In the news (#1478) | The fair courtesan

Women are not a piece of collective property of the community, the disposition of which is determined by majority vote. – Judge Robert McBurney

Police for profit

This will never stop until it is dealt with for what it is: an armed robbery:

The Lexington, Mississippi police case’s predatory, profit-driven policing has repeatedly violated residents’ civil rights, arresting about a quarter of the entire city’s population and leaving them with fines and debts of more than $1.7 million…about $1,400 for every man, woman and child in the city… (a DoJ report) details a litany of brutal, extractive practices that primarily target Lexington’s black residents: countless arrests in minute detail, including… ‘imprisoning people for behavior that is not criminal, such as using profanity and owing money to the police.” Since 2021, the Lexington Police Department has been engaged in an aggressive punitive campaign, often violent, against the city’s residents…Lexington Police…Department funding has skyrocketed from…$662,925 to $965,130 in 2023, all as a result of the looting…(civil rights attorney) Jill Collen Jefferson…said that the people of Lexington have been living under what amounts to a state of occupation…Police Chief…Charles Henderson…(h) while he (also tried) to kill about a dozen forcing women (into) sex, jail time or tickets those who refused…(and) several (Lexington police)…routinely (follow his lead)…

Continue normally (#1254)

Politicians want to pay for ‘self-care’ for cops traumatized by raping dirty whores:

Both houses of Congress have passed the IMPACTT Human Trafficking Act… and we now await President Joe Biden’s signature. The bill would provide “self-care” services to Homeland Security Investigations…personnel (“)exposed(” to women they infantilize as “)victims of human trafficking(”they choose)…to subjugateto…traumatizing experiences…(most of) the “human trafficking” work the agency does involves plain old prostitution stings…especially when it(y) targets Asian massage businesses. At best, these incentives are often a dubious use of resources and authority. At worst, they place people vulnerable to violence and sexual exploitation in more precarious positions – by (brutalizing) sex workers and burdening them with legal costs and criminal records. or (stealing) the belongings of immigrant sex workers and masseuses… and even (raping them)…

The Vultures Descend (#1323)

It is rare for a modern judge to rule explicitly in favor of self-ownership:

A judge in Georgia… (named) Robert McBurney… ruled that the (six-week) abortion ban is unconstitutional under the Georgian state constitution… “’freedom’… in Georgia includes in its meaning, in its protection, and in its bundle of rights the a woman’s power to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference in her health care choices,” McBurney wrote… “Although the state’s interest in protecting ‘unborn’ life is compelling is, until life can be sustained by the state – and not just by the woman forced by law to do the work of the state – the balance of rights is in the woman’s favor”… Doctors in the state can now perform abortions up to fetal viability, returning to Georgia’s 2019 abortion law…

A moral cancer (#1450)

Prohibitionism is a dangerous mental illness:

Several ‘experts’ are calling on state governments to impose age restrictions on the sale of non-alcoholic drinks… under the guise of protecting against underage drinking, based on the argument that products such as non-alcoholic beer could be a gateway to the real work… (but in) reality…studies (show)…’the consumption of (non-alcoholic drinks) usually started after adolescents started consuming alcohol’…in other words…teenagers use non-alcoholic drinks instead of alcoholic drinks, rather than as a stepping stone to real drinking…

I spy (#1461)

If “official” busybodies can spy on you through your car, so can unofficial busybodies:

…a group of independent security researchers have revealed that they have found a flaw in a web portal operated by… Kia, which allows the researchers to transfer control of the internet-connected features of most modern Kia vehicles… from the owner’s smartphone from a car to the hackers’ own phone or computer… they could scan the license plate of virtually any internet-connected Kia car and within seconds gain the ability to track that car’s location, unlock the car, to sound the horn or turn on the ignition at your own discretion. After researchers notified Kia of the issue in June, Kia appears to have fixed the vulnerability in its web portal… But Kia’s patch is far from the end of the auto industry’s web-based security problems… .a slew of similar web-based vulnerabilities… affecting…cars sold by Acura, Genesis, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti, Toyota and more…

The Police Myth (#1464)

“Police kill wife or girlfriend and claim it was suicide” is a recurring theme in this tag:

…Dan Howard, a (typical and representative)…Idaho (cop killed his wife)…in February 2021…(then staged the scene to look like a suicide, claiming) he discovered his wife in the bathtub….(where ) she had shot herself in the head…(but) there (wasn’t enough)…blood…In the laundry room the dryer was running…(and) full of clean bath towels and mats…Howard seemed recently showered and changed his clothes, and used fresh deodorant… no… signs of… a suicide note… they… had over $2 million in assets… but… .Howard (was a tight guy, and they started fighting more after he got away with murder)…a woman during a traffic stop…the…(wife,) Kendy…had an affair, and. ..told Dan that she…wanted a divorce. And she had started buying a new house. In late January 2021, just days before her death, Kendy had met with a divorce attorney… two years…(later) Howard was (convicted of) murder. He… had… (broken) her jaw, then (strangled) her… (and) staged the scene by placing Kendy’s body in the bathtub and shooting her…

Paying the bills

A week ago I let you know that I am facing a projected $3,000 shortfall in my annual operating budget and asked for help to make up that difference. Well, some of my loyal readers have already signed up and generously helped me out with $600. So now I’m only facing a $2,400 shortfall; If you’re not already a subscriber, won’t you consider becoming one? A $1 per day subscription would take $90 off that total, and other tiers would help proportionately. Or if you are already a subscriber but can now do without some extras, I would really appreciate it; It would be great if I could catch up on my birthday!

I find paywalls distasteful, and so many people find this blog valuable as a resource, I just can’t bring myself to install one. Moreover, I even find ad delivery services (the content of which I have no control over). more unpalatable. But because I am now semi-retired from sex work, I can no longer sponsor this blog myself. So if you appreciate my writing enough, then you would pay to see it if it is were paywall, consider subscribing; there are four different levels to suit every budget. Or if that doesn’t work for you, consider showing your generosity with a one-time donation; you can send Paypal to [email protected] or email me at the same address to make other arrangements. Thank you very much!

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