Half marathon training plan + tips for beginners

Half marathon training is challenging. No matter how experienced you are, running a half marathon distance (13.1 miles) is a huuuuge achievement, and crossing the finish line after all your training is one of the best feelings (take it from WH Fitness Director Bridie who has completed one herself).

Looking for some tips, we spoke to Nike Run Club coach and founder of London based speed training club, Track Mafia, Cory Wharton-Malcolm. He gave us the lowdown on the most common reasons people end up limping and spluttering over the line, which could be fundamental to making your participation in any half marathons near you fun.

Races are meant to be enjoyable – we promise – so heed his advice and you’ll be on the road to success in no time. Scroll on for expert half marathon training tips and advice, from how to build up to the full half marathon distance, to how to make your race as enjoyable as possible.

What is a half marathon distance?

Wondering how far a half marathon is? A half marathon is 13.1 miles, or 21K.

Half marathon training tips

1. Make sure you’re training enough

One of the most obvious mistakes when training for a half marathon, and yet one of the most common, is simply not getting the volume of your training right.

In fact, some people attempt to use under-training as a sort of badge of honour for when they complete the feat. For Wharton-Malcolm, this is a foolhardy approach:

‘Whilst you can do most things without training, the question is how much fun would you have? How much pain would you put your body through and would that be a smart thing to do?’, he explains. ‘I personally wouldn’t recommend it.’ Us neither, Coach Cory. Us neither.

So, how much half marathon training is ‘enough’ training? Keep reading to find out…

2. Try to mix up your half marathon training sessions

While it can be tempting to go out and “just run” you’ll struggle to see any improvements if you’re not also varying your pace or distance. That classic 45-minute, 5-mile loop you’ve been doing every day? It’s only going to get you so far in your half marathon training.

If you’re starting from zero keep runs short to begin with and build up from there. The rule of thumb for increasing the distance you’re running is no more than 10% week to week. So, if you’re running 5k at the moment, 5.5k is the max you should be aiming for next week.

Zone 2 training could also prove a useful tool in your half marathon training, if you’re not already a keen runner and could do with building up your aerobic base.

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Deby Suchaeri

Half marathon training plan

Wharton-Malcolm recommends at least three runs per week. As mentioned above, implement progressive overload by increasing the distance of these runs by no more than 10% week on week, to avoid the risk of injury. Each week should include the following three run types:

1. Steady long run

Your long run is likely to be the one that’s new to the half marathon training party. It’s also essential for getting you familiar with the feeling of being on your feet for a decent length of time.

There’s no hard and fast rule about exactly how long and how fast these runs should be. Work it out with the rest of your total miles for the week, depending on how far you’re used to running. You should be aiming to be out and about for over an hour, building up pace and distance week on week.

2. Speed session

We’ll warn you now, speed sessions are hard. But they’re absolutely essential to develop your pace and endurance during half marathon training.

When you’re starting out, one simple way to structure it is by basing your recovery on time rather than distance. So, if you run a quarter of a mile at near maximum effort, make sure to recover for the amount of time you were running – not the distance. Then repeat.

Alternatively, if timed-speed sessions don’t sound like your cuppa joe, you can also find a hill to spring up and jog down. Repeat.

Training in this way boosts your VO2 Max (maximal oxygen uptake), which in layman’s speak refers to how much oxygen your body is capable of using in one minute. Speed sessions over shorter distances will help you see more efficient progress over longer distances. Go figure.

3. Recovery run

This is the most chilled of your weekly runs. Not too far, not too fast and easy does it.

Often referred to as ‘conversation pace’, this run should be performed at a speed that you feel comfortable talking at the same time. As with all running advice, both the distance and pace of this run will depend on your experience and level but, run at a comfortable pace and keep it light.

However, even though this run is easier than you other two, it’s still a non-negotiable. You’re less likely to get injured if you keep your running at three sessions per week instead of two.

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3. Don’t neglect other forms of exercise

Yes, for half marathon training you need to run, no arguments there. But, it’s also essential that you include complimentary training in your half marathon training plan, too.

Strength training is one of the most important things you can do to keep your muscles and bones strong and capable to carry load. Whether you choose to use just your bodyweight or work with home gym equipment (dumbbells, kettlebells etc.), make sure to programme it into your weekly workout schedule – two 30-60-minute sessions per week is ideal.

Need some ideas?

There are many mixed opinions about the value of a good stretch routine, but it’s nothing if not complimentary. (Just don’t expect it to prevent injury used in isolation.) Whether you prefer Yoga or a foam roller, there are myriad benefits to lengthening and loosening your muscles regularly.

Ready to get stretchy?

4. Try to get to a double-digit distance before the big day

Running experts are divided over how long your longest run in half marathon training needs to be. Some say 10 miles, some say 12 and some say 14 – so that race day brings no surprises.

Cory’s advice? At least 10: ‘I personally would recommend a minimum of 10 miles in training but in a perfect world you would run a 12 miler so you get a feel for what’s to come.’

Either way, you need to get used to being on your feet for a long time. If you’ve only ever covered 10k of ground (that’s about 6miles) for instance, it’ll take some adjustment to get familiar with what’s to come on race day.

5. Taper properly

If you’re guilty of not training enough (we see you), you may also be unknowingly not tapering, too.

To refresh, ‘to taper’ is the period of time you start to reduce the amount you’re running to make sure you’re nice and fresh for race day.

Wharton-Malcolm explains: ‘Your longest run should be around three weeks before your half marathon. Then with 10-14 days to go, you should do your last speed session.

‘When you’re in your final week count down, don’t stop running altogether. Go for 30 minutes, two or three times but at a very easy pace. One of these runs should be done the day before with some activation drills to prime your body for the main event.’

half marathon training

Oscar Wong

6. Don’t try something new during the race

This is an age-old mistake. Race day is not the day for trying new things, be that with kit, nutrition or (where possible) sleep.

A lot of runners are often tempted to try running gels or sports drinks for the first time during a race. However, if you’re thinking of slurping one down, it should have been part of your training plan, too.

Some gels can send people running (much faster than anticipated) straight for a bathroom break, while others simply don’t sit well. Wharton-Malcolm suggests experimenting with other types of fuel, such as bananas, to see how you fare.

This advice goes double for your running shoes, running leggings and sports bras, by the way. No new kicks or fresh garms will get you across that line. It’s about preparation and kit you know works. Trust us on this one.

7. Get your hydration on point

When it comes to hydration, it’s more than about whether your running water bottle is comfortable to carry (although that is important).

Working out how much you like and need to drink during half marathon training will help you know how much to carry when you come to race. It’s about what works for you and your plan.

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8. Swerve overeating the night before you run

Heard of carb-loading? No, it’s not mainlining malteasers on the couch during Bridgerton but the practice of fuelling your muscles with slow-release carbohydrates and glycogen the night before your race, and it could be the key to making your half marathon enjoyable, rather than just one hell of a slog.

In fact, what you eat the night before should be a smaller portion of what you’ve been eating for the previous two to three days to avoid waking up feeling bloated and heavy.

In the lead-up, batch cook a healthy high-carb dish with a good portion of protein to go with it (chili con carne recipe anyone?), but make sure you go light on the spice. That is one situation you do not want happening.

In the morning before you race, Wharton-Malcolm suggest easily digestible food like porridge or if you can’t face that a flapjack or a banana.

Thinking about running a full marathon soon? This marathon training diet plan will keep you fuelled up properly.

9. Prepare your race kit

Run coach Becs Gentry’s advice is simple, yet important. The day before race day, make sure to get everything ready, and think realistically about what you’ll want after the race.

WH recommends:

  • A warm jumper
  • A dry t shirt
  • A can or stick of deodorant
  • A water bottle
  • A variety of snacks that you know won’t aggregate a sensitive tummy, to refuel
  • A protein shake or protein powder, if you wish to promote muscle repair post-run
  • A pair of flip flops or sliders if you want to take your running trainers off

10. Wear the right shoes

For a half marathon, it’s vital to be running in responsive trainers that work for you—and remember, never, ever, ever wear new shoes on race day! Check out WH’s edit of the best running trainers.

11. Pace yourself

You know about pacing generally, but if you remember one thing about it come race day, repeat after us: Try not to go out too fast.

An easy way to do this is to follow a race pacer—there will be runners with big flags on their backs stating the pace they will be running at. Find one in the start pen and stick with them for the race—you’re good to go.

12. Enjoy the support

Half marathons are about achieving new sporting achievements, raising money for charity and, most importantly, having fun.

Don’t forget this. Smile at those who come to cheer you on, high five spectators, eat the jelly babies—and enjoy your run!

13. Think of the medal

If all else fails, remember that you’ll get a very, very shiny reward for all your hard work at the end of those 13.1 miles. And rightly so.

I’m running a virtual half marathon: do I need to do anything differently?

In terms of your running, no. But there are some differences to IRL running to be aware of.

You’re going to need to make your own atmosphere

Without the buzz of actual people doing actual cheering, 13.1 miles might seem pretty long without external encouragement. Load up on podcasts, playlists, audiobooks and albums – anything that’ll help keep your mind in the game, the whole route round.

Make sure to get to know your route

We’re going to guess your route isn’t signposted the same way an official racecourse would be? Yeah, thought so.

Instead, make sure you know where you’re going when, especially if you’ve been training to achieve a certain time. Lost minutes to check routes or, in the worst-case scenario, unpick exactly where you went wrong can all be avoided by getting to know the way before you set off.

One way to GTK your route? Cycle it. You’ll get a good workout in, as well as calming some pre-race nerves.

Don’t be shy to share your success

There’s no feeling like crossing that finish line – we know that. Unfortunately, running solo doesn’t quite have that same buzz and completing your first half marathon is a feat worth shouting about. Loudly.

Logging your runs on Strava can be a great way to connect with a fitness-focused community and receive some well-deserved (virtual) pats on the back too.

Read now: How to practise self-compassion and become more confident

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Headshot of Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women’s Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women’s Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.


Bridie is Fitness Director at Women’s Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).

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