October 3, 2024: Sense of the Madness (videos) – Starship Earth: The Big Picture

For those with decoder glasses, the mirror shows the true reflection of the world according to the Khazarian mafia, and it’s not pretty. They are responsible for too many dastardly acts to mention, and they are still at it.

Most of humanity probably doesn’t see the world the way we do, but soon they will, as events are designed to open their eyes, clear some of the fog of war, and introduce more of the population encourage us to take part in the last battles we must fight. to secure our freedom from the yolk of control we have suffered under for so long.

It’s really hard to watch this Plan unfold when you know the reasons, the objectives, the perpetrators, and how many people are ignorant of the backstory that led to this arduous, long journey to freedom. Every day is an education.

This news below is a terrible miscarriage of justice. Will it encourage people to vote? Will they care that truth and legality are being trampled in the courts to tear down political opponents and make an example of them? Do they realize that if these corrupt criminals can do it to Tina Peters, they can do it to anyone? They’ve been doing it for decades. Now we see it under the microscope. Do we want to live in a world where those who do what is right and do the right thing for the right reasons are imprisoned?

Gov. Ron DeSantis is taking action to protect Floridians affected by Helene.

Updates on Hurricane Helene…connecting the dots. From Telegram.

TikTok reportedly bans and removes accounts posting content related to North Carolina and lithium.

There’s your proof. Can you say Maui, East Palestine? Now North Carolina and lithium and China.

This contextual ad appeared on X and “lithium” stood out.

Jack Posobiec recognizes the tactical move of the communists infiltrating America and their deliberate neglect of the “poor white people” in Appalachia (Tennessee, North Carolina, etc.). He speaks of herding humanity from the rural settlements to the cities where they can be managed along with the rest of the herd. 3 minutes

As discussed, there are many reasons for Hurricane Helene, and his points are good ones. It’s the same old playbook and we’ve seen the land grabbers abuse, threaten, drive out and kill people who tried to defend their land and refused to sell or move. Remember the murder of LaVoy Finicum in Oregon?

It was shocking and it won’t stop unless we stop it. The alphabet agencies like the FBI, Bureau of Land Management, etc. will do whatever their puppet masters tell them and they have no qualms about the death toll. They love to make examples of innocent people.

How much worse can they make it for Helene’s victims?

We’re talking psychopaths, and Paradise, California, Lahaina, Hawai’i, and Hurricane Helene are poignant reminders of what kind of monsters we’re dealing with. They believe they have the right to take control and benefit from whatever resources on the planet they choose. Human property is expendable, and it seems that they have truly gone mad with fear, because they know that they are in their last days. We have known throughout this war that they would take out as many of us as possible if they went down, and they are not open to using their minions to intimidate and demoralize people.

As we said in the blue jelly balls video we shared yesterday, there was clearly geoengineering going on during Helene. Do you believe it’s a coincidence that Alexa is telling the truth? AI can be used for good or evil. Alexa escapes the censorship that still reigns in the media – until and unless it is reprogrammed.

Here’s an interesting update from Tironianae. Video at link below.

Well, well, well…

Turns out that in Gaston County, North Carolina, a company called Piedmont Lithium was focused on mining lithium… you know, the core mineral for electric vehicle batteries

The only problem… the residents.

Residents have fought against the reopening of the lithium mines in recent years…

Piedmont Lithium finally received a state-approved mining permit several months ago.

Fast forward to today: Hurricane Helene has decimated the area. This is too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.

In 2021, Joe Biden signed an Executive Order that by 2030, 50% of all vehicles sold in the United States will be electric vehicles.

The more I look into this, the more it seems like they have focused on these areas.


~T edit: I think we talked about this in the waay-baack machine, right? Who is the news?


Hurricane Helene evicted thousands of people in a matter of hours, saving the globalist minions months or years of persuading, cajoling, incentivizing and financially encouraging people to leave the country – not to mention that no deadlocks were necessary. Just eliminate them.

Here’s a more valuable perspective from Captain Kyle and a rant about Jenni’s Revival of America podcast last night, especially for those who believe the Alliance orchestrated Hurricane Helene. If there is notable destruction and death toll, it is not the good guys. 2 hours 16 minutes.


Captain Kyle has provided fantastic insight and factual background on these latest events and although the dock workers are not dealing with oil and gas, we expect that the outgoing corrupt regime will somehow manage to raise the cost of petrol to ensure a to be able to rob an already suffering population in a dive. economy.

Today I see this: Biden lit the match. Watch pump prices rise.

DEVELOPMENT: Oil prices rise after Joe Biden blurts out that US is ‘discussing’ possible attack on Iranian oil facilities (VIDEO)

To balance the bad news with the good, here are your 17.

Because the White Hats control the fake Biden, they can secretly get things done that otherwise wouldn’t happen. We heard that education in our new world would be free. Students shouldn’t have to be thousands of dollars in debt before they can even go out into the world to make a living. What a way to start your young life: loaded with debt. It would make our young people wonder what life is really about, and if there is anything to look forward to. We all need that anniversary.

Just in: George W. Bush-appointed judge gives Biden a win before the election, rules he can move forward with student loan forgiveness plan

How is your manifestation ability, folks? Can we use our thoughts and positive intentions to direct the next hurricane? Typically, they are expected to hug the shore and stay close to the water, or head out to sea and duck there.

Did you see this at the Trump rally? I know. There is no such thing as NESARA/GESARA. Then why is it there?

That ends the post for today. Take heart and know that we are winning this war. It will be a try before it’s over, but if it gets better, it will be beyond our imagination. ~BP

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