not go for two?

Here we go:

Yes, I care about the ‘Yellowstone’ series, and I don’t care if no one else does.

But first let me do some, what shall I call it, ‘background’.

Did I read this correctly? Some poor bastard in England got 18 months in jail for shouting WHO THE FUCK IS ALLAH during a protest against the stabbing of British children by migrants?

Where is the Muslim who goes to jail for shouting something about Jesus?

I was going to write about that, but then I saw a damn parade in Afghanistan with the Taliban riding on American armored vehicles left behind during the withdrawal, and I lost my train of thought.

Intake? Is that what it was? It was Santa Claus who left all the presents under the tree together with his sleigh and his reindeer and sneaked to a bar to load up. LAND TREASON. For that reason alone, Biden should have been kicked to the curb. And those stupid generals at the Pentagon who paint their nails and try on dresses should have been dropped in the middle of the war in Ukraine. Naked.

Moving on…there are actually idiots who say that we in America have always collected the huddled masses from foreign lands, so this wave is no different. What??!!

That’s complete nonsense. Complete and complete, because when a man left Ellis Island in 1900 and found himself, boom, on the streets of New York, he had no pot to piss in, no helping hand or a job.

He was cut loose. He was sink or swim. He was all alone, a huddled mass longing to SURVIVE.

No bus to a free hotel. No prepaid credit card. No driver’s license. No mail-in ballot, hot off the press, waiting to vote Democrat. Not a damn sanctuary city that refuses to cooperate with ICE and gives him a free pass to rob stores and hit old ladies over the head.

So don’t talk to me about the poem about Lady Liberty and how old-fashioned immigration is like the new damn brand.

Today, immigration is an open invitation to any asshole who sees an opportunity to profit from false goodwill in Welfare United States. And all this nonsense is not ERROR. Get that straight. It’s PURPOSE. TO DESTROY AMERICA.

Next… can we stop pretending that stock traders are capitalists? The market is a giant bullshit casino! And those guys wearing suspenders are the assholes you knew in school: students who used to vomit beer on the lawn at night. Or nerds who dream of buying half of Long Island.

What better thing in the world than having your suits made in London? Criminal friends in high places? Prior knowledge? A weekend with Dick Cheney? A party with Sean Combs?

Stock trading – pimping and whoring, whoring and pimping for the money that makes money make money. Pigs graze in troughs in penthouses high above the rotting city streets.

And if there happens to be a black man on those streets throwing a punch and randomly grabbing or shooting someone and he has been released without bail thirteen times on other charges and never sent to jail, don’t say he’s black. Suppose it is blue, orange or green, but never black, because BLACK would be HATE SPEECH. He might be OFFENDED. He is sensitive. Maybe not as sensitive as the corpse on the street he just shot, but that old lady is dead and he’s still alive, so he can be saved. He needs to be saved because his ancestor was a slave in 1849. And OBLM. Only black lives matter. That’s the crap they serve for dinner in every major city in America.

I just read about a farmer in the Dakotas whose family has owned a farm for over a hundred years. So he and his wife just got charges from the US Forest Service over a damn fence on his land. Some wonder where the farmer’s land ends and the government’s begins. One day an officer in tactical gear showed up with the charges. The FBI couldn’t just sit down with the farmer and talk like humans and work things out. No. A PRISON SENTENCE must be on the agenda. Of course. Because the damn state wants what it wants.

Which brings me to “Yellowstone” and the series’ final five episodes coming in November, and how the core storyline that captivated millions of Americans and made the cable show the number one series in the US will be sunk and destroyed. the final. That’s my prediction because A MAN FIGHTING EVIL TO SAVE HIS COUNTRY was the basic theme and it got the panties of Hollywood potatoes in a twist. A very bad turn, even though some of these studio execs have had their balls cut off to become women. Hollywood and showbiz in general must hate a farmer (Kevin Costner) who fights against a nonsensical Indian chef and casino owner and a giant corporation and the government and wokie dokies to save the country HE OWNS. Yes, the OWN part is the problem because communism says only the government really owns anything and Hollywood gets rich pretending to be communists. So to highlight the “Yellowstone” theme, as far as I can tell, the producers are going to end the series by having Costner’s son and daughter fight each other to the death. An ultimate distraction. FORGET A MAN WHO FIGHTS EVIL TO SAVE THE LAND HE CREATED HIS LIFE. The daughter, Beth, got the series off the ground because every encounter she had with a wokie ended in an absolute mind-boggling disaster for the wokie and people loved that, but now she’s being portrayed as a psychopath because her cuts and slashes at the political left way too accurate, and her backhand slams against lame idiot corporate types were too fast and true and final and after all, who runs Hollywood but boring idiot corporate types?

So they’ll go ahead and ruin ‘Yellowstone’ just to maintain the right balance of power in the real world.

Go ahead, destroy the thing that was originally built to show that one man could fight evil and win.

Destroy it for the sake of your Beverly Hills home.

Do you see those four guys with full tattoos and automatic weapons in their hands strolling towards your house? Those are the people you fight the good fight to let into the country, because you are all love.

–Jon Rappoport

Episode 71 of Rappoport Podcasts—“What is behind the Venezuelan gangs and Haitians; The Asymmetric War Against America”– is a blockbuster. To listen to this episode, go here. For more information about this episode, go here.

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