Paraná is one of the first states to introduce the child budget

The government of Paraná celebrates National Children’s Day this Monday (24) as one of the first states in Brazil to adopt the children’s budget. The document will ensure the application of state resources in the implementation of public social policies in the field of protection and development of children and adolescents, with the identification of programs, projects and activities that will be part of the budget planning to be implemented by December 2022.

“The forecast of financial budgetary resources in the preparation of the PPA, LDO and LOA must respond with absolute priority to the demand for programs, projects and activities aimed at the full realization of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents,” the minister said of Justice, Family and Labor, Mauro Rockenbach.

The implementation of the Children’s Budget guarantees the effective exercise of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents in the government budget.

Another reason for pride and celebration for the state is the Safe Childhood Task Force, one of the first actions in the field of children and adolescents, determined by Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior and which quickly received support from other departments and also from other institutions . .

The Safe Childhood Task Force to Combat Crimes against Children promotes integrated operations to monitor, raise awareness and encourage reporting 181; combating child labor; forward reports of sexual exploitation; among other actions.

In just a year and a half, it has promoted seminars and organized training sessions in more than 200 municipalities in Paraná, training more than two professionals.

“We must raise awareness in society about the importance of combating and reporting crimes against children and adolescents,” said Felipe Hayashi, Chief of the Federal Police, Head of the Ministry of Justice at Sejuf and Coordinator of the Late Force. According to him, these crimes cannot be tolerated and anyone with information or suspicions of cases of abuse against minors should report it by calling 181. “This support is essential so that we can reduce this barbarity,” he said.

GENERAL PROTECTION OF CHILDREN IN THE PANDEMIC – As part of the emergency actions caused by the pandemic, the Government of Paraná has acted to promote comprehensive care for children and adolescents in social and personal vulnerability

A transfer of R$41.3 million from the Childhood and Adolescent Fund (FIA) of the State Council for the Rights of the Child (Cedca) was allocated to actions, programs, food security and the maintenance of entities caring for children, adolescents and people with a disability.

Of this total, part was earmarked to maintain up to 15,000 jobs for teenage students from across Paraná during the pandemic, encouraging micro and small businesses to maintain existing vacancies and increase the recruitment of young people between 14 and 18 years old enlarge. are involuntarily unemployed.

In the health field, R$3 million was allocated directly to the State Health Fund, for use by the State Health Department in opening pediatric beds and ICUs for the treatment of Covid-19.

A contribution of R$2.4 million was used to purchase twenty basic food baskets to provide emergency food security to ten socially vulnerable children and adolescents, especially those with disabilities, for a period of two months.

Another R$2.3 million was used to purchase basic food baskets for families of children and adolescents from quilombolas, indigenous peoples and traditional communities, in situations of personal and social vulnerability, living in hard-to-reach places, as well as for indigenous peoples.

The Cedca also decided to allocate R$10.6 million for emergency actions during the pandemic, and another R$3 million for public appeals for civil society organizations serving children and adolescents. “These funds can be used to implement emergency measures in the economic and social fields,” said Ângela Mendonça, Cedca President and Head of the Policy Department for Children and Adolescents in Sejuf.

Another action taken by Sejuf was to print, distribute and download the updated Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA) from the Sejuf website (, including changes made to the legislation in recent years introduced, with advances in law and case law. The special edition commemorates the 30th anniversary of the ECA, launched in July 1990.

A partnership between the Ministry of Citizenship and the Secretariat of Justice, Family and Labor brought the Criança Feliz program to municipalities in Paraná. The aim, according to Doctor Carlos Bostelmann, State Coordinator of the Criança Feliz Program in Paraná, is to promote the integral development of children from 0 to 6 years, encouraging and guiding families through regular home visits.

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