‘Red button’ ready? Venezuelan gangs are waging war in America


The ‘Red Button’ message ready? Venezuelan Gangs Wage War in America appeared first on USSA News | The front page of the Tea Party. Visit USSANews.com.

Warfare often brings to mind tanks, planes and bombs. However, today’s most dangerous threats don’t always come with the sound of explosions. Instead, they hide in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Experts call this “asymmetric warfare,” in which enemies attack from the periphery, using unpredictable, low-tech methods designed to bypass traditional defenses.

Asymmetric warfare is not just a foreign issue; it is happening on American soil, made possible by the Biden administration’s failure at the southern border. Through its open borders policy, the government has allowed – whether intentionally or not – a ‘red button’ threat to emerge within our borders. This ability could lie dormant for years, waiting for the right moment to strike. The Washington Post recently referred to the Israeli pager attack on Hezbollah as a “red button” attack. Hezbollah had no idea they were carrying the threat in their pockets until it was too late. What latent threats do we face on our own soil?

Our enemies exploit our weaknesses and use our own systems and laws against us.

The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is one of the most alarming threats we face and serves as the key to our ‘red button’. It is taking advantage of the Biden-Harris border crisis to infiltrate the US, creating chaos across the country. From the violent seizure of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado, to the murder of Laken Riley in Georgia to attacks on police officers in New York City, Tren de Aragua is building a hidden criminal empire in immigrant shelters across the country.

This gang is not just a criminal network; she works with the Venezuelan government. “Insight Crime” reports that Tren de Aragua is an integral part of Venezuela’s “hybrid governance system,” in which the gang enforces the will of the Maduro regime, much like militant civilian groups that crush political dissent. Its activities go beyond simple crime, with allegations of political assassinations, and are now shifting their focus to the United States.

According to a US military leak, Tren de Aragua has launched attacks on US military facilities, including guarding bases such as Lackland Air Force Base and Fort Sam Houston in Texas. These incidents are similar to investigating attacks: testing defenses, identifying weaknesses, and preparing for something more dangerous. The gang has also worked with Cuban nationals in America’s largest oil field: the Permian Basin. The objectives go beyond military installations; it targets America’s economic lifeblood.

The scale of this network is even more alarming. A leak obtained by James O’Keefe revealed a detailed map showing Tren de Aragua operating in cities and states across the country. It is not limited to border towns; its presence extends across the country. This is a “red button” waiting to be pressed, and it’s only a matter of time before it is fully activated.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently designated Tren de Aragua as a terrorist organization, according to reports. The US military leak confirmed this gang’s ties to groups such as Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and other international terrorist networks. This connection makes Tren de Aragua more than just a criminal gang; it is part of a broader, well-organized network that includes some of the most dangerous people in the world. These ties, especially between Iran, Venezuela and their allies – such as Hezbollah – are shifting from criminal operations to acts of urban terrorism within the US, further justifying the designation.

Over the past four years, the southern border has become a revolving door for immigrants from Central and South America, many from countries controlled by hostile regimes. Have Biden and Harris given our enemies a first strike opportunity by opening the border and allowing this threat to grow? Whether intentional or not, their rule has enabled hostile regimes to infiltrate our borders and build a criminal network that could strike at any time. What we’ve seen so far appears to be just “trial runs.”

This is not just policy failure – it is asymmetrical warfare against the United States. Our enemies exploit our weaknesses and use our own systems and laws against us. If we don’t act now, the consequences could be catastrophic – and Donald Trump wants to prevent that. He recently proposed mass deportations as a solution to the escalating border crisis, starting with criminal organizations like Tren de Aragua. Trump’s plan would help us regain control of our borders and root out the enemies embedded in our communities, making it a national security imperative.

In a world where wars are no longer fought solely on battlefields, we must recognize that our enemies are already within our borders. The Biden administration’s inability to secure the southern border has put every American at risk, allowing the “red button” to be mounted on our soil, waiting to be activated against the American people. We must dismantle it before it is too late.

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Author: Glenn Beck

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The ‘Red Button’ message ready? Venezuelan Gangs Wage War in America appeared first on USSA News | The front page of the Tea Party. Visit USSANews.com.

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