War Statistics: Casualties, devastation, and displacement in Gaza following a year of conflict and violence


The ongoing Israeli military operations continue to result in the loss of civilian lives and the destruction of essential infrastructure, further worsening the already grave humanitarian crisis and showing no signs of abating.

The detailed report released by the Gaza Civil Defense Directorate, corroborated by data from the Gaza Health Ministry, provides an in-depth account of the devastating impact resulting from Israel’s year-long aggressive campaign in the Gaza Strip.

The latest report highlights the extensive devastation in the region, revealing the removal of hundreds of Palestinian families from official records. The tragic loss of children, health workers, and journalists has been documented, alongside the deliberate destruction of educational, cultural, and religious sites, as well as essential infrastructure.

Below is an in-depth analysis of the report’s findings.

A report has emerged indicating a staggering total of 3,654 mass casualty incidents have been recorded.

According to recent reports, the Israeli military has been involved in 3,654 incidents in the Gaza Strip over the past year that have been characterized by some as massacres.

The extensive military operations in Gaza, justified by claims of targeting “eliminating Hamas” and other resistance factions, appear to be directed towards the wider goal of displacing and removing the entire civilian population.

The continuous airstrikes, destruction of homes, and blockades are described by critics as measures by Israel perceived to collectively penalize Palestinians and deter their resistance against the country’s long-standing occupation.

41,870 Gazans Killed, 10,000 Reported Missing

According to recent reports, the ongoing conflict involving Israeli forces has resulted in the deaths of approximately 41,870 Palestinians. This number continues to rise as the situation remains volatile.

Israel’s extensive aerial bombardment of Gaza has reportedly left approximately 10,000 Palestinians trapped under the debris of their homes, raising concerns about the potential for a significantly higher casualty count.

902 Families in Gaza Removed from Civil Records

In the ongoing conflict, Israeli military actions have led to the removal of 902 families from official civil records, as all members of these families have reportedly perished in Gaza over the past year.

Earlier this month, the Gaza media office reported that Israeli military actions have led to the near complete annihilation of 1,364 Palestinian families, with all members except one per family being killed. Additionally, 3,472 families were similarly impacted, with only two individuals remaining in each family.

16,927 Children Reported Killed in Gaza Conflict

As the genocide marked its one-year anniversary on Monday, children have shouldered the heaviest burden of its devastating impact.

According to recent reports, the conflict has resulted in the deaths of 16,927 children, including 171 newborns who were both born and lost their lives amid the hostilities. Additionally, 710 children under the age of one year have also perished in what has been described as Israel’s devastating offensive.

Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP) has reported that, amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, a child casualty is occurring approximately every 15 minutes.

Malnutrition Claims 36 Lives

In the past year, 36 Palestinians, predominantly children, have reportedly died from hunger and malnutrition, an outcome attributed to Israel’s intentional restrictions on aid, specifically food supplies, entering Gaza.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has reported a critical situation in Gaza, where more than 50,000 children are facing a dire need for medical attention due to severe malnutrition.

Conflict Claims Lives of 11,487 Women in Gaza

The Israeli offensive has resulted in the deaths of 11,487 women, underscoring the widespread impact of the hostilities.

The United Nations reports that the ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza has had a severe impact on Palestinian women and children, significantly compromising their health, safety, and overall well-being.

Israel Accused of Killing 986 Medical Personnel in Gaza

Among the casualties, 986 individuals were medical personnel, accounting for nearly 1 in every 40 reported victims.

The assassination of healthcare workers significantly impacts the health system, resulting in heightened workloads for the remaining staff and diminishing the accessibility of medical services for those requiring care.

Israel’s precision strikes on hospitals and medical personnel represent a breach of international humanitarian law, significantly affecting the Palestinian populace in Gaza.

175 Journalists, 85 Civil Defense Officers Killed in Recent Tragedy

Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have resulted in the deaths of at least 175 journalists and 85 civil defense personnel, according to recent reports.

In a recent development, 19-year-old Hassan Hamad was targeted at his residence in the Jabalia refugee camp, located in northern Gaza, on Sunday. This incident occurred several weeks after he reportedly received threats urging him to cease reporting on Israeli assaults against Palestinians.

The International Federation of Journalists has reported that the death rate among media professionals, including journalists, in Gaza exceeds 10 percent.

According to recent reports, 75 percent of journalists who lost their lives globally in 2023 were killed between October 7 and the year’s end while reporting in the Gaza Strip.

Over 97,000 Palestinians Suffer Injuries in Recent Conflicts

Israeli military actions have resulted in injuries to 97,166 Palestinians, with women and children comprising 69 percent of those affected, according to recent reports.

A total of 396 journalists and media personnel are reported to be among those injured.

A significant number of individuals endure life-changing injuries, yet the availability of essential rehabilitation services remains largely inaccessible to these affected individuals.

The healthcare infrastructure in the region, significantly disrupted, in combination with persistent restrictions from the Israeli blockade, has led to a critical situation for individuals requiring both physical and psychological assistance.

Remains of 520 Individuals Recovered from Seven Mass Graves

Authorities have exhumed the remains of at least 520 individuals from seven mass graves located within the premises of hospitals in Gaza, as of now.

In May, reports surfaced indicating the discovery of mass graves at hospitals within Gaza, following a months-long siege by Israel. The Israeli government had previously alleged, without evidence, that these medical facilities were being utilized as command centers by Hamas.

Palestinian authorities have alleged that a number of bodies displayed evidence of mutilation and torture, which they claim amount to war crimes committed by the Israeli government.

**187 Shelters Hit in Latest Offensive**

In the most recent wave of attacks, a total of 187 shelters have been targeted, according to reports. The development marks a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict and raises concerns among humanitarian organizations about the safety and protection of vulnerable populations. Further details on the impact and response efforts are yet to emerge.

In a devastating development, nearly 2 million internally displaced Palestinians have seen their shelters come under attack, with at least 187 such facilities reportedly targeted and destroyed by Israeli military operations.

In a series of operations over the past 48 hours, the Israeli military has conducted strikes on a minimum of 27 shelters located throughout the Gaza Strip.

Nearly 26,000 children have become orphans after losing their parents.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in approximately 25,973 children being orphaned or separated from their parents due to the continuous airstrikes and bombings in the region.

A significant number of these children have experienced repeated displacement, with several being compelled to abandon their homes.

3,500 Children Facing Threat of Mortality and Malnutrition

The plight of children in the embattled Palestinian region has been further aggravated by restricted access to critical services, including healthcare and food supplies. This dire situation places 3,500 children at heightened risk of death, malnutrition, and severe health complications.

Gaza Border Crossings Remain Closed for 152 Consecutive Days

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza persists as Israeli forces have maintained control over all border crossings for a period spanning 152 days, including the crucial Rafah crossing in the southern region.

The enforced shutdowns have severely impeded the delivery of crucial aid and humanitarian support to more than 2.3 million Palestinian civilians, further worsening the dire circumstances within the region.

Over 12,000 Palestinians Require International Medical Treatment Following Injuries

Israel’s intentional targeting of healthcare facilities and specialized medical services in Gaza has compelled 12,000 injured Palestinians to seek medical treatment outside the region.

Due to persistent hostilities and stringent movement restrictions imposed by Israel, individuals with severe injuries remain confined to the area.

More than 15,500 individuals are currently awaiting medical treatment, according to recent reports.

The ongoing conflict and blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza have led to a critical humanitarian crisis, affecting 15,500 Palestinian patients, including 12,500 cancer patients, who are in dire need of urgent medical assistance.

Individuals battling cancer and other critical illnesses remain stranded in the region, unable to obtain essential medical treatment beyond Gaza’s borders.

Israel’s rigorous import controls on goods entering Gaza have led to a critical situation for approximately 35,000 patients suffering from chronic illnesses, who depend on these shipments for their essential medications.

Gaza reports over 1.7 million cases of infectious diseases, highlighting significant health concerns in the region.

According to recent reports, approximately 1,737,524 cases of infectious diseases have been reported in Gaza since the onset of the conflict initiated by Israeli forces.

A marked surge in hepatitis infections has been reported in the region, with over 70,338 individuals affected since the onset of hostilities.

This concerning statistic sharply contrasts with the 85 cases documented in the 10-month span from October 2022 to July 2023.

Health experts attribute the surge in cases to several factors, including contaminated water supplies, unsanitary conditions, the deterioration of the regional healthcare system, and the displacement of Palestinians.

A considerable body of experts suggests that the true incidence of individuals afflicted with infectious diseases could significantly exceed the numbers currently being reported.

60,000 Expectant Mothers Face Heightened Risk

Approximately 60,000 expectant mothers in Gaza are encountering significant risks and numerous challenges due to the ongoing conflict, blockade, and inadequate healthcare infrastructure within the region.

The ongoing shortage of medical supplies, equipment, and skilled healthcare professionals significantly hampers pregnant women’s access to adequate prenatal care, a critical component for ensuring the health and well-being of newborns.

The ongoing blockade in Gaza has resulted in significant food shortages and malnutrition, heightening the potential for complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Israel has reportedly detained approximately 5,000 individuals from Gaza, according to local sources.

The Israeli authorities have reportedly detained 5,000 individuals from Gaza throughout the year-long conflict, including 310 medical personnel and 36 journalists, though their identities have not been disclosed.

Individuals are reportedly being detained under inhumane and appalling conditions, with confirmed accounts of torture and mistreatment.

According to testimonies collected by human rights organizations from former Palestinian detainees, individuals allegedly endured degrading treatment, including being stripped naked, confined in cages, and subjected to beatings by regime forces.

Several individuals have reported experiencing stress positions, extended periods of being handcuffed, and the use of blindfolds.

Reports have emerged alleging instances of rape and sexual abuse within Israeli prisons. Additionally, concerns have been raised regarding the denial of medical care and substandard detention conditions, further exacerbating the plight of those affected.

Two Million Individuals Have Been Displaced

Nearly 90 percent of Gaza’s population, amounting to at least two million individuals, has been internally displaced since the beginning of the conflict, according to recent reports.

The ongoing displacement of Palestinians in Gaza stems from Israeli policies and actions, characterized by continuous evacuation orders and a series of military strikes, which have led to significant humanitarian concerns.

These actions have led to significant destruction of homes, infrastructure, and sources of livelihood, compelling families to evacuate in search of safety.

A significant number of displaced Palestinians are now facing dire conditions, lacking shelter, fundamental necessities, and access to vital services.

**100,000 Tents in Gaza Deemed Uninhabitable**

In a concerning development, humanitarian assessments have revealed that approximately 100,000 tents in Gaza are currently unfit for habitation. This evaluation underscores the pressing need for immediate attention to the deteriorating living conditions faced by many individuals in the region. Aid organizations are calling for urgent measures to address this crisis and enhance the quality of shelter available to affected populations.

Over 100,000 tents allocated to displaced Palestinians in Gaza have fallen into disrepair, with significant damage to the tarpaulins leaving families vulnerable to severe weather conditions.

Numerous temporary shelters in Gaza are experiencing severe overcrowding, exacerbating the dire living conditions for families due to insufficient privacy and inadequate sanitation facilities.

**Over 200 Government Structures in Gaza Reportedly Demolished**

According to recent reports, a total of 204 government buildings in Gaza have been destroyed.

More than 204 government buildings have been destroyed as a result of indiscriminate airstrikes, severely impacting the administrative capabilities of the region.

The Israeli defense forces have launched operations resulting in substantial damage to Gaza’s civilian infrastructure. Military officials have asserted that these sites were allegedly utilized by resistance groups for military activities, though these claims have faced criticism.

To date, the regime has not produced any evidence to substantiate its claims.

The extensive and severe damage to civilian infrastructure has profoundly affected the daily lives of residents in Gaza.

The extensive destruction inflicted upon roads, bridges, and power plants has significantly impeded mobility and hindered access to crucial services, including healthcare, education, and water supply.

Destruction of 462 Educational Institutions Reported

Educational institutions have also been significantly impacted, as reports indicate that over 125 schools and universities have been entirely destroyed, while an additional 337 have suffered varying degrees of damage.

The Education Cluster, comprised of aid organizations including UNICEF and Save the Children, reports that nearly 90% of Gaza’s 307 public school structures and all 12 universities have suffered damage or destruction amid Israeli military operations.

Educational institutions, including schools and universities, were providing refuge for thousands of displaced Palestinians, according to recent reports.

**12,700 Palestinian Students, 880 Educators and School Personnel Killed**

Reports confirm the deaths of 12,700 Palestinian students alongside 880 educators and school staff in ongoing conflict, underscoring the severe impact on educational infrastructure.

The impact of Israel’s ongoing military actions in Gaza is having a severe effect on the region’s education sector. The sustained hostilities have disrupted educational activities, causing significant challenges for schools and students in the area.

More than 12,700 Palestinian students have been reported dead as a result of the ongoing attacks, highlighting the severe impact of the conflict on the region’s youth and educational sector.

The situation for educational professionals has been profoundly affected, with reports indicating that 750 teachers and educational staff members have lost their lives and 130 university professors, researchers, and scientists have been executed in operations by Israeli forces.

785,000 Students Lacking Access to Educational Opportunities

Approximately 785,000 students, both male and female, have once again been unable to access education this year as a result of the ongoing conflict involving Israel, which has been described as genocidal.

According to a recent report by UNICEF, an estimated 45,000 first-grade students in the coastal region were unable to begin their academic year due to ongoing and intense bombardment.

Furthermore, a total of 39,000 students were unable to sit for their final year examinations, a situation that could jeopardize their future opportunities.

Limited access to education significantly heightens the risks of exploitation, child labor, early marriage, and abuse, while also contributing to an increased likelihood of children permanently dropping out of school, experts warn.

The absence of formal education for younger children can significantly impede their cognitive, social, and emotional development. This issue is further exacerbated by the detrimental effects on mental health and overall well-being, as reported by parents.

In a recent report, it has been revealed that a total of 814 mosques and three churches have been demolished.

Israeli offensives have led to the total destruction of 814 mosques out of a total of 1,245, while another 148 have suffered significant damage necessitating substantial rebuilding efforts.

Additionally, three churches have been obliterated as a result of Israeli airstrikes.

A new report released by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, entitled “Cultural Genocide,” has brought to light Israel’s widespread demolition of historical sites and cultural assets in the Gaza Strip.

Recent reports indicate that Israeli authorities have intentionally destroyed around 206 sites of archaeological and historical significance. This includes the demolition of ancient mosques, churches, markets, and neighborhoods.

In addition, a multitude of educational and cultural institutions have been targeted, leading to the considerable loss of manuscripts, murals, castles, and artifacts.

**Graveyards Vandalized, Thousands of Remains Missing**

In a series of distressing incidents, a total of 19 cemeteries have been desecrated, resulting in the theft of approximately 2,300 bodies. The authorities are currently investigating the motives behind these acts and are urging the public to come forward with any information that could assist in apprehending those responsible.

Nineteen of the 60 cemeteries situated throughout the Gaza Strip have sustained damage, with varying degrees of destruction affecting them.

Israeli forces have reportedly seized the remains of 2,300 Palestinians from cemeteries that were destroyed.

Destruction of 430,000 Residential Buildings Reported

The relentless Israeli airstrikes on Gaza have resulted in the complete demolition of approximately 150,000 housing units, with another 80,000 homes suffering extensive damage that has rendered them unlivable.

In addition, an estimated 200,000 housing units in Gaza have suffered partial damage, highlighting the vast scale of destruction and displacement facing the civilian population.

Authorities have reported that 80 tons of explosives have been deployed in the Gaza region.

An estimated 85,000 tons of explosives have reportedly been deployed over the embattled region.

The magnitude of devastation inflicted on Gaza by Israel can be compared to the force of six Hiroshima atomic bombs, highlighting the severe impact on the region and its people.

According to reports, a total of 276 healthcare facilities and 131 ambulances have come under attack.

Health facilities, which hold a vital role and are safeguarded under international humanitarian law, have nonetheless been targeted in Israeli airstrikes.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has severely compromised the region’s healthcare infrastructure, resulting in the closure of 34 hospitals and the destruction of 162 health institutions, including 80 health centers, due to military actions by Israeli forces.

Moreover, over the past year, a total of 131 ambulances have been targeted, exacerbating the challenges faced by an already overburdened medical service infrastructure.

Over 3,130 kilometers of electricity infrastructure have been reported as damaged or destroyed, significantly impacting power distribution.

The widespread devastation in Gaza has led to the obliteration of 3,130 kilometers of electricity networks, plunging numerous communities into darkness and depriving them of crucial services.

The ongoing electricity crisis in Gaza is critically affecting the health sector, posing a significant threat to hospital operations as dwindling fuel supplies for generators jeopardize their ability to remain open.

The situation has resulted in inadequate access to safe drinking water and insufficient sewage management, heightening the risk of waterborne illnesses for more than 2.3 million individuals.

Extensive Damage Reported: 330,000 Meters of Water Infrastructure Compromised

Israeli military actions have severely impacted crucial infrastructure, resulting in damage or destruction to 330,000 meters of water networks. This development has further intensified the humanitarian crisis in the region, which was already facing significant challenges.

The disruption has gravely affected the availability of clean water for the 2.3 million residents of Gaza, compelling a significant number to depend on contaminated seawater for bathing, washing, and even drinking purposes.

655,000 Meters of Sewage Infrastructure Affected

A year of devastating conflict has severely disrupted sanitation services, impacting 655,000 meters of sewage infrastructure and posing significant health risks to the affected communities.

The international organization reports that continuous bombings by Israel have resulted in the complete destruction of all five of Gaza’s wastewater treatment facilities, along with its desalination plants, sewage pumping stations, wells, and reservoirs.

According to recent reports, Israel’s ongoing military operations in Gaza have resulted in the destruction of approximately 700 water wells.

The devastation of key infrastructure in Gaza has intensified the humanitarian crisis, leaving residents without access to clean water and forcing them to depend on contaminated sources for their daily requirements.

Over 2.8 Million Meters of Road and Street Networks Severely Damaged

Gaza’s transportation infrastructure has been severely impacted by the destruction of approximately 2,835,000 meters of road networks. This devastation has significantly obstructed the delivery of aid and emergency services, while also restricting civilian movement.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has been exacerbated by severe infrastructure damage, making it increasingly challenging to deliver vital supplies, including food, medicine, and water, particularly to the hardest-hit northern regions.

The situation has cultivated a multifaceted and arduous environment for humanitarian organizations and aid workers, intensifying the plight of Palestinians and impeding efforts to deliver relief and support.

36 Recreational Facilities Destroyed in Recent Incident

In the ongoing conflict, 36 recreational facilities, such as playgrounds and sports halls, have been destroyed, significantly impacting community resources and depriving residents of essential public spaces.

Devastation in Gaza Reaches 86 Percent

Over four-fifths of Gaza has been reported as severely damaged, according to the latest assessments. The extensive destruction has left the region in a dire state, posing significant challenges for recovery and humanitarian efforts.

An estimated 86 percent of the Gaza Strip has reportedly been severely impacted by Israeli actions, with initial assessments suggesting direct losses amounting to approximately $35 billion as a result of the ongoing conflict, described by some as genocidal.

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