How Libertarians Lie About Attributing Blame – The Duran

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not provide financial, investment or medical advice.

October 5, 2024, by Eric Zuesse

Libertarians (that is, fundamentalists for ‘the free market’, and against any constructive positive role for government – such as promoting the provision of government health, education and welfare services that are independent of the ability of the recipient to pay for it – that is, against financing it through general taxes iinstead of as private compensation for services), lying about many things, but special they lie by blaming the flaws in our current government on “Marxists”, as if ALL leftists are necessarily communists and necessarily opposed to having “free markets” in some parts of the country’s economy.

A recent example of their lies about this is coming true Charles ‘Cully’ Stimson from the far-right Heritage Foundation, headlined in the libertarian magazine Imprimusin March 2024, “Rogue Prosecutors and the Rise of Crime”. He writes there that there were American lawyers in the period from 1985 to 2015

played a critical role in reducing crime rates, which peaked in 1992, by prosecuting violent criminals while creating thousands of alternatives to incarceration, such as drug courts, domestic violence courts, mental health courts, and other highly successful programs .

That changed in 2015 with the launch of the George Soros-funded “progressive prosecutor” movement. This movement is animated by two beliefs. The first is that the entire criminal justice system is systemically racist. The second is that the only way to fix the system is to dismantle it by replacing prosecutors with pro-crime and anti-police officers. The sick irony of this movement is that in the areas where it has prevailed, most of the damage has been done to the racial minorities whose interests it claims to represent.

Origin of the movement

The progressive prosecutor movement—more commonly called the rogue prosecutor movement—is the predictable result of attempts by earlier Marxist radicals to change or destroy the American way of life. At its root is the belief that our country and its institutions, including capitalism, are racist. At its root is the belief that our country and its institutions, including capitalism, are racist. (He specifically condemned the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement as ‘Marxist’.) …

His claim that American billionaire George Soros is a “Marxist” is a standard lie of libertarians and other right-wing parties, but there is no evidence whatsoever that Soros is or ever was a Marxist. All the on the contraryin reality: From 1979 onwards, first with Poland, and then with the other communist countries in EuropeSoros has poured billions of dollars into ending communism there and breaking away from Russia – he has probably done more than any other individual to hasten the collapse and end of the communist Soviet Union. Furthermore, once that happened and Russia itself ended its communism in 1991, so did Soros ruthlessly financed and promoted against the Russian government when Putin came to power there in 2000, and the Russian economy has grown enormously since then. Moreover, when Barack Obama, Soros’ US presidential candidate, After overthrowing and replacing Ukraine’s previously neutralist government with substantial financial support for the plan on the part of Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation, Soros has consistently urged US and European governments to donate billions more than they have donated to Ukraine’s efforts against Russia.. So apparently Soros’s anti-Marxism did that Also anti-Russian. But he has certainly been one of the world’s most important individuals in bringing one end to Marxism. This is the opposite from what Stimson wrote.

Moreover, Stimson’s attribution of social movements against racism (such as “Black Lives Matter”) to Karl Marx is also incorrect. Charles Marx was a racist himselfand never written in return for racism.

Another example of the common libertarian lies that blame “Marxists” for anti-racism is an article from the libertarian financial news and commentary site Zero Hedge, which today, October 5, is headlined: “Katrina-like disaster unfolds for Biden-Harris as new round of tropical troubles takes aim at Florida”and it says: “The Biden-Harris team of far-left radicals is overwhelmed by the growing list of disasters. Another hurricane hitting the southeastern US, or if World War III were to break out in the Middle East, would prove devastating because the people in charge are not really leaders, but instead Marxist propagandists..” Biden and Harris are absolutely NOT Marxists, but instead fascists (although they are of the liberal variety, like Obama and the Clintons, not of the conservative variety, such as Trump, McCain and the Bushes), and – despite liars such as the libertarian philosopher Friedrich von Hayek – communism is NOT the same ideology like fascism. The common lie among libertarians, which claims that capitalist dictatorships (fascisms like those of Mussolini, Hitler and today’s America) are no different from communist dictatorships (like the Soviet Union), must be called out, because (like EVERY lie) it is false . And that is just a historical fact fact. Communism and fascism are different types of dictatorships, and this does not mean that they are the same. Only liars and fools say that are the same. So anyone who says they are the same simply shows themselves to be a liar or else a fool. The problems of capitalism are not the problems of socialism special not the problems of democratic socialism – no matter what hucksters say.

The fact is that communism has no possibility of taking power in America, but fascism has already taken over here. July 25, 1945.


Research historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory and Why the Social Sciences Must Changeis about how America took over the world after World War II to enslave it to American and allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by controlling not only their ‘news media’ but also the social ‘sciences’ – by misleading the public.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not provide financial, investment or medical advice.

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