Tom Welling on Filming a Shootout in Rome, SUPERMAN Easter Eggs and More (Exclusive)

Tom Welling achieved icon status for his role as Superman in Smallville and now takes on a very different role as Terry Mafia wars. Written and directed by Scott Windhauser, the film also stars Cam Gigandet and Cher Cosenza.

The former Clark Kent plays a recently paroled criminal who is forced to go undercover to take down the head of Italy’s most notorious mafia syndicate. Along the way, Welling will face off against Gigandet and will be at the center of a shootout filmed in the heart of Rome.

We recently spoke with the actor about Mafia warshow he approached this project, what it was like filming in Italy, and some of his action movie influences (it turns out he’s a big James Bond fan).

Welling also starts off with a fun scene with a few tongue-in-cheek references to his past as Superman and reveals whether he’ll wear the Man of Steel’s iconic costume in a future revival.

You can watch our full interview with Welling at Mafia wars below.

We’ve seen you do some really cool stuff on screen, and in this movie there’s a point where you’re in the middle of a gunfight in Rome. Will that go down as one of those career highlights for you?

I mean, yeah, because it was so compelling. It was very important to Scott, the director, who also wrote it to be filmed in Rome. It was a contractual obligation that I also agreed to. We weren’t going to film… I love Toronto, but we weren’t going to film in Toronto to make it look like Rome. That was important. It really helped because we were there. We were actually doing it. Running around, dressed as a priest, pulling out machine guns… if only you could see the people filming us. They said, ‘What are you doing?’ (Laughs) We looked ridiculous, but the police had to stop everyone because they wanted to watch because what we were doing was so intense. We were right in the middle of the main parts of Rome. The places everyone goes. Kudos to production for making that possible. It was a very challenging shoot to arrange all that. It was very important, yes.

Like I said, you’ve done a lot of on-screen action over the years, but when it came to preparing to use the weapons and be part of the brutal battles we see in this film, how did that look? What does the process look like for you in terms of preparation?

I love it. I love it. It’s such a good back-and-forth with the other characters. There is a lot of trust involved. Sometimes you work with people who don’t understand that you’re doing the fight scene, but you’re doing it in front of a camera that’s here or there and you have to know that angle. It’s so nice when you work with someone who understands that. Working with Cam, who is so unpredictable in the best way. His psychopath was… I loved it because he was different in every scene we did. Basically every take. In the best way. Trying to chase him down and fight him, it was just so much fun and you create such a relationship with another confidante. Hopefully that comes across as useful.

I’m a big fan of it Smallville and there were times when you had to discover the dark side of Clark, but in Mafia Wars you are thrown into this ruthless world of corrupt cops and gangsters; What about that did you enjoy exploring as an actor?

What I liked about Terry is that he couldn’t just overpower anyone because of his situation. Even when he was bigger than someone else, he always tried to think about the consequences of his actions to truly protect someone he loves. No one else knows about it. I think this was my way of getting into the character because a lot of times Terry just watches and sees what happens because he has to wait. He must wait for his time to execute.

Cam’s character is such a livewire and, by comparison, you play this very measured man who just wants his freedom; it’s such a fun dynamic to watch as an audience member, but what was it like for you bouncing off him in the scenes you have together?

It was great because in the most professional way I felt like if I needed something from him I could ask him for it and vice versa, but he was totally locked up. In between takes he would listen to music on headphones and they would roll the camera and he would take his headphones off and just get into it. I never knew what he was going to do, but we were both there for each other in the scene. I never thought he would actually be physically dangerous, but for the character you never knew. He was a firecracker and a psychopath. He was great.

There are some fun Superman references in the film; You’re as beloved as that character, but were they in the script and how did you feel about those Easter eggs being sprinkled into your conversation with Cam?

I embrace it because I know it’s for the fans. As a character, I think the best way is to let it pass. I was on a TV show called Lucifer for a season and they made a few references, but that character also said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It’s for the fans and I appreciate that because I think people like you get a kick out of it, so it’s fun.

Terry’s deadpan response just sells the moment wonderfully.

Well, thanks.

I know you’ve taken action before Professionals but were there any action heroes of yours that inspired what you brought to the table here?

I mean, man, how much time do you have? James Bond was a big thing for me growing up. I would pretend to be sick so I wouldn’t have to go to school some days because I knew my mom would pick up James Bond VHS and I would watch it all day. That’s the biggest one, but I watch every action movie. I mean, the first Iron Man, how can you beat that? I would love to be in more action movies like that, especially on the high, crazy level. I’m also a big fan of westerns. I like a good romantic comedy here and there, but yeah, there’s just… all of them (Laughs). That’s my answer, I guess.

I know you and Michael are still hoping to develop an animated film Smallville sequel, but if the opportunity ever arises in a live-action, would you like to don the costume of Superman? We saw a glimpse in the series finale and you said it was about Clark’s journey for you, but would you wear it now?

You know, I think now, because of the two boys I have with my lovely wife… we have a lot of costumes at home. It started the first Halloween and now we have, I don’t know, 40 or 50 costumes. The only costume we don’t have is the Superman costume. I asked my son why and he said, ‘Because he was taken’ and I said, ‘By whom?’ “By (you).” That was like, “Okay, I think I’m open to the idea now.” So if you know someone, I would love that. I think it would be fun to be part of that.

Terry Jacobs (Tom Welling) is a recently paroled criminal who is forced to go undercover to take down Griff (Cam Gigandet), the head of Italy’s most notorious mafia syndicate.

Mafia Wars will be available on digital and on-demand from October 11.

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