UNRWA Situation Report #141 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. All information from 27 September – 3 October 2024, valid as of 3 October 2024 at 22:30 (EN/AR) – occupied Palestinian territory


Days 358-364 of Hostilities

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Key Points

The Gaza Strip

  • Strikes by Israeli Security Forces (ISF) continue, with aerial, land and maritime bombardments across the Gaza Strip, resulting in civilian casualties, displacement and the destruction of residential structures and public infrastructure.
  • UNRWA’s Commissioner-General posted on his official X account: “In Gaza, over 1 million people did not receive food rations in August. In September, the number climbed to more than 1.4 million. Meanwhile, over 100,000 metric tons of food supplies, are stranded outside Gaza due to access restrictions, insecurity, damaged roads + the breakdown of law & order. Again & again hunger is spreading in Gaza. It is entirely man-made. Nearly 70 per cent of crop fields have been destroyed. An entire population is forced to exclusively rely on humanitarian aid. Restrictions and delays in aid deliveries only worsen an already dire situation for displaced families. With winter approaching and weather conditions deteriorating, lack of adequate humanitarian supplies will only generate more suffering. What is needed urgently is a ceasefire to end the suffering of people in Gaza + across the region. The way forward through political will & leadership is to: release all hostages, open additional crossings, safe and unrestricted humanitarian access to reach people in need of assistance. Choosing peace as a way forward is a choice of the courageous, it’s time.”
  • According to WFP, the number of people reached with food aid in September was significantly below the usual number of people reached by WFP, because of Israeli-imposed bureaucratic hurdles, lack of security guarantees within Gaza, insufficient border crossing points and risk of criminal gangs looting humanitarian convoys in southern Gaza. Forced population movement has also disrupted the capacity of partners to maintain operations and distribute to those in need.
  • Since the onset of the war, the Education Cluster has been monitoring and reporting on damages to schools through initial reports from Cluster partners in the field, UNOCHA and UNRWA, as well as via remote satellite data. Satellite-derived analysis from 6 September found that at least 71 schools were destroyed, with another 48 schools lost at least half of their structures. Some 161 UNRWA school buildings have either suffered a direct hit or were damaged from 7 October 2023 until 6 September 2024; this represents 86.1 per cent of all UNRWA school buildings in Gaza. UNRWA school buildings have been used as emergency shelters to host a significant number of displaced people.
  • Preparations are ongoing to implement the second round of the polio vaccination campaign, expected to take place in mid-October.
  • The Humanitarian Clusters and Technical Working Groups provided an update on current operations and challenges inside Gaza. Several clusters reported ongoing access challenges preventing clusters from delivering humanitarian aid; critical sectors including Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Protection, Food, Shelter and Health urgently require an increase in the volume of humanitarian supplies to maintain operations. For example, the Food Cluster notes that humanitarian food supplies are incredibly limited across the Gaza Strip. In southern and central Gaza, food security sector partners lack sufficient food stocks to meet requirements and have scaled down distribution significantly for the third consecutive month since July, with food supply shortages expected to continue in October. In northern Gaza, cargo movement was suspended temporarily via the Jordan corridor, following a security incident at Allenby Bridge on 8 September, affecting partners’ supply flows.
  • According to the UN, at least 1.9 million people – or about 90 percent of the population – across the Gaza Strip are internally displaced. Many have been displaced repeatedly, some, 10 times or more.
  • As of 3 October, the total number of UNRWA team members killed since 7 October 2023 is 225.
  • Several challenges continue to stand in the way of collecting much needed humanitarian supplies from the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing point in southern Gaza. These include deteriorating law and order, war and insecurity, damaged infrastructure, fuel shortages and access restrictions. According to OCHA, in September 2024, an average of only 52 humanitarian trucks entered the Gaza Strip per day. This is well below the pre-crisis average of 500 trucks per working day.
  • The latest information on supplies entering Gaza can be accessed through the below link:

Gaza Supplies and Dispatch Tracking | UNRWA

The West Bank, including East Jerusalem

The West Bank, including East Jerusalem update is now once a week.

  • According to OCHA, between 7 October 2023 and 30 September 2024, 695 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Separately, UNICEF confirmed that over 150 children have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, during the period, 7 October 2023 to 22 July 2024.
  • Between 23-29 September, Israeli Security Forces (ISF) conducted several operations in the West Bank resulting in casualties, detentions and damage to civilian objects:
    • On 23 September, two Palestinians were injured with live ammunition during an ISF search and arrest operation in Kalandia camp, central West Bank.
    • On 24 September: the ISF detained seven Palestinians during a search and arrest operation in Madama, northern West Bank. Six Palestinians were detained during an ISF search and arrest operation in Deir Abu Marsh’al, central West Bank. One Palestinian was killed and three others were injured with live ammunition during a search and arrest operation in Al Fawwar camp, southern West Bank.
    • On 25 September: ten Palestinians were detained during an ISF search and arrest operation in Ad Duheisha camp, southern West Bank. The ISF conducted a search and arrest operation in Anza, northern West Bank, detaining one Palestinian and killing a Palestinian woman; four Palestinians were injured.
    • On 25 and 26 September, in Jenin camp and Jenin city, northern West Bank, the ISF conducted a search and arrest operations. The ISF allegedly surrounded two main hospitals and bulldozed several roads, causing damage to civilian infrastructure in the Al-Hadaf neighborhood, west of Jenin camp.
    • On 26 September, ISF reportedly bulldozed 20 dunums of Palestinian agricultural land, uprooted 600 trees, demolished five agricultural rooms, five water wells and several retaining walls belonging to Palestinians in Beit Ula, southern West Bank.
    • On 28 September, the ISF detained five Palestinians during a search and arrest operation in Jabba, northern West Bank.
    • On 29 September: five Palestinians were detained during a search and arrest operation in Azzun, northern West Bank. Four Palestinians were detained during a search and arrest operation in Hebron, southern West Bank. The ISF allegedly surrounded a house, injured three Palestinians with live ammunition and detained one Palestinian during a search and arrest in Aqqaba, northern West Bank.

Overall Situation

The Gaza Strip

  • According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, and as reported by OCHA, between 7 October 2023 and 30 September 2024, at least 41,615 Palestinians were killed and 96,359 injured.

The Gaza Strip

  • UNRWA is working to verify the details of incidents that reportedly impact UNRWA premises. Further information will be provided once it becomes available.
  • During the reporting period, six new incident impacting UNRWA installations and internally displaced people (IDPs) sheltering there was reported. The verification of details and any casualty figures are ongoing.
  • On 28 September, an UNRWA administrative building was impacted when the ISF reportedly opened fire west of Nuseirat camp. Bullets hit the guards’ room adjacent to the main gate, causing minor damage. No injuries among the staff members were reported.
  • On 1 October 2024, the ISF conducted a strike targeting an UNRWA school in Shaja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City. Nine Palestinians were reportedly killed, and thirty others were injured.
  • On 1 October 2024, an ISF drone missile reportedly hit a tent used by IDPs inside an UNRWA school in Nuseirat, west of Nuseirat Camp. Initial reports indicate that six Palestinians were killed including one child, and seven others were injured, one of whom is a seriously injured child.
  • On 2 October 2024, the ISF directly struck an UNRWA school in Nuseirat Camp. Initial reports indicate that there are multiple fatalities and casualties, including six persons killed and twenty-seven injured, inside the UN premises which is hosting IDPs and UN staff as a Designated Emergency Shelter for civilians.
  • On 3 October 2024, an ISF tank shell reportedly hit the eastern building of an UNRWA school in Maghazi in the Middle Area which serves as a Designated Emergency Shelter. Two IDPs were moderately injured. The building of the school sustained damage.
  • On 3 October 2024, ISF reportedly opened fire in the direction of the Zuwayda UNRWA guesthouse/office. Four bullets hit the external wall of the northern perimeter. One IDP outside the guesthouse was reportedly injured. No injuries to UNRWA personnel inside the guesthouse were reported. Additionally, an ISF drone hovered around the guesthouse.
  • 464* incidents impacting UNRWA premises and the people inside them have been reported since the beginning of the war (some with multiple incidents impacting the same location), including at least 74* incidents of military use and/or interference at UNRWA premises. 190* Agency installations have been impacted by munitions or subjected to armed actor interference through these incidents. UNRWA estimates that, in total, at least 563* IDPs sheltering in UNRWA installations have been killed and at least 1,790* injured since the start of the war. UNRWA is verifying the number of casualties caused by these incidents.

*Since the start of the war, latest figures are continuously under review as UNRWA gains access to locations that were previously inaccessible and as further verification occur. Total summary figures will be published once further verification has been conducted, noting that these numbers are subject to change once verifications have been conducted.

UNRWA Response

The Gaza Strip


  • As of 30 September, 80 medical points and 8 (out of 27(2)) UNRWA health centres were operational. The health facilities provide primary health care, including outpatient services, non-communicable disease care, medications, vaccinations, antenatal and postnatal health care and dressings for the injured. The number of operational health facilities changes constantly based on demand, access and security.
  • On 30 September, 1,061 UNRWA health staff continued to work in health centres and medical points across the Gaza Strip, providing 15,952 medical consultations on that day.
  • On 30 September, UNRWA provided mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services in the Middle and Khan Younis areas, with teams of psychiatrists and supervisors to assist special cases referred from UNRWA health centres and shelters. UNRWA teams responded to 538 cases in health centres and at medical points through individual consultations, awareness sessions and to address cases of gender-based violence (GBV).
  • On 30 September, medical teams provided care for 384 post-natal and pregnant women at high risk.
  • According to the Health Cluster, UNRWA remains one of the largest health actors operating in the Gaza Strip, contributing to over half of the people reached with health services since 7 October 2023. Between 7 October 2023 and 22 September 2024, UNRWA provided over 5.62 million medical consultations across the Gaza Strip. In addition to medical consultations, UNRWA (in partnership with and support from other UN agencies, including UNICEF and WHO) continues to provide vaccines, with over 193,000 children vaccinated between the start of 2024 until 22 September 2024.

Psychosocial Support and Learning

  • UNRWA remains the largest provider of emergency learning and psychosocial support (PSS) across the Gaza Strip. More than 659,000 children continue to be out of school since the beginning of the war. On 1 August 2024, UNRWA began to roll out its first phase response of “Back to Learning” with a focus on mental health activities. This is taking place in up to 45 UNRWA schools-turned-shelters (3) by expanding ongoing psychosocial support activities, focusing on arts, music and sports and raising awareness on the risks of explosive ordnance, with the support of nearly 750(4) school counsellors and up to 500 teachers. UNRWA continues to provide lifesaving psychosocial support services in Gaza, including psychosocial first aid, individual and group counselling, fatigue management sessions, recreational activities, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and protection cash assistance, reaching children, youth and adults.
  • Since the onset of the conflict and up to 3 October, around 700,000 IDPs, including over 500,000 children, have benefited from 258,777 PSS sessions/activities. Between 26 September to 2 October, a total of 14,422 IDPs have accessed these services.
  • Following the roll out of the UNRWA “Back to Learning” programme in UNRWA shelters, more than 11,000 children, 60 per cent of whom are girls, have benefited from this response. Between 26 September to 2 October, 10,987 children (4,686 boys, 6,301 girls, including 340 children with disabilities) participated in a variety of “Back to Learning” activities, including basic literacy and numeracy sessions, PSS sessions, and recreational activities such as arts, music and sports.
  • Since the war began, UNRWA’s social work team has provided services to 181,535(5) IDPs, including psychological first aid, PSS, family and individual activities, as well as case management. These efforts aim to address family issues and strengthen relationships.
  • Protection services were provided to 1,455 GBV survivors and 2,344 children, including 1,314 unaccompanied children, covering reunification, safe sheltering, medication, dignity kits and non-food items through referrals. The team also supported 19,392 persons with disabilities with PSS; 7,751 of these individuals received assistive devices and rehabilitation services. Awareness sessions on GBV, child protection, disability and special needs, as well as managing social and psychological stressors were conducted for 115,240 IDPs.

Food Security

  • From 7 October 2023 to 3 October 2024, a total of 380,236 families (nearly 1.9 million people) have been reached with two rounds of flour; 366,944 of those families have received three rounds.
  • UNRWA continues to distribute food parcels in the southern governorates. These include(6) flour, rice, chickpeas, lentils, cheese, hummus and canned fish, and are designed to cover approximately 90 per cent of daily calorific needs per quarter. To date, nearly 1.15 million people have been reached, of whom, nearly 215,000 people have received two rounds of food parcels since the war started.
  • In addition to the distribution of UNRWA food parcels, the Agency distributes food parcels on behalf of other UN organizations, reaching around 1.4 million people.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

  • Since October 2023, UNRWA has carried out emergency WASH activities across the Gaza Strip. Main activities include the operation and continued maintenance of water wells, desalination systems and water through water trucking and bottled water. In addition, UNRWA continues to distribute hygiene kits and maintain hygiene in UNRWA shelters and sites through cleaning supplies, community based solid waste management, and pest control.

  • UNRWA continues to be one of the largest WASH actors in the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the war, the Agency has maintained and rehabilitated eight wells, reaching over 600,000 IDPs with access to water. In September, UNRWA was able to provide over 70,000 m3 of domestic water. In Jabalia, UNRWA rehabilitated a well which supports over 20,000 IDPs. With the available fleet for sanitation, UNRWA continues to provide a solid waste collection and transfer service in the areas of Khan Younis, Middle Area and Gaza. In September more than 6,000 tons of waste were collected from camps and emergency shelters. In addition to waste management and collection, over 400 manholes have been cleaned in preparation for winter along with other winterization activities including the removal of debris in the streets and support flood-prone areas.

    (1) Some of the information is reported during the reporting period but does not necessarily correspond to the reporting period.

    (2) Pre-conflict, UNRWA had 22 health centres. Following the onset of the conflict, an additional five temporary health centres were established.

    (3) Initially reaching 45 UNRWA schools/shelters, ‘back to learning’ will gradually expand to 94 schools in future phases.

    (4) 176 school counsellors and 566 assistant counsellors.

    (5) Results from 7 October 2023 to 22 September 2024.

    (6) The composition of the food parcel may change based on food item availability.

Quote from Sam Rose, Senior Deputy Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza:

“People feel trapped, they feel a desperate sense of loss, destruction, and emptiness. (…) People desperately want it to come to an end, but they are losing hope.”



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