More than 5,000 terror suspects have been arrested in Istanbul in nine months

During a press conference held at the conference hall of the Istanbul Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) on Thursday, Istanbul Governor Davut Gül revealed vital statistics and achievements regarding the city’s security operations during the first nine months of 2024. As Istanbul’s population approaches 16 million Gül underlined the crucial importance of maintaining public security amid rising concerns about crime and terrorism.

Gül reported that 2,732 operations have been carried out against terrorist organizations, leading to the arrest of 5,567 individuals linked to terrorist activities. Of these suspects, 531 were formally arrested and 532 were under judicial supervision.

In a major blow to terrorist financing, authorities have seized 8.48 million TL ($250,000) intended to support terrorist activities. “Our security forces are tirelessly fighting all terrorist groups, especially the separatist terrorist organization; their dedication is commendable and crucial to ensuring the safety of our citizens,” said Gül.

The governor also addressed the ongoing fight against organized crime and emphasized the city’s commitment to dismantling street gangs and criminal organizations; In the past nine months, law enforcement has conducted 193 operations, dismantling 148 criminal gangs and arresting 1,595 suspects. 964 people have been arrested. The total value of assets seized during these operations amounted to an impressive TL 32.54 billion.

Gül firmly stated: “No one is greater than our state, nor above our laws; those who disrupt the peace of our city will face the full force of our justice system and security forces.” The governor’s message was intended to instill confidence among residents that their safety is a top priority for the government.

The Governor highlighted significant progress in crime prevention, noting a 9.5% decrease in serious crimes against individuals and a 27% decrease in property crimes compared to the same period last year; he reported notable declines in specific categories, including car theft (down 59%), pickpocketing (down 44%) and home burglaries (down 38%).

“Our residents must not be guided by disinformation. We will continue to achieve these reductions in the coming months,” Gül reassured the audience, reinforcing the government’s commitment to maintaining order and security in Istanbul.

In an ongoing effort to combat gun violence and drug-related crimes, Gül reported that 15,245 illegal firearms were seized, leading to the arrest of 17,407 individuals linked to gun crimes. In addition, 7,353 operations targeting drug production and trafficking resulted in the arrest of 12,696 suspects and 5,552 arrests; Authorities successfully seized 18 tons of drugs, almost 32 million pills and 7,984 cannabis plants.

Gül expressed gratitude to citizens for their vigilance and urged them to remain alert to drug traffickers. “Together we will not allow drug traffickers to operate freely, and we are determined to protect our children from this threat,” he stated.

The governor also addressed road safety in Istanbul and reported on the more than 12 million inspections carried out during the year; these efforts resulted in 117 fatal accidents resulting in 130 deaths. Gül emphasized the continued commitment to ensuring safe traffic conditions and regulatory compliance, with the aim of further reducing the number of fatalities.

Addressing migration issues, Gül revealed that Istanbul, home to more than 1 million foreigners, had carried out 244 operations against human traffickers, leading to the arrest of 560 individuals; Authorities identified 54,000 irregular migrants and initiated deportation processes to address the challenges of unauthorized migration.

In his closing remarks, Gül commended the security forces’ continued commitment and joint efforts that have led to significant results in maintaining public safety; he stressed the importance of continued vigilance and cooperation among citizens, encouraging them to report suspicious activities.

“As we move forward, our resolve to ensure a safe Istanbul remains steadfast. We will not relent in protecting our communities and enforcing the law,” Gül concluded, reassuring residents that their safety is paramount in the city’s plans.

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