The deadly intersection of climate change and insecurity hits women and girls hardest

Maria-Izobo-2024Author: Mary Izobo
International human rights lawyer, gender equality advocate and governance expert


In today’s world, climate change is no longer just an environmental problem. It is a catalyst for conflict and uncertainty. What is often overlooked is how this toxic mix hits women and girls hardest, especially in fragile and conflict-affected areas. When water sources dry up, droughts wipe out crops and the land becomes barren, competition for dwindling resources becomes fierce. Women-led and gender-sensitive climate action in Africa is key to sustainable peace, political stability and greater socio-economic equality.

From the Sahel to the Horn of Africa and southern Africa, climate change is fueling conflicts over natural resources such as land, food and water, turning communities and countries against each other. In all this chaos, women and girls are the victims. The effects of climate change and insecurity are exacerbating existing gender inequalities, especially in countries experiencing economic and social inequality, political instability and resource scarcity.

This places women and girls at the epicenter of displacement, violence and economic vulnerability. Women and girls are forced to walk further for water, jeopardizing their safety and education. Displacement due to climate-related disasters drives them to overcrowded camps, where the threat of sexual violence skyrockets.

climate change women

The gender impacts of climate change

In the Sahel region, severe droughts and desertification have increased competition for resources. Armed conflicts over these resources have led to the displacement of entire communities. In the Horn of Africa and North Africa, food and water insecurity and prolonged droughts have fueled conflicts in countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia and Egypt.

In southern Africa, countries such as South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique have been hit by floods, droughts, desertification, heat waves and unpredictable weather patterns, creating a looming risk of conflict. In these regions, women and girls face loss of economic opportunity and increasing violence.

The situation is dire in rural areas, where livelihoods are highly dependent on natural resources. Women, who are often responsible for land, water management and food production, see their livelihoods destroyed by erratic weather patterns. As a result, women and girls face increasing hunger, poverty and greater gender inequality, with limited access to resources, economic opportunities, education, healthcare and decision-making powers.

In these fragile environments, gender-based violence is escalating, and the most vulnerable – women and girls – are the first to suffer.

Climate change as a threat multiplier

With many African states vulnerable, the intersection between climate change and insecurity is increasingly recognized as a threat multiplier and reflects conflict scenarios. Resource scarcity, resource depletion and political instability often lead to social tensions, increasing the risks of food and water insecurity and social unrest. These situations entrench existing vulnerabilities and gender inequalities, with women and girls facing climate-induced displacement, forced migration, violence, food and water insecurity and social exclusion. Women and girls, especially in marginalized communities, do not have adequate protection, exposing them to gender-based violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and exploitation.

Disputes over food, water and land lead to tensions between communities, sometimes escalating into violence. Climate-related events such as floods, droughts and desertification are forcing millions of women and girls to migrate in search of safety and resources, putting pressure on host communities and governments. This destabilizes fragile states and exacerbates existing humanitarian crises.

Unfortunately, many African countries are ill-prepared to deal with these consequences due to their weak governance structures and internal conflicts. The additional burden of climate-related disasters further threatens social cohesion and increases the risk of conflict.

Gender-sensitive climate action

The urgency of this moment cannot be overstated or overstated. Climate change and conflict will continue to disproportionately affect women and girls unless we act decisively to address these intertwined crises. By prioritizing gender equality and putting women at the forefront of climate and security strategies, we can build more resilient communities and promote lasting peace in Africa.

Tackling the climate crisis and its impact on women and girls requires a gender-sensitive approach to adaptation, putting women’s roles and experiences at the heart of building resilience. Governments must ensure that gender is a core component of national climate adaptation plans. Women’s voices must be amplified in climate decision-making to meet their unique needs.

Allocating climate funds to women-led projects ensures that women benefit from adaptation efforts. Special funds targeting rural women’s groups can enable women to build resilience and contribute to sustainable solutions. Furthermore, strengthening women’s networks can help advocate for gender-responsive climate policies.

Humanitarian responses to climate-induced displacement and migration must prioritize the protection of women and girls by providing safe shelter, addressing gender-based violence, and ensuring access to health, education and livelihoods for displaced women and girls.

Women should be involved in local, national, regional and international decision-making processes related to peacebuilding and climate adaptation. Governments, grassroots organizations and civil society organizations should implement quotas to ensure women’s representation in climate governance.

Educating women and girls about climate change equips them with the skills to adopt sustainable practices. Training in renewable energy, climate-friendly agriculture or ecotourism can diversify income sources and reduce dependence on climate-sensitive sectors.

Women-led solutions

In the face of these challenges, women are also taking the lead. Across Africa, women are stepping up in their communities and creating solutions through climate-smart agriculture, renewable energy and peacebuilding efforts. Their leadership is essential for building climate resilience and lasting peace.

To combat the twin threats of climate change and conflict, we must recognize the crucial role of women and empower them to lead. Protecting women and girls from the harsh realities of this new era is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategy for long-term peace and stability.

Governments, policymakers, international organizations, civil society organizations and communities must prioritize gender-sensitive approaches to climate adaptation and peacebuilding to address these interconnected crises. Women’s knowledge, leadership and resilience are essential to creating sustainable solutions in climate-affected regions. The time to take action is now, and women must be at the center of these efforts – because nothing about us is without us.

This article was first published on the African Transitional Justice Hub and is republished here at the author’s request.

About the author:

Mary Izobo is an international human rights lawyer, gender equality advocate and governance expert. She has extensive knowledge in human rights, governance, democratization and the rule of law for development, as well as practical and diplomatic legal experience in law-making and election observation.

She is a 2023 Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow and a 2023 alumnae of the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitors Leadership Program. She is also a lawyer and advocate at the Supreme Court of Nigeria. She has received several academic awards and won several awards in recognition of her work. Notably Africa’s Top Legal Millennial – The Amazon of Women’s Rights, Kaduna State Honors Award for Public Service in Nigeria, SPE Top Pathfinder and Futurist Activist.

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