
Chanson Holdings Group (CHSN) has been making the financial news lately after surging up to 700% in a month with no news or trackable catalysts. Even noted short seller Nate Anderson of Hindenburg Research is slowly pointing out this and other scams.

Nate Anderson, founder of Hindenburg Research.

The company is clearly a rigged pump-and-dump that should be avoided by all means. But in this analysis I would particularly like to draw attention to a frightening development that I observe in some of these pig slaughtering scams. This development leads me to believe that some of these operations may be involved in a nefarious financial war between CCP-backed criminal groups against US investors.

I’m beginning to think that such operations are not simply the work of criminal organizations taking advantage of US liquidity and poor listing standards, but rather part of a systematic CCP shadow war against the US economy.

Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. This allows you to determine the opponent’s fate.’ – Sun Tzu

Company information

Chanson International Holding is a company that sells bakery, seasonal and beverage products through retail chains in China and the United States. The company was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Urumqi, China.

The company is the stereotypical Cayman Island-registered Chinese sub-op scheme that most of us should be familiar with by now. In short, it was an empty shell with questionable and unreliable activities whose only motive was to list its share on the American NASDAQ.

Operationally, the company is mediocre, unprofitable and effectively NON-INVESTABLE!

Negative margin, negative cash, unsustainable debt and yet the stock is up 700% M/M.

CHSN was listed in 2023 with the help of the infamous EF HUTTON, one of the most despicable penny stock hustlers on Wall Street.

CHSN has also changed auditors three times since 2021, all well-known auditors of China’s micro- and nano-cap fuss and pseudo-biotech pump-and-dumps: Friedman LLP, MARCUM ASIA LLP and ASSENTSURE CPA.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu

CHSN and other Chinese hustles could be more than just the work of sophisticated criminal gangs, lured by the liquidity and lack of regulation and control over US markets.

I’m beginning to believe that these groups are simply part of the Red Army’s subtle war against the US in financial matters. Their goal is to weaken and impoverish American households and create as much financial chaos as possible, further deteriorating their capital structure and exacerbating the apparent distrust between citizens and government institutions.

This strategy can be linked to the drugs, weapons, and illegal substances that are rampant in many American cities and communities today, all tied to Chinese outfits and organizations.

A bounty worth $75 billion cannot possibly be the work of a mafia, but rather a GOVERNMENT.

I was particularly alarmed by a WhatsApp recommendation for a short note that made me realize that the goal of many of these groups is not just ‘profiteering’, but also the destruction of wealth against those they consider their enemies.


I’m not trying to sound like an alarmist, but the scale of financial destruction being wrought on our financial market by Chinese companies is shocking. It therefore cannot be the work of unconnected and unregulated financial triads or sophisticated scammers.

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that many of these scams are just small fires lit by the CCP to drain American households of their savings, create financial desperation, dilute trust in American institutions, and foment as much discord and disorder as possible .

Many of our cities are littered with drug addicts; homelessness and crime are rampant, and there is a clear sense of desperation. A large amount of drugs and weapons brought to our shores come from China!

I seriously think that the “BIG BUTCHERING FINANCIAL SCHEMES” are aimed at creating the same kind of chaos in the inner city, with investors and middle class households looking to secure and even increase their wealth.

Avoid Chinese stocks like cancer. In fact, avoid all stocks unless they have demonstrated a reliable ability to generate free cash flow and dividends!

“Not a trade recommendation. The analysis is written solely for intellectual curiosity and interest. Do your own due diligence. Protect your capital like a hawk!”


submitted by /u/orishasinc2 to r/VampireStocks
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