How Sexual Liberation Went From Political Control to Genocide — Culture Wars

Now that’s what I call proper sex education. I used to think freedom was just that. With the Jones decoder, I now understand that when they say free markets we’re talking about low wages and usury, when they say a free society we’re talking about hate-speech tyranny, and when they say free love, they mean sodomy and paedophilia. In each case you get shafted in the most painful, perverted way, and you and your family and your nation get destroyed, while a gay Jew soldier reminds you that it’s all “In the Name of Love.” Memo to the Rt Honorable Bridget Phillipson, newly appointed Secretary of State for Education: Let’s stop forcing our children to be taught about homosexual perversion, and let’s have their teachers taught about historical weaponisation of sexual liberation. May I recommend Libido Dominandi – 2nd Edition – as a one-stop shop for the complete course. 

Next! Sexual Liberation FOR Political Control. Tidy. Sexual Liberation WITH Political Control. You could certainly put it that way. As the book articulates, that’s the marriage made in Hell by which the world has been abused and ravaged and damn near destroyed for at least the last 250 years.  Sexual Liberation BY Political Control? Hmm… Let’s just reverse that one! Political Control BY Sexual Liberation. I thought I told you that. What about “BEYOND”? Yep, as the book attests over and over again, once the monster of Sexual Liberation is unleashed, it soon ends up beyond the control of those by whom it was unleashed in the first place, only to re-emerge soon after – as E. Michael Jones explains in Monsters from the Id – appearing at a cinema near you. See Stalin’s 1937 recriminalization of abortion(5) as a telling example of trying to re-inter the genie of sexual liberation.   

I soon realised that a more efficient approach to the preposition-replacement project would be to find the preposition that would actually contradict the thesis of the book – and then I found it: DESPITE. Sexual Liberation DESPITE Political Control. Other contenders in this category include “in the face of” or “regardless of” both of which do the trick, but lose that single-word panache. 

Sexual Liberation DESPITE Political Control. Sound familiar? Yep, that’s the great lie which this book exposes. Let me explain. You see, I thought, and I think it’s fair to say that I was led to believe – I blame Status Quo, Thin Lizzy and Led Zeppelin – that the sexual revolution was a kind of holy fire started by the young and the talented and the beautiful. And which the people in charge really feared and at best just tolerated. I especially blame the late great mixed-race Irish hero, Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy. When Phil revealed to me personally that “I’m a rocker, and a roller too,” I really believed him. When he revealed to me one summer evening sometime in the mid-1970’s that “Tonight there’s gonna be a jailbreak somewhere in this town,” I suddenly felt decidedly more at liberty, even if I’d never thought of my hometown as a prison, or my family or teachers or priests as so many prison warders. That’s because I grew up in Ireland when it was still a Catholic country and the moral order was still broadly intact. We knew that when our parents and priests and police, and even our politicians, warned us about sin, that was because they loved us and cared about us and they knew that the wages of sin is death. In such a radically normal world, where all – OK, most of – the grown-ups genuinely fear for and care about the younger generation, the thrill of seeing those girls in mini-skirts and tight jeans was enhanced by the seductive spice of rock-fuelled rebellion. I was free at last, and so I felt compelled to start taking liberties. I for one had no desire whatever to hurt my parents or defy my priests or topple the government – I just thought there’s no way I’m staying out of this game: those girls are so beautiful and the music is so loud and I’ve got friends to impress. That’s the understanding I grew up with – the grown-ups mean well but for now I’m all in.

That’s the understanding of the world I brought to England when I moved here in 1987. Then I got married and family-focused, retaining that naïve sense that the world is the right way up. The regime may be over-tolerant but it’s doing the best it can to manage a difficult situation. Never for a moment did I think that the regime, rather than merely coping with the sexualisation of the culture, was actively orchestrating the degeneration of its own people. As a teacher, it was understood that I stood in loco parentis. Not for a moment did I think the day would come when the regime would pay teachers to act against the wishes of the parents, to promote the interests of the perverts and their promoters and paymasters. It didn’t start off with the homos and the trannies. It was way more subtle than that. One front was opened by the red-top newspapers. It took the prophetic genius of E. Michael Jones to open my eyes to the reality that the English tabloids’ Page 3 girls with the bare breasts and the barely visible g-strings were not the white man’s pushback against censorship – they were the deliberate policy by the big goys like Rupert Murdoch and the big Jews like Robert Maxwell to distract the workers from the fact that their wages were going down and never coming back up. I really thought that the black clubs with the thumping bass lines and burning spliffs and the twerking backsides were the ultimate expression of black liberation and guilt-free Caribbean cool. Without E. Michael Jones, I’d never have known that the notion of the “white negro” even existed. Before reading Libido Dominandi, I even thought that the contraception and the abortion and the gay liberation and the sex education were just coping mechanisms to manage an increasingly chaotic culture, not a deliberate policy of socio-sexual engineering:

By promoting vice, the regime promotes slavery, which can be fashioned into a form of political control. The only question which remained was whether that slavery can be harnessed for financial and political gain and, if it could, how to do it. The best way to control man is to do so without his awareness that he is being controlled, and the best way to do that is through the systematic manipulation of the passions, because man tends to identify his passions as his own. In defending them he defends his “freedom,” which he usually sees as the unfettered ability to fulfil his desires, without, for the most part, understanding how easy it is to manipulate those passions from without. It took the evil genius of this age to perfect a system of financial and political exploitation based on the insight that St. Paul and St. Augustine had into what they termed the “slavery of sin.”(6)

But you knew all that when you read the 1st Edition, which was published in 2000. So what’s the point of the 2nd Edition? Why bother shelling out $39 for the 2nd Edition (plus $48 shipping to get it here to London) when you already have the existing work, which is already acclaimed even where it’s banned, most notably on Amazon:

I’m not a catholic (sic) and I find a lot of his work a little extreme. But I still think this book is absolutely worth the read because although we share different viewpoints he brings valuable information to the table. Came here to order a copy for a friend only to see he’s been banned from Amazon and his books prices have skyrocketed. Basic searches also came up blank which makes me think there might be more going on here.(7)

This is one of the reviews that sees the 1st Edition still enjoy a 100 percent 5-Star Rating on Amazon – as judged by Grace and her lone fellow reviewer, Forza Azzuri. Not bad going for a bookseller that no longer wants to sell the book. But seriously, what do you get for your $87 dollars apart from the chance to make some serious money on Ebay?

In the first place, the book itself is slimmer than its millennial forerunner. How can it be, I hear you ask? How can the 2nd Edition be slimmer than the first?  Has Dr. Jones retracted some of his material? Has he had to remove content which has since been debunked? What’s going on? Is Grace on Amazon right, that the charge of Jones being “a little extreme” has caused him to jettison the more startling material from a quarter of a century ago? Have the CIA and the Jews finally broken the man? Not a bit of it. The 2nd Edition is slimmer but even weightier. How so? In purely physical terms, the answer is simply that the bulky, softback, crème-papered 1st Edition – the one that’s so shy, it won’t voluntarily stay open on your knees – has re-emerged in glossy hardback, bleached white and silky, the Caravaggio “Samson and Delilah” on the front cover having given way to Rubens.  With a new introduction – the existing 1st Edition intro remains in situ, enthroned rather self-righteously in that unassailable position occupied at the dawn of the new millennium – you also get a whole new section. Part IV consists of nine new chapters, extending the time span of the book from the existing 1776 right up to today. As if the territorial ambitions of the 1st Edition weren’t sufficiently grandiose, the author has now decided to demonstrate that Alexander the Great was just a local hero. Not satisfied with his 1st Edition conquest of the territory once known as Christendom, Jones now wants the whole of the Northern Hemisphere in a global embrace, ingathering vast swathes of territory from Ireland to India, and now including Africa and Asia, and the highly-prized hitherto occupied territory of Glenn Mills, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. 

The thing to remember about the book is that it’s a bible. Though the author probably may not have noticed the numbers, it’s intriguing to note that if you take the nine new chapters with the existing sixty from the 1st Edition, and then include the two introductions and the bibliography (that’s priceless) you get to 72 chapters. Readers of Jones’ work will know that 72 chapters amounts to, well, 72 books. A lesser author and less formidable mind would need a short lifetime to research and write any one of the “chapters” and would then publish it with merited acclaim as a book. Libido Dominandi is a bible consisting of 72 books. For the biblical students who want to separate Lamentations from Wisdom, you can throw in the cover – or the index – and you’re at 73. That’s just north of a dollar a pop – including postage & packing & shipping to the UK. If you’re in the U.S., the $39 price tag is borderline insulting to the author. 

The first edition was diagnostic, revealing with piercing clarity and exhaustive research why, 2000 years after the entry of God into His own creation, there was still so much unspeakable cruelty and suffering in this redeemed world. Everyone reading this probably knows that’s it’s the same old story that began in the Garden of Eden – when I love my sin more than I love God, my life will slowly fall apart. If I love my sin so much that I start to hate God, then I belong to the devil:

One single sin unto death strikes the soul dead at once, and that for this reason: the grace of God is the life of the soul, and one mortal sin separates the soul from (8)God.

But how am I to explain this to someone who thinks I’m even dumber than he is, someone who is so enlightened that he thinks he’s replaced God? Here’s how, and if you find a better summary of the history of the world for the last quarter millennium, please do let me know:

The Enlightenment appeal to liberty invariably led to the suppression of religion, which led to the suppression of morals, which led to social chaos. This meant that those who espoused the Enlightenment with any circumspection would also have to be interested in mechanisms of social control, since the erosion of morality which invariably accompanied the proclamation of “freedom” necessitated it. Freedom followed by Draconian control became the dialectic of all revolutions, and, in this regard, the sexual revolution was no exception.(9)

Boom! Take that Tommy Rubinstein! Are you listening, Tommy fans? I spoke to a good number of Tommytards – harsh isn’t it? – at the recent Tommy “freedom” rally in London. To a man they identify as Christians but they don’t go to Church and, as one man said, when I asked him about confession, “Nah, it’d take me all day.” They all say, “We just want our country back!” What they refuse to see is that if you give your country away by masturbating and contracepting and aborting and sodomising yourself out of existence, God will reward the people who still love big families, the people otherwise known as Muslims. And if you take part in Jewish wars against Muslim countries, it’s a bit rich to complain about displaced Muslims rocking up on your shores. And if you take part in the sexual revolution, don’t be surprised if you feel like now you can’t speak out. I mean if you, Christian soul, have never bothered to criticise fornication or feminism or faggotry – and perhaps continue to indulge therein – don’t be surprised if you feel like the people in charge are not listening. Who are you to draw the line on anything? Don’t you see that if you fail to end your masturbation, no one will take you seriously when you complain that the regime fails to end mass migration? You didn’t hold the line on gay “marriage” – live and let live, right? – so who are you to complain about drag queens? Don’t you know that love is love?

That system of control mandated maximal excitation of sexual appetite and maximal prosecution of those who act on those appetites when their politics do not conform to those of the global hegemonists.(10)

Get it Tommytards? And this is where we see the “evil genius” of the regime in promoting Tommy, while appearing to persecute him. The Jews give Tommy a lot of money.(11) Tommy likes that because cocaine and trafficked prostitutes and Range Rovers don’t pay for themselves.(12) And Tommy is not going to identify moral subversion as promoted by the Jews as the problem. Nope, Tommy is going to blame whoever he’s told to blame, namely the Muslims. And everyone gets to feel victimised but no one has to repent. As someone at the rally said, “Tommy’s not perfect, but at least he’s prepared to speak out.” This is the great illusion which occupies the minds of the Tommytards. Tommy’s job is to make his flock feel that at least someone cares, and Tommy is prepared to call out the Pakistani grooming gangs. Tommy is prepared to call out the tiny minority of decadent Muslims who showed themselves to be docile participants in the sexual revolution. But Tommy never challenges the Tommytards, who are just as guilty. As long as Tommy calls down fire on the Pakistani grooming gangs, everyone else can carry on masturbating and fornicating and contracepting and aborting till the cows come home. That’s comforting. Thanks Tommy. And yep, that’s why he gets big crowds. He is a very short high priest who dispenses absolution and the best bit is that I don’t even have make a confession. And Tommy never mentions the genocide. Heck, he’s been on the pro-Israel marches. And he never mentions the Jews’ role in promoting the moral subversion that provides the guilt-propelled anger of the Tommytards. Good boy, Tommy…

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