How MI6 regularly facilitates state crises – Strategic culture

David Burke’s book is relevant to all those interested in how MI6 has incited terrorism in arenas as diverse as Russia, Armenia, Iraq and Syria.

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Because David Burke’s The Puppet Masters: how MI6 masterminded Ireland’s deepest state crisis examines how MI6’s network of agents caused the Irish Troubles of 1969-1998, his book is relevant not only to students of Ireland, but also to those interested in how MI6 has recently instigated terrorism in arenas as diverse as Russia, Armenia, Iraq and Syria.

As with our previous review of Caroline Elkins’ Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire, we see the same cast of murderers make their way to Ireland, where they were subjected to more than thirty years of wanton violence.

The head of these Colonel Blimp criminals is the infamous SAS General Frank Kitson, whose classic on Low Intensity Operations is quoted on page 153 to remind us that ‘in the historical context it may be interesting to recall that when the regular (British) army first raised in the 17e century, ‘Oppression of the Irish’ was paired with ‘Defense of the Protestant Religion’ as one of the two main reasons for its existence” and, by extension, why both institutions must be destroyed root and branch.

That said, the author makes it clear that both, at least in Ireland, have very deep roots and very many ramifications. While Major McDowell, long-time owner of the Hibernophobic Irish Times, is one such MI6 asset who should have been neutralized long ago, there are far too many others in all levels of Irish society to name.

Suffice it to say that these MI6 agents, according to the author and other informed sources, range from IRA Chief of Staff Seán MacStiofáin to Detective Inspector John The Badger McCoy, who helped MI6 deploy their no-warning bombs in Dublin between 1974 and 1976. to explode.

Although the author quotes a number of credible journalists in his work, it is worth noting that the best of them were driven out of their chosen profession; Joe McAnthony was forced to flee to Canada to work and Kevin Myers, a lover of both the Crown and the Zionist state, had his career destroyed because of his tendency to speak the truth, to call everything by its name.

That said, Burke’s “Puppet Masters” focuses primarily on the mysterious case of Patrick Crinnion, the garda (Irish police officer) who passed information to Mi6’s John Wyman while Crinnion was at the heart of the Gardai’s secret intelligence division. Although Burke gives a good summary of his book in this interview, there are two very important points he emphasizes that were news even to me. These imply that former Irish Prime Minister Charlie Haughey, not the IRA, was MI6’s main target, and that Saor Éire (Free Ireland), whose main agents we met earlier, not only brought the gun into recent Irish politics , but also a key tool in MI6’s kit for dividing and conquering modern Ireland.

Not only did MI6 try to connect Haughey to Saor Êire, but given the success of the Godfather film, they also tried to link him to the mafia as a kind of master puppeteer of political violence in Ireland.

That was not only superficially laughable, it was also deeply cynical. I still remember MI6’s Dublin bombing campaign of 1972-74, when I almost got caught up in some of them and some of my classmates got a one-way ticket to the afterlife thanks to these acts of terror by MI6, including executing witnesses in Belfast to their crimes. . Not only did the dogs on the street know that this was all the work of MI6, but those same dogs also knew which terrorist team the Littlejohns, the English criminals that MI6 paid to bomb Irish police stations, were playing for and which MI6 official at the British Embassy in Dublin responsible for handling it.

Fast forward to today and we’ve attacked the Russian government for expelling British diplomats from Moscow, a city the MI6 government is determined to bomb. The British are of course indignant about this. If no warning bombs are good enough for Paddy, Ivan should certainly suck them up too. And then there’s Basra, where the Iraqis captured Kitson’s SAS death squads as they committed sectarian killings to turn the various locals against each other. And let’s not forget MI6’s brave Netanyahu White Helmets, who helped evacuate southern Syria after the Syrian army and their Russian and Lebanese allies ended their sectarian terror campaign.

There was a time, in the early 1970s, when Crinnion, Garvey and the Badger sold their country to MI6, when most politically active Irish would have analyzed those Russian, Iraqi and Syrian MI6 episodes in the same way I still do. Doing. But those days are gone in large part thanks to the key puppeteer that Burke’s book draws attention to. That puppet master is MI6 boss Sir Maurice Oldfield, who, along with fellow serial pedophile Sir Edward Heath, has set up major MI6 networks on both sides of the Irish border, ranging from the Kincora Boys’ Brothel in Belfast to similar acts of nastiness in the south. also from the Irish border.

While one has to believe in an afterlife if we could catch up with Heath and Oldfield and bash their brains in forever, there are other kinds of beings that Burke draws attention to that also deserve a similar disgrace.

Chief among these are the newspaper owners, journalists, academics and socialites that Burke claims MI6 uses to smear their enemies through word of mouth. Even though Ireland is now teeming with such pond life, just look at this article in the Jewish Chronicle by our old friend, the bogus philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, which argues that “lovers of freedom everywhere are secretly calling for the victory of Israel.” . No, they are not. While they hope that the liars of MI6, of Israel and of the Jewish Chronicle will one day be held to account, Burke’s book is part of a wider testimony that shows that the road to serving justice against these gangsters is a long and will be difficult. , not least in Ireland, where MI6 has consolidated its position significantly since it plotted the crimes Burke’s book is about.

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