I don’t see a solution that will save the country

I have looked into groups that I have first-hand knowledge of or know something about. Other people better qualified than me also pointed out the uncontrolled immigration of possible direct security threats in the form of Chinese soldiers and men from the Middle East. Their fear is that an American version of October 7 will soon be predicted in the book Day of Wrath by William R. Forstchen and others.

My reading of a new and very brutal form of organized gangs taking over parts or even towns and cities and creating independent/isolated feudal crime states is also possible. Latin American gangs formed their own country within their country of origin. The favelas in Brazil or the barrios in Venezuela are separate and individual mini-states with their own government, economy and in some cases healthcare and currency. It is so dangerous to interfere with them that no law enforcement agency dares enter unless for a quick ride and with initially overwhelming force that they know damn well would eventually collapse. Imagine a Black Hawk Down scenario, but with police training instead of military and no air support.

So, after two long-winded posts, do I have anything to offer in the way of resolution? Nothing real, or at least nothing, that could pass constitutional muster or be used beyond the avenue the government could take to control the citizens. On the other hand, I don’t believe there is a judicial way to solve this problem. No court will even attempt to make a dent, because they play by the rules of Chutes and Ladders and the criminals will play by Darwinian laws.

Before I go any further, I would like to reiterate that I no longer believe that this wave of immigration is allowed because a certain sector of our political structure has a soft spot for the ‘huddled masses yearning to breathe free’, wanting them to have a better life and really think they will become Americans. It is the same thing that Chavez and the socialists in Venezuela allowed to happen to the Trenes: creating a crisis as a means to keep people distracted, worried and in control. Freedoms and human rights take a lower priority when your life is threatened by criminals. How can you peacefully protest and organize opposition against the government when you can be robbed, raped or killed if you leave your home?

But Chavez and his associates wrongly believed that once power was consolidated, they would be able to rule on the criminal level. They discovered that you can cause massive cancer, but you cannot get rid of it without serious consequences and, more than likely, not at all. Suddenly the Trenes (there are more than one in Venezuela) had become too powerful and in some cases became a parallel government. The only reason they are not a greater threat to the left in power is because there is no trust and no alliance between Trenes. If that were to change, I think we would see open war in the country

Allow me to provide an explanation of what we are dealing with. Before socialism, Venezuela had no Trenes-style gangs. Yes, there was organized crime at a low level and scale, and it was brutal, but never as extensive as in Trenes. And the reason was simple: it was drastically thinned out by law enforcement; I think the easiest way to define it is LEO Death Squads.

A small group of criminals decided to form a ‘Banda’ and commit violent crimes. They can be bank robberies (armed with military weapons, including grenades), hitting large companies or companies that handle a lot of cash. Jewelry was also a favorite target because Venezuelans didn’t like gold that wasn’t 18 carats or higher. Another of their favorite crimes was the ‘Express Kidnappings’, where they took a hostage, contacted the family and gave them a few hours to pay a reasonable fast to obtain a ransom. It is easier to withdraw $1,000 and get your loved one back in a few hours than to deal with the police and the whole investigation, knowing that the kidnappers would hurt your relatives.

The Venezuelan police would deal with these Bandas in the regular “legal” way, but when they started to become too violent, too effective and too admired by other criminals, the game changed. Information would be collected about the members, with an emphasis on who was the leader (Caudillo, remember?)track them down and ‘confront’ them when they can be found together. What usually happened then was pretty much summed up in their standard press release which went along the lines of “after months of investigation, detectives found the ‘banda’ in a house in the XYZ barrio, entered and announced that they had been arrested. . The criminals refused to give up, an armed confrontation ensued which ended with the death of the criminal element. No officers were injured or killed during the raid.” Yes, it was a simple execution. There were never any police investigations or almost no injuries. I know of a case where a cop was shot, but this was a blue-on-blue event rather than an opportunity taken by a criminal.

Chavez did not end this out of the goodness of his soul, but because he had to disarm and disband all law enforcement agencies in the country and replace them with politically reliable individuals. And since some of these individuals were ‘formerly’ criminals themselves, there was no end to any form of control against violent actors. Once their natural threats were removed, the predators multiplied and expanded.

Okay, bring the conversation back to this country, what’s the solution? I have no idea. I know that Venezuela-style “police raids” are a no-go and that measures that violate the Constitution cannot be taken by the government, otherwise they will be used against citizenship rather than against the criminal element. And depending on who wins the election in a month’s time, we will either see a restriction on the introduction of more illegals (direct criminals or their support groups) or a complete unlimited flood until they realize they messed up.

I fear that we will have to opt for local vigilance. Each city/town will have to create their own separate groups and control all the bad hombres running around in their country. And even that will not be a solution, because I am not afraid that they will be effective, but because cruelty will not be countered with greater cruelty. You can’t solve this problem by just killing. You can kill one, five or a hundred efficiently and the rest won’t care much and neither will the fans, because they are already used to death. But the way they kill makes the difference mentally: a shot to the back of the head is quick, painless and merciful (weak) while slowly cutting out your skull with a chainsaw in front of the corpses of your family, similarly executed, sends a powerful message to everyone. Whoever is the cruelest will gain the respect of all others and also have their obedience.

Maybe I don’t see a good solution because I saw bad solutions growing up. There is no collegial way to reason with these people, no civil rules to follow and respect. And there may still be the problem: the definition of respect in each culture. For Americans, the value of the individual lies in what he has learned, archived and behaves in a way that uplifts his/her soul. For them, respect is the amount of fear you can generate through your actions. The more barbaric the better, as they will be very wary of testing you.

If we take action, we will lose the country. If we do nothing, we will lose the country.

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