Situation update (04.10.24)

Since the last super full moon (with partial lunar eclipse) in September, the Dark Ones have begun a series of negative rituals that will continue until the next full moon on October 17 (the second largest visible moon of the year). This should trigger certain physical escalation scenarios in the coming weeks and months, which will impact the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the US presidential election and the conflict in the Middle East.

The pager attack in Lebanon and the serious attack on a military base in Russia were the starting signal. And the situation continues to escalate.

Some of these rituals started months ago and were also visible on the surface. In Europe, for example, there were dozens of knife attacks last summer. On the one hand, the Cabal is trying to divide the population politically and religiously. On the other hand, this and similar attacks have been indirectly linked to popular Illuminati puppet masters, suggesting that these actions were larger occult blood rituals in public. Some of them are prevented. This public attention can drain a particularly large amount of energy from the surface population, which in turn can be used through dark rituals to manifest negative physical scenarios.

For this reason, the Light Forces have just launched a cluster of operations against negative occult forces of the Cabal, forces that are having a tremendous impact on the mass consciousness of the surface population. The focus here is on geographical areas of the planet that are strongly connected to the energy of ancient Atlantis and therefore occupied by the Cabal, for example California and Florida in the US… especially what happens there underground.

And the first effects of these operations are already visible. And that, like Epstein, is just the tip of the iceberg, with panic already spreading. Many famous celebrities are currently having sleepless nights. At this moment we are experiencing a wave of energy and a quality of time that is literally causing the masks to fall.

However, it must be said that it is also partly the Cabal itself that allows these revelations, because they want to shock people and are still working towards a civil war.

Those who organize these ‘parties’ usually work for the mafia and military intelligence and collect blackmail material from other VIPs. This is evident, for example, from the connection between Sean Combs’ father and the gangster Frank Lucas, who at the time was already (not only) smuggling drugs from Vietnam, which was not possible without contacts in the army and the intelligence service.

Many of these great artists are also members of the Illuminati.

The men are usually black magicians, the female Illuminati witches, who move about in cloned bodies on the surface. Their talent was stolen from Starseeds, who were captured and sacrificed by them in previous incarnations or even on other planets and star systems. When not in public, they are in underground Cabal complexes, as their mansions are directly connected to them. Many artists do not benefit from their apparent wealth on the surface. They themselves are also slaves who have to earn money for the higher members of the Cabal. Many of them also work underground as high-class sex slaves who can be booked within the Cabal for extremely high sums of money.

Unfortunately, pedophilia is just the tip of the iceberg; Much darker things are happening down there. The names that may be mentioned in the coming weeks may shock many. And it’s good that this is coming out. But these people are also merely pawns, sacrificed by the upper echelons of the Cabal.

Nevertheless, it currently appears that there will be a large number of escalation steps and revelations between now and the next few months in 2025, which many people still in the matrix will find hard to believe. But this is necessary, something visible must finally happen on the surface to wake people up.

However, this will cause a lot of tension and several mass meditations will be necessary in the coming weeks and months to prevent the situation from escalating completely. We are now slowly entering the home stretch, where real physical results will also occur.

Thanks for reading.

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