Are you an American? – Lew Rockwell

Writes Robert Katz:

In the years since my birth in 1941 and decades before, the federal and state governments of the United States have maliciously, systematically, and at an accelerating pace, destroyed and erased American freedom, history, culture, and family. Anyone who is not outraged is either an imbecile, a useful idiot, an amateur despot, a convinced Marxist, or some combination of those terrifying degradations.

America is the Declaration of Independence, the Minute Men and the Bill of Rights. America is baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. America is Gone With the Wind, Huckleberry Finn, the Big Band, Jazz, Ragtime, Blue Grass and Tap Dancing. America includes many great things, but America is not the federal and state governments of the United States.

The federal and state governments of the United States are criminal gangs that occupy, control, and destroy America. They get all their revenue from two sources: theft (theft under threat of violence), which they call taxation, and counterfeiting, which they call Federal Reserve notes. In return, they reject truth, justice and beauty in favor of falsehood, hypocrisy and illusion. They reject the Americans through their endorsement of moral depravity, internal strife, dilapidated and dangerous cities, economic chaos, savage and intellectually deficient invaders, and global wars. And they all do it with great enthusiasm. They are the mortal enemy of decency and civilization. They are Satan disguised as themselves.

An American cherishes the reasons for America’s founding: life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Embrace America, not its enemies: federal and state governments. Are you an American or just an entity living north of Mexico and south of Canada, attacking all that is American, praising all that is unAmerican, cheering on the tyrants who are plundering the region, and your stupidity, ignorance, interference and pronounces hypocrisy as compassionate humanitarianism?


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