Chainsaws & Carrie – NewClear

How might famous horror media relate to one another?

  • 04/05/1974 Carrie: Debut Novel of Stephen King
  • +6m 6d
  • 10/11/1974 Texas Chain Saw Massacre Premiere

666 symbolism in a delta!

Both landmark horror with long legacies on pop culture, and the timing clarifies it was always meant to be that way!

This film is credited with inventing several now common tropes of horror.

Chainsaws being an obvious one, but also serial killing masked villains.

The similarly timed Wicker Man also focused on masks and horror and there is meaning to the timing!

 The most famous horror of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre involves the murder of “KIRK”.

The next revolutionary low-budget slasher film was 1978’s Halloween which had a mask designed after CAPTAIN KIRK’S DEATH MASK from Star Trek.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre was rejected by every major and minor studio except one.

A studio that made its fortune with the film DEEP THROAT and was noted for having MAFIA CONNECTIONS.

That brings it back to Nixon!

  • 06/11-12/1972 Deep Throat Premiere: most famous pornography movie of all time released
  • 06/17/1972 WATERGATE Arrests: biggest political scandal of all time.

Watergate famously tied to DEEP THROAT INFORMER.

A symbol I go into at length here.

They also released a film called Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein.

  • 04/02/1974 Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein Film Exposition Premiere
  • 04/05/1974 Carrie Published
  • 04/09/1974 Film Exposition Ends

As well as Bruce Lee’s Return of the Dragon which I’ll come back to later.

The 666 connection it has with Carrie makes my work decoding that one relevant.

It is tied to a transition in handling Q level secrets.

I’ve covered it extensively so if you aren’t familiar with it just read the nested as I’d rather not repeat myself.

This connection with Q level SECRETS is critical and this is why it ties in with Nixon’s downfall as the whole point of Watergate wast to force a top down change in secrecy laws.

That’s why it had to go to the POTUS level in scandal.

It inspired the Evil Dead series which is also famous for chainsaw horror.

Symbolism of REPLACING A HAND WITH A CHAINSAW and being chased by an EVIL CAMERA.

Chainsaw Man

However the primary reason I began decoding chainsaws is the newest chainsaw franchise.

A manga series “Chainsaw Man” and what intrigued me about this series is a key plot point is the titular “Chainsaw Man” is so powerful it erases entire concepts.


Sound familiar?

Those are all horrors I’ve extensively decoded as psyops!

It surprised me to find them all grouped together in a universe called out together as fear campaigns was raised!

  • 12/03/2018 Chainsaw Man Manga begins
  • 12/03/2018 BENNU Asteroid Mapping Begins

A symbol tied to 9/11 as I go into here.

All of this ties into hiding secrets!

Chainsaw Man begins with a young boy inheriting his father’s debt to a YAKUZA GANG.

If you search Yakuza in newspaper archives you’ll see that US news about it begins with a 1974 Big Budget YAKUZA film.


Thus we come full circle!

I noticed a few parallels in researching these together.

They both share scenes with the older primary villain biting/sucking the finger of the protagonist.

A famous creepy moment from the first Texas Chain Saw Massacre family of cannibals.

Also that cannibalism part…

Cannibalism plays a major role in that same relationship with Chainsaw Man as the hero cooks and eats her.

Reminds me of my efforts in creating shock value horror when I was a kid, but I digress, clearly I need to decode the 1974 original.

That cannibal grandfather plot is a clue to intent as the motivation for the main characters in the film is in CHECKING THE GRAVE OF THEIR OWN GRANDFATHER.

Both the Leatherface cannibal family and the main character’s family have family roots with ANIMAL SLAUGHTER.

So we have a story juxtaposing two grandfathers and SECRETS.

The film literally begins by discussing the horror of having your family’s bones turned into a grisly monument.

This already unlocks almost everything when reconciled with Carrie.

Notice they also discuss the prospect of INDICTMENTS from the grave robbing.

The point is precisely why they had a major change in handling secrets. The fear of old family crimes used to take down currently in power people.

Unraveling the history of things like MKUltra!

Maldonado refused to give details of the case.

Same name as the “TIGER KING” which I also connected to those kinds of ops, this probably gives us the origin of using that name as a symbol for it all!

First name “Jesus” which as we are talking about criminal investigation in 1974…

A likely reference to the Church commission which was set up using Watergate pretext and culminated in bringing MKUltra public as well as other secrets before changing Q level secrecy laws.

The radio then goes into two additional news stories, the first being oil drums burning out of control

And one final story being a “young man, reportedly Angered by a local television BLACKOUT of a SPORTS EVENT JUMPED FROM THE TENTH STORY WINDOW”

So he jumped to death due to a BLACKOUT OF A SPORTS and “a second man allegedly threatened to leap from the same window.” but was restrained by the police.

Then it shifts to a FULL MOON before switching to morning with more radio broadcasts of bad news.

The morning news is juxtaposed with a dead armadillo (armor/protection?) and a switch to national news with an Atlanta Building collapse with suspicion of sabotage and sex crimes involving removing genitals.

I’ll refrain from giving my interpretation, instead let’s back up to that blackout news.

A motive of people jumping to their death for a BLACKOUT OF A SPORTING EVENT?

The others are devoid of details and are plausible bad stories that you might see any day, but that one is inexplicable!

What reason was there to add a motive of sports blackout for suicide?

Looking up the history of Sports Blackouts and I notice both the news archives and the wiki article begin at 1973, even though it’s clearly an older policy.

This is because major events connect to those blackouts that year, the same year the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was made!

That wiki page specifically recounts how a particularly famous 1972 game was blacked out.

The Washington Redskins making the playoffs for the 2nd time in 27 seasons – and due to blackouts not even Nixon could watch.

This seems to have been an impetus for legislation change.

This begs the question of what that may have represented.

12/24/1972 Redskins Famously blacked out game beating the Green Bay Packers at RFK MEMORIAL STADIUM in D.C.

RFK eh?

Any other famous NFL events around this time?

  • 12/24/1972 NFL Blackout Washington Redskins Playoffs
  • 12/23-24/1972 Bruce Lee Way of the Dragon premieres at midnight and breaks previous box office records

That Bruce Lee date is questionable as the wiki date has it listed as the 30th and I can’t seem to find anyway to verify.

Regardless, this is what I meant when I said I’d return to that film. Way of the Dragon was produced by the same guys as TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE!

But perhaps more importantly the “Immaculate Reception” connection.

Terry Bradshaw win against the RAIDERS (Raiding = taking by force) by throwing it to “FuQua” but having it actually caught by Harris.

A symbol of the Q data change! Indirect move!

A symbol I’ve decoded extensively already tied to hiding secrets better!

And it especially ties into international changes in handling secrets

Final Redskin game of the season was also at home.

  • 12/17/1972 RFK Memorial Stadium Redskins lose 17-24 Buffalo Bills – O.J. Simpson finishes first 1,000-yard rushing campaign
  • 12/17/1972 Apollo 17 Final Moon Mission Collecting film From The Panoramic Mapping Cameras.

Note the plot of Texas Chainsaw Massacre begins on a specific date.

Why give it a specific date?


The next record breaking Bruce Lee film after Way of the Dragon!

400 Million!

The point is in moving operations overseas.

The plot kicks off with the protagonists picking up a LUNATIC HITCHIKER

He then begins mutilating himself, takes pictures EVIDENCE of them and demands payment for it.

When refused he attacks!

That sequence is in a nutshell why operations tied to working with MKUltra type cells would transition.

A layer of separation for protection!

Remember this whole movie began with the fear of SKELETONS BEING DUG UP of the main characters family!

A family with a past shared with lunatics of Leatherface family!

A lot harder to threaten if all the steps in-between are handled internationally!

Movie focuses on the fears of being MARKED and whether or not they can track the family home!

A fear of whether or not they have their home address and may come for them!

Again, international fixes this same problem. A horror explaining the motivations for change.

Note this film just like Psycho and Silence of the Lambs Buffalo Bill is based on serial killer Ed Gein.

Buffalo Bills being an important comm tied to further changes to operations I cover in many posts.

Why Ed Gein?

If you look at the original reporting of Ed Gein, notice capture is juxtaposed with another landmark.

  • 11/20/1957 Ed Gein Serial Killer Babysitter First Reported Archives
  • 11/20/1957 NUCLEAR Atom Ship 20 Million Contract Due in 2 Years SHIP Camden, New Jersey


1957 Ed Gein + 2 Years?

  • 04/10/1959 PSYCHO Based on ED GEIN Published, later Movie popularizes slasher films
  • -1
  • 04/09/1959 NASA Introduces the original Seven Mercury Astronauts including “SLAYTON”


The finale of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre begins with an escape as the cannibals try to get their grandfather involved.

She first tries to escape on a semi called the “BLACK MARIA”

Which I suspect is a symbol tied to the first U.S. film studio.

Edison’s film studio.

Buffalo Bill’s show performers were among the first “Movie Stars” as in people filmed in Edison’s Black Maria studio.

Tied to psyops of the day!

Note Leatherface marks the address on the Black Maria for death just like the prior vehicle.

So they all get out of the semi and find a new escape vehicle.

But not before picking up a WRENCH (FIX) from the Black Maria and throwing it at Leatherface.

This causes Leatherface to chainsaw his own leg, making him unable to chase the protagonists. Including the Black Maria) as they escape in a PICKUP.

  • 03/04/1947 LEATHERFACE original Actor Born from Iceland
  • 03/04/1947 CIA Funding Act introduced.

This exempted the CIA from having to disclose information about who works for them and allowed “essential aliens” outside normal immigration to be paid as well with COVER STORIES.

The point of which is clear when we reconcile the demand for payment in the film.

The mechanism for hiring people with psychopaths on leashes with the promise of using them to create news events to push the public in whatever direction desired.

This is why the two that actually kill are presented as mentally ill in the movie, but they are directed to act by the one paying the bills who refuses to get his own hands dirty.

That ties into Chainsaw Man as well, a mentally ill main character manipulated to kill by someone with secret government contracts.

A character with obvious mental illness from abuse, poverty, and lack of good experiences.

It often conveys dissociation as extreme things happen around him.

It was the Yakuza tied to creating Chainsaw Man and in Texas Chainsaw Massacre the production was tied to the mafia and paid for with money from Deep Throat.

A symbol invoked in story and production of real criminal elements tied to ops.

Ranked in the top ten on a horror list covering every horror movie including many of the oldest ever made by a major publication.

The prominence in pop culture for a movie that was rejected by every major studio is important given those are the very vehicles that create fame

A push for something taboo and banned was embraced as a likely green light for ops behind it.

  • 04/05/1974 Carrie: Debut Novel of Stephen King
  • +6m 6d
  • 10/11/1974 Texas Chain Saw Massacre Premiere
  • -6m 9d
  • 04/02/1974 Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein (Prior film behind Leatherface)

There are many ways to invoke a horror film for meaning, for example I’ve covered the Wolf Man before and it too was on that list of greatest horror.

  • 12/12/1941 WOLF MAN Premiere
  • 08/17/1918 Wolf Man Love Interest Evelyn Ankers born
  • 08/17/1918 Nazi Party precursor “Thule” society founded

“Horror” is a logical thing to begin a World War with, and how do you end a World War?

That’s why I bring up that horror list again.

A movie I wasn’t aware of until today, a horror described as “rare” because it was made despite a ban being in place for horror movies during World War 2.

1945 released. and guess what day?

  • 09/09/1945 Dead of Night Premiere
  • 09/09/1945 Japan Formally Surrenders in China World War 2
  • -1 Month
  • 08/09/1945 Nagasaki Nuclear Bombing

Famous horror began the war, and famous horror ends it!

A horror movie famous for a ventriloquist played be “REDGRAVE” and his evil puppet threatening to leave him and go to America.

Note his target for murder is a GERMAN.

Sounds like Paperclip!

Especially given this film was adapted into a radio show called ESCAPE.

  • 07/07/1947 Escape Show Radio Debut
  • 07/08/1947 Roswell UFO Flying Disc Announced
  • 07/09/1947 Roswell UFO Debunked
  • +17Q
  • 07/26/1947 CIA Created With Signing of National Security Act

Define “Alien” in legal terms. In relation to things like Paperclip foreign aliens.

Roswell is where the Enola Gay went after the nukes.

I began this post with this….

  • 04/05/1974 Carrie: Debut Novel of Stephen King
  • +6m 6d
  • 10/11/1974 Texas Chain Saw Massacre Premiere

Now that I’ve covered chainsaws extensively, let’s go further into the start of Stephen King as it relates to other big events.

Kings & Technology

The most successful horror writer in history is Stephen King and he began his rise in 1974 with a novel about “Carrie White”.

That name of hers is one I’ve focused on because there is an inexplicable pattern tied to it as well as Stephen King himself

In Stephen King’s case…

  • 1974 Stephen King: Carrie Published
  • 1974 Steven Spielberg: First Feature Film
  • 1974 Steve Wozniak: Begins at Atari Creates BREAKOUT
  • 1974 Steve Jobs: Begins at Atari CREATES BREAKOUT
  • 1974 Steve Bristow: CREATES Breakout

The origin of 4 Goliath’s of 4 different industry.

First BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE = Stephen Spielberg as he was first to make more than 100 million dollars domestic, and yet somehow small in comparison to his later films like E.T.

But the other Steve’s are even more telling as to what is going on.

Big Video Games in Atari: Steve Bristow, Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak

All 3 created the massive video game success named “Breakout” and 2 of them would go on to Found Apple revolutionizing the computer industry.

Big Video Games & Big Computers!

After creating “Breakout” they would break out and make Apple.

And Breakout was a game that would go on to inspire Space Invaders.

Space Invaders = The first BLOCKBUSTER GAME

Made BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and is another game often said to be “revolutionary” for the industry.

None of it is coincidental.

Breakout inspired Space Invaders, but Breakout itself had its origin in Pong.

  • 1971 Ping-Pong Diplomacy Begins JAPAN
  • 1972 Nixon’s historic China Opening visit
  • 1972 PONG – First mass produced Arcade Game


This was the MSM laying the ground work for the computer revolution.

Hyping up the game that could most easily be translated into a computer game!

Sowing the fields and preparing the demand as the supply is grown!

Pong -> Breakout -> Space Invaders = Arcade Industry

Steve Jobs & Wozniak branched off from Breakout to make APPLE.

The concept of Breakout was predated by “Clean Sweep” from 1974 (again)

A game where a bank president has to suck up money while avoiding thieves.

Nixon & Mao kicked off the hype with Ping Pong Diplomacy.

That successor to Pong game was made by Ramtek and it was founded the day after the Watergate Plumbers began.

This could easily be coincidence, but there is a deeper coordination going on with these events.

The coordination of these massive new industries had interconnected purposes.

The connection between video game to computer is obvious with the money, technology, and design of Breakout acting as the origin for the breakout Apple II and it was made by the same guys!

The connection between the other 2 industries isn’t quite as obvious.

But it’s clearly there.

The origin of Steven King being “CARRIE WHITE” for example.

Carrie was the #1 box office movie for a whole month at the very end of 1976.

Which brings us to 1977.

Carrie White

Break Out and Carrie White.

  • 05/25/1977 Star Wars: Luke Carry’s “Carrie” in WHITE from Government
  • +6
  • 05/19/1977 Smokey and the Bandit: Bandit Carry’s “Carrie” in WHITE from Government (2nd Biggest Box Office)

Both top films taking “Carrie White”

Just like Ping Pong Diplomacy hyped people up for PONG, Star Wars hyped people up for COMPUTERS.

  • 05/25/1977 STAR WARS Premieres
  • 06/10/1977 Apple II Released
  • 08/03/1977 STAR WARS Unprecedented Second Opening (CHINESE THEATER)
  • 08/03/1977 TRS-80 Revolutionary PC
  • 1976 Apple 1 sold 175-200 Units
  • 1977 Apple II sold MILLIONS
  • 1977 TRS-80 sold MILLIONS

The dawn of BIG PC SALES.

But it’s so much more than that.

This symbol of “Carrie” for example.

  • 1977: STAR WARS: LUCAS Director and CARRIE As Princess Leia
  • 1977: CARRIE LUCAS DEBUT ALBUM “Simply Carrie”

CARRIE LUCAS began the same year as “CARRIE + LUCAS” created the next big record breaking blockbuster!


And could help clarify the point of “Carrie”

To carry?

A wide-ranging coordination to carry Star Wars across major industries!

Note she is wearing WHITE. Another “CARRIE in WHITE”

Just like the marketing around the two biggest movies of the 1977 as well as the big film at the end of 1976!

  • Carrie White in Steven King’s “Carrie”
  • Carrie Fischer in White Space Dress
  • Carrie Frog in White Wedding Dress
  • Carrie Lucas in White Debut Album

Not just “Carrie” but “WHITE”

  • 05/06/1977 WHITE SNAKE Debut Album
  • 05/06/1977 WHITE BUFFALO HUNT Buffalo Bill Movie
  • 04/08/1977 WHITE RIOT Debut of The Clash

May is the same month as the two big movies I went over as well.

It was also a breakout year for the WHITE SOX.

  • 1977 They win 90 Games exactly
  • 1978 They lose 90 Games exactly

I don’t actually know what, if anything, this means, but it struck me as curious.

They rise along with all things “white” in 1977 and then in 1978 fall harshly.

“Carrie White” in Stephen King’s first book is a character defined by her trauma leading to a mass murder of children.

In other words MK Ultra.

Remember, this began with America + China and PING PONG DIPLOMACY.

  • 04/13/1953 First James Bond Book Released
  • 04/13/1953 CIA Launches MK Ultra
  • 08/03/1977 MK Ultra Hearing Senate
  • 08/03/1977 James Bond: Spy Who Loved Me
  • 08/03/1977 STAR WARS 2nd Opening: CHINA THEATER
  • 08/04/1977 DOE/Q Changes Begins

I cover that quite frequently, but this thread pulled together many new finds showing a far wider coordination in 1977.


Much of the propaganda was to promote computers, Star Wars itself really hyping up technology.

Apple in particular was the big one in 1977.

Apple famously made tons with Steve Jobs and then nearly went bankrupt after he left in the 1980’s.

He returned in 1997 and turned the company around from near bankruptcy in 1998 with the iMac.

Apple & Snapple

This mirrors the history of SNAPPLE.

Snapple Bought for 1.7 Billion by Quaker Oats and then it bled money every year until they sold it.

  • 1997 Quaker Oats Sells Snapple for 300 Million.

Water is a symbol for information and Snapple is liquid “Apple” and so its success is likely tied to whether or not spyops were using the computers.

Steve JOBS creates the company and after being forced out returns to save it.

Symbol of SPY JOBS?

Thus his ejection killing Apple may have reflected an international transition or disagreement that was eventually reversed.

These connections and coordination across industry with promotion leads to patterns.

  • 05/06/1977 WHITE SNAKE Debut Album
  • 05/06/1977 WHITE BUFFALO HUNT Buffalo Bill Movie
  • 04/08/1977 WHITE RIOT Debut of The Clash

And the others which all tied into the computer push.

“White Snake” had their debut in 1977, but was formed when DEEP PURPLE collapsed.

  • 06/21/1968 DEEP PURPLE Debut Single: HUSH
  • 06/21/1968 ARPANET Approved: Proto Internet
  • 07/17/1968 Deep Purple Debut Album
  • 07/18/1968 INTEL FOUNDED
  • 07/19/1968 PINK PANTHER 3 Released

This strikes me as interesting…

Pink & Purple & White?

The buildup to the big launch of computers in 1977 when everything went WHITE.

Might the prior colors have reflected a prototype nature before going mass market?

Anyway… I’ll be doing a much more extensive decode of Carrie White given all my findings in this post, I might actually have to read the book given how so many threads of history seem to begin there!

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