‘Once a radical, always a radical’


OPINION: This article may contain commentary that reflects the author’s opinion.

The Sentinel Action Fund, a conservative super PAC, released a digital ad ahead of Tuesday’s vice presidential debate emphasizing that Kamala Harris is “always radical” despite her recent attempts to portray herself as a moderate, Breitbart News reported for the first time.

The Sentinel Action Fund digital ad aims to reach more than one million low-propensity voters across Pennsylvania. It also wants to remind voters that Harris has recently portrayed herself as a moderate, but she has maintained that her “values” have not changed.

The ad closes with this line: “Kamala Harris: Once a radical, always a radical.”

Jessica Anderson, president of the Sentinel Action Fund, noted in a written statement to the newspaper that Harris and Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) have not been open with voters about their radical positions.

“Kamala Harris and Bob Casey are being unfair to Pennsylvania voters about their radical positions on everything from fracking to the border crisis, and this ad shows just a small snapshot of the various lies they have told voters,” she said.

“Looking at their track record, Kamala Harris and Bob Casey have spent their terms in office pushing for the reckless federal spending packages that have led to the Commonwealth’s historic inflation rates and unaffordable home prices,” Anderson added. “They have fueled the nation’s border crisis and allowed Mexican drug cartels to bring deadly fentanyl into our communities, affecting more than 4,000 Pennsylvanians in the past year alone.”


She further noted, “If re-elected, Kamala Harris and Bob Casey will continue these failed policies and go against the interests of Pennsylvanians by attacking the industries that help Pennsylvania families earn a living.”

The Sentinel Action Fund supported Dave McCormick’s campaign to unseat Casey in May. The group’s get-out-the-vote efforts successfully mobilized tens of thousands of low-propensity Republican voters who signed up for the absentee voter list, Breitbart reported.

“Voters will not be misled by these promises of changing policies, and they will go to the polls to make their voices heard in one of the key battleground states of the 2024 election,” Anderson concluded in her statement. “Pennsylvania will be important not only in ensuring that President Trump is elected to the White House, but also that he has strong partners like Dave McCormick in a Republican-led Senate.”


Former President Donald Trump received more positive news Monday about his third bid for the White House.

A “cookie” poll conducted by a Cincinnati bakery known for its accurate predictions in every presidential election since 1984 shows Trump with a solid lead over Harris.

According to Busken Bakery’s latest count, shared with The Post, Trump received about 54% support (2,953 cookies) compared to Harris’ 39% (2,134 cookies). An ‘independent’ smiley cookie reached 7% (397 cookies).

“The cookie poll will remain open until Election Day on Nov. 5, so the numbers reflect the results of early voting by those with a sweet tooth,” The Post noted.

“We like to joke and say (customers) can stuff the ballot box,” bakery president and CEO Dan Busken told the outlet.

“Our results from our four stores more or less cover the northern, southern, eastern and western parts of Cincinnati. So they are quite diverse,” Busken told The Post. “It’s definitely interesting that in a state like Ohio and in a city like Cincinnati, this cookie survey has been so accurate over the years.”

New polls from swing states with 43 electoral votes up for grabs indicate momentum is building for Donald Trump.

The Quinnipiac and Emerson surveys released Tuesday show the former president leading the vice president in North Carolina, Georgia and Arizona, while they are tied in Pennsylvania.

If these numbers hold, Trump would win 262 electoral votes, narrowing Harris’ path to victory as it would depend on winning Michigan and Wisconsin and ultimately clinching a win in Pennsylvania, the New York Post reported , citing the latest data.

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