After delays, the DPR insisted that the draft law on the position of judges be considered by Prabowo’s government.

After delays, the DPR insisted that the draft law on the position of judges be considered by Prabowo's government.

Jakarta (08/10) – Nasir Djamil, member of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), called on the government of Joko Widodo to respond to pressure from judges demanding a salary increase, especially pending a joint leave action for judges throughout Indonesia, Monday (10-07-2024).

He also appreciated this project as part of the defense of rights, especially to improve the well-being of judges, as the main gateway to the judicial process in this country.

“The action of asking judges for a salary increase on collective leave is normal and the government must respond to it so that justice in this country functions as usual and does not harm others,” Nasir said when contacted by INDOPOS.CO . ID & INDOPOSCO, Sunday (10-06-2024).

He stressed that the picture of justice in this country is still bleak as many cases of corruption by judges continue to be committed.

Not only demand integrity from judges, but also pay attention to the contents of their bag (well-being). “If he is not balanced, there is a fear that he will take the contents of another bag and end up in the mafia circle of justice,” he said.

Nasir also revealed that the DPR RI for the period 2019-2024, namely Commission III in charge of Law, had actually initiated a draft law (RUU) on the position of judges, but this legislative proposal received no response from Joko Widodo. government.

We believe that Jokowi’s government appears reluctant to discuss the welfare of judges. For budgetary reasons, the government has not yet responded to the draft law on the position of judges, which was an initiative of the DPR in the recent period, according to Nasir, former member of Commission III of the DPR for the year 2019. Period 2024.

Therefore, Nasir, re-elected as a member of the House of Representatives for the period 2024-2029, hopes that the Judiciary Bill can be adopted by the Prabowo Subianto government.

As for the draft law on the position of judges, which also concerns the well-being of judges, this must be translated into law. “It will be a duty (duty) for Prabowo’s government as Jokowi’s government is coming to an end,” he concluded.




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