Starmer steps up the war on fathers

October 8, 2024 Through Jill

by Bruce Newsome, TCW:

SIR KEIR Starmer plans to take legal action against family men. He’s done it before. From 2008 to 2013, he chaired a Crown Prosecution Service that concealed exculpatory evidence to secure convictions for rape of men in consenting relationships, while turning a blind eye to the rape of children by gangs from privileged demographics.

Now, as Prime Minister, Starmer leads a government that wants to level accusations of domestic abuse by men.

Such allegations should be appropriately prosecuted in the criminal courts. However, family courts have become the most important forum.

Family courts handle verbal accusations without criminal charges, without prosecutors, without defense. In some family courts, the standard of proof has been reduced to what the prosecutor says. While criminal courts must formally convict and sentence, family courts punish on the spot by restricting access to children and homes.

Fathers suffer the most. I have interviewed fathers who came home to find police blocking entry without any criminal charges. These men are forced to seek shelter elsewhere while still having a duty of care to pay the rent or mortgage on the family home and to pay for the upkeep of children they never see.

According to my surveys of parents and lawyers, false accusations from mothers against fathers in court are routine and even encouraged. The Justice Department refuses to collect data on false accusations, but admits that almost all men who completed a Family Court survey said they had been victims of false accusations. Scottish court data shows that 70 percent of accusations are false.

The Child Support Agency admits that more than half of applicants for money from the other parent claim to be victims or parents of an abuse victim – which CMS encourages by waiving the application fee! Legal aid is automatic for an accuser of abuse.

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