Bannon’s WarRoom, show clip overview 2-10-2024 (PM)

Mike Davis: “They are desperate, they know Trump is going to beat Kamala like a drum on November 5”

Mike Davis described the legal challenges against President Trump as a coordinated effort to hinder his election campaign, calling it “election obstruction.” He emphasized that Trump has faced intense financial and legal pressure, saying, “They tried to put him out of business” and “filed charges against him four times.” Davis also mentioned the underfunding of Trump’s Secret Service protection, which nearly put his life in danger. He criticized special counsel Jack Smith’s actions as politically motivated and described the release of “165 paid political documents” just before the 2024 election as “highly unusual” and “unprecedented.” Davis argued that this one-sided narrative amounts to a “political assassination” orchestrated by Democrats, including Kamala Harris, out of fear of Trump’s possible victory. He urged Trump supporters to vote early and warned it is the latest attempt to disrupt the election.

Sam Faddis on Walz: “At the very least, he is completely compromised by the CCP”

Sam Faddis expressed serious concerns about an individual with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), describing the situation as alarming. He noted that this individual has had decades-long ties to China, travels there regularly and organizes trips for students, some of which are funded by the CCP. Faddis criticized the lack of transparency surrounding these trips, saying: “He was… reluctant or simply refused to provide details.” Faddis suggested that if the trips were not funded by the CCP, the individual would likely be more willing. He also pointed out that the individual did not advocate democracy in China, which the CCP would not allow, but instead praised communism and its ideals. Faddis argued that such close involvement with the CCP raises grave concerns, stating that this person “should not come within 10 miles of the vice president’s office.”

Natalie Winters highlights how Democrats are stepping up efforts to stop disinformation

Natalie Winters talks about a letter from Adam Shiff.

Keeperman: “It’s time we focus our efforts on OUR people first”

Jonathan Keeperman criticized conservatives who oppose Trump on moral grounds, labeling them “cowards” and using excuses to avoid supporting the policies needed to “save this country.” He referenced Stephen Miller’s revelation that 500,000 Haitians had flown to the US through a loophole created by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, noting that “no one asked for this” except a few special interest groups. Keeperman argued that faux conservatives lack the political courage to address this issue and send these individuals back. He praised J.D. Vance’s debate performance for embracing “bannonism” and returning to an “America First policy” that prioritizes American interests. Keeperman noted that anyone who speaks honestly about such topics would become a target, but emphasized the need for leaders who can focus on critical issues, such as Ukraine and Iran, while putting Americans first.

Senator Nick Schroer explains how US gangs are working with cartels to sell Fentanyl in the US

Senator Nick Schroer of Missouri expressed concern about rising crime linked to illegal immigration and drug cartels in the St. Louis area. He highlighted the influence of gangs like the Black Mafia Family, which distribute fentanyl, cocaine and meth, and criticized the city’s mayor for having ties to a cartel-linked individual while doing little to tackle violent crime. Schroer noted that crime is spreading to suburban areas, including his district, O’Fallon, Missouri, one of the safest small towns in America. He shared alarming incidents involving illegal immigrants, including two stabbings, a police officer run over and a murder by Honduran nationals. Schroer criticized ICE for failing to deport known criminals, resulting in tragic consequences. He emphasized that Missouri has become a “border state” and warned of the erosion of the American dream, calling for “Freedom Fighters” like himself to stand up and protect its citizens’ way of life.

Ben Bergquam reports live from Springfield, Ohio

Ben Bergquam commented on the growing problem of illegal immigration, focusing on large numbers of immigrants, especially from Venezuela, Haiti and other countries, being moved to cities such as Cincinnati and Springfield. He highlighted how these communities are being overwhelmed by the influx, straining resources and neglecting local citizens in favor of cheap labor. Bergquam criticized major industries and staffing companies for prioritizing cheaper immigrant labor, contributing to the shortage of jobs for U.S. citizens in already struggling areas hit by the drop in steel production and the fentanyl epidemic. He also highlighted the cultural divide and increasing crime, such as car accidents. According to Bergquam, local leaders, including mayors, are benefiting from this crisis while ordinary citizens suffer. He argued that this situation is emblematic of a broader national issue of sacrificing populist interests for corporate profits, a key issue that he believes will influence the 2024 elections.

Matt Boyle on the VP debate: “I think this shows that Trump’s judgment is very strong”

Dave Brat opened the conversation on “War Room” by honoring Steve Bannon and praying for his return, highlighting his leadership in the grassroots movement. Brat then welcomed Matt Boyle and discussed the lack of mainstream media coverage of the recent debate, especially in outlets such as Drudge, New York Times and Bloomberg. Boyle noted that J.D. Vance won the debate convincingly, while his opponent, Tim Ryan, struggled, especially in defending Kamala Harris’ record and making gaffes about school shooters and the government.

Matt Boyle highlighted Vance’s skill at connecting immigration to economic and social issues during Tuesday’s vice presidential debate, which resonated with voters. He praised Vance’s strong performance and noted that Trump’s judgment in supporting Vance showed his ability to choose strong candidates despite opposition from the establishment.

They discussed voters’ top concerns: inflation, immigration and public safety, while also noting how abortion and health care have diminished in importance since the 2022 election. Boyle praised Vance for taking traditional Democratic issues well and turning them into strengths. The conversation ended with predictions of surprises in October, including a dock workers’ strike, national disasters and escalating global tensions, that could impact the upcoming elections.

Ralph Reed dissects the evangelical vote for President Trump

Dave Brat and Ralph Reed praised J.D. Vance’s debate performance, highlighting Vance as “one of the smartest” and “a gentleman” who effectively tackled important issues such as the economy, inflation and crime. Reed criticized Tim Ryan for defending a “failed government” amid crises such as rocket attacks on Israel and border issues. Reed noted the mainstream media’s predictable attempts to shift attention to less relevant topics, such as January 6. Reed also provided an update on the door-knocking efforts, reaching 417,214 doors in Pennsylvania and 4 million nationwide. He predicted that evangelical voters will turn out in record numbers, and Vance is poised to capture both the evangelical and Catholic votes.

34 days left: WarRoom Posse Call to Action – Text, call or send postcards to GOTV every day

Grace Chong called out the Warren Posse and urged members to actively participate in the upcoming elections by reaching 10 to 20 people daily in critical battleground states. She emphasized the importance of using the Early Vote Action and TP Action apps to facilitate voter registration calls, text messages and postcard campaigns. Chong stressed the urgency of this mission, with only 34 days to go until the election, and called on members to take personal responsibility and commit to participating every day to ensure voter turnout and support effectively to mobilize

Eric Teetsel: “This is not a thinking problem in a microeconomics class, these are real countries”

Eric Teetsel, the new Executive Vice President of the Center for Renewing America, discussed his role and the organization’s goals with Dave Bratt. Teetsel emphasized that America has untapped potential and expressed hope for improvement. Reflecting on a recent debate, he described it as “the most dominant debate performance” and praised Senator Vance for his brilliance and willingness to lead, contrasting him with Mr. Waltz’s lackluster presentation.

The discussion shifted to critical issues including the economy, border security and international relations. Teetsel noted, “We have long made policy choices… that might work for a certain class of society,” indicating that the average American has been neglected. He emphasized the importance of tariffs, especially those proposed by President Trump, as tools for economic revitalization, stating, “We have to make different choices to prevent this from happening” regarding threats from China.

Teetsel also drew attention to the need for a paradigm shift in policy to better serve national interests and emphasized that the fight against the Deep State remains crucial. He recognized Russ Vought’s leadership and noted his dedication and experience. Teetsel encouraged listeners to contact the Center for Renewing America and mentioned his podcast, which takes a faith-based approach to current events.

The post Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 2-10-2024 (PM) appeared first on Stephen K Bannon’s War Room.

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