Criminal gangs are using Telegram to sell user data and buy malware and deepfake software, the UN warns

Telegram has transformed into an app used by crime gangs in Southeast Asia, a new UN report confirms.

The United Nations Drugs and Crime Branch says this platform has transformed into more than just an instant chat app. It is now a digital hub where crime gangs allow cybercrime with full force. This means that fraud schemes, deepfake software and more are now available directly through the app.

According to the UN, growing evidence has exposed such claims as vendors turn to the app to commit cybercrime.

The shocking reports highlight how the figures mean crime and fraud are reaching $36.5 billion annually. Shockingly, human trafficking is also on the rise, thanks to the app, which further helps criminals acquire targets.

Another report showed how users of the app have been using terms related to deepfake technology for some time. This just goes to show how demand and interest in this area has grown over time. There is also a growing number of compromised data containing sensitive user credentials. These are offered for sale for a lot of money, the UN adds.

This is shocking to users who may be unaware that their data is being stolen and sold, not to mention that it is being used in scams at alarmingly high rates. There was also discussion about the app’s chatbots helping buyers obtain illegal material.

The media outlet could obtain the victims’ personal information, such as names, addresses, numbers and even tax information. This includes ID information and medical records through the app. To get the data, they perform phishing fraud, generate malware or even perform data breaches.

Through this app, criminals can easily purchase malware, launder money and purchase deepfake software. Bots make all this happen under the app’s moderation team and all scammers have to pay $250.

The company is already underwater after its CEO was arrested in France for allowing illegal activities on the app. Reports spoke of selling drugs, promoting explicit content and even criminal behavior. Cases of crypto fraud and money laundering were also common.

The CEO refuses to accept any liability for the actions, saying that nowhere in the world can the app’s owner be arrested for crimes committed by others.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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