Former school counselor convicted of taking nude photos of high school students

Times Union, Albany, NY

Oct. 4—ALBANY — A Latham woman was sentenced Thursday to 15 years in prison with 15 years of supervised release in connection with her role in the sexual exploitation of a child, according to the U.S. Attorney General’s Office for the Northern District of New York. York.

Kristy Lynne Koldis, 46, who previously worked as a school counselor at Myers Middle School in Albany, admitted as part of her guilty plea to making sexually explicit images of a child’s genitals over a period of more than four years while the child is between 9 and 13 years old, according to the attorney general’s office. She then gave those files to her partner, Joshua White, who was active in youth baseball and youth basketball at the time. In June 2023, when investigators traced messages on White’s cell phone containing child abuse material to Koldis’ home, she initially told investigators that it was White who took the images because he had “a problem,” the Times Union reported in 2023.

White pleaded guilty to distribution and possession of child abuse material on December 13, 2023 and is currently scheduled to be sentenced on December 12.

Koldis was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Mae A. D’Agostino. D’Agostino imposed special assessments totaling more than $55,000 and ordered Koldis to pay $5,000 in restitution. She will also have to register as a sex offender after her release from prison.

Homeland Security Investigations and State Police investigated this case. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Michael D. Gadarian as part of Project Safe Childhood.


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