Woman helps Ukrainians avoid draft, caught with $6 million…

An unidentified man lies on a bed filled with stacks of cash found in the home of a state official. (Credit: Ukrainian State Investigative Agency)

Ukrainian officials say they found stacks of cash worth more than $6 million during a raid on a state official’s home.

They say the woman carried out a plan to help Ukrainian men avoid the draft by registering them as disabled.

Ukraine is looking for new recruits to fight the Russian invading force and some unwilling to join the army have resorted to bribery to avoid doing so, the AFP reported.

The State Investigative Bureau (SBI) raided the home of an official in charge of a regional medical commission and her son, a manager at Ukraine’s state pension fund.

Investigators also say they found designer jewelry in the home. They say they found money in virtually every corner of the apartment, including closets, drawers and small hiding places.

They say she tried to get rid of $500,000 by throwing it out the window in bags.

According to the report, another $100,000 and forged medical documents were found in her office.

Lists of draft dodgers with false names and fictitious diagnoses were also found at her workplace.

The officials were arrested on Thursday on suspicion of fraud, money laundering and illegal enrichment, SBI spokesman Oleg Slobodian told AFP.

Video of the raid showed bundles of cash on a bed.

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