Gabon: IFRC Network Annual Report 2023, January-December – Gabon


Values, power and inclusivity

In 2023, the National Society prioritized training its volunteers in Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) and Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI). Using its e-learning platform, it promoted the principles and ideals of the Red Crescent Movement of the Red Cross, while addressing issues such as the prevention of child trafficking and exploitation, the protection and promotion of women’s social status, and the prevention of gender-based violence. .

Engage local actors

IFRC membership coordination includes working with national associations to assess humanitarian needs, agree priorities, develop strategies for expanded access and space, mobilize resources and maintain a consistent public message. It focused on aligning humanitarian action with development efforts and strengthening the supporting role of the National Association. The Gabonese Red Cross participates in pan-African initiatives. Externally, the National Society coordinated with government ministries and worked with UN agencies, UNAIDS, OCEAC and the Global Fund in areas such as health, disaster preparedness, climate and institutional development.

In 2023, the National Society prioritized financial sustainability by developing applications for the IFRC Capacity Building Fund and updating its volunteer policy, with a focus on youth engagement. It participated in a sub-regional peer-to-peer learning event and trained volunteers in mapping risk areas using open source software. The National Society worked on its humanitarian diplomatic plan, meeting key partners and ambassadors and defining its supporting role and mandate. It maintained a zero-tolerance policy on fraud and corruption, while increasing accountability training for volunteers and staff, prioritizing the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, and strengthening safeguarding policies. The National Society also diversified budget holders, reduced reporting backlogs and simplified procedures for several departments, including administration, logistics, finance, human resources and deployment.

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