Donald Trump says he will stop campaign in Colorado and speak at rally in Aurora

Donald Trump says he will stop campaign in Colorado and speak at rally in Aurora

Former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said he will make a campaign stop in Colorado this week and speak at a rally in Aurora. He announced this on Monday evening in a press release from his campaign.

“We are aware that former President Trump plans to visit Aurora on Friday. The city, including the Aurora Police Department, will work with its partner agencies as requested,” the city of Aurora said in an electronic letter Monday evening.

Donald Trump speaks during a rally at the Dodge County Airport on October 6, 2024 in Juneau, Wisconsin. Scott Olson/Getty Images

The event will take place Friday afternoon at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, located on the far north side of the city and near Denver International Airport.

The doors to the meeting are expected to open at 10 a.m. and Trump is expected to speak at 1 p.m.

Trump first said he would visit Aurora at a rally on September 18. He falsely claimed the city had been taken over by a criminal gang from Venezuela and in Monday’s press release said the city had become a “war zone” due to the influx of violent members. of Venezuelan prison gangs. His goal with this visit is to show voters that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is weak on immigration and border policy and that, in his campaign’s view, this has led to disastrous results.

The Colorado Democratic Party shared a statement following the former president’s planned visit to the state Monday evening. “The last time Donald Trump came to Colorado, he helped Cory Gardner lose his election, and it appears he will do the same to Republican candidates across the state when he visits Aurora next Friday.” , said Colorado President Shad Murib. Democratic Party of Colorado, in the press release. “Coloradans are not fooled: Trump is not coming to Aurora to talk about improving workers and creating a safer, more prosperous America; Trump comes spewing hatred and division that does not reflect the Colorado we fight for every day. I hope he plays his greatest hits before his fans, as usual, leave the rally early.

“Donald Trump’s record in Colorado is one of complete failure. From his attempt to play political games with our national security by taking out Space Command in Colorado Springs to raising the cost of living for workers, starting a misguided trade war that is hurting farmers and ranchers, and the inability to control the pandemic to get under control: Colorado is about to start elections. Vice President Harris and a Democratic House to reject the Trump agenda. /Vance 2025,” the Democratic statement continued.

CBS News Colorado reached out to the Colorado Republican Party on Monday evening and was awaiting a response.

A day after Trump’s initial announcement, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman, a Republican, said that if Trump were to actually come, he would like to help the former president understand that the situation in Aurora is not as it is. his campaign describes it.

“I see this as an opportunity to show him the city and break the narrative that this city is out of control when it comes to Venezuelan gangs,” Coffman said at the time.

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