The porn industry spends $100,000 on ads to convince young men to vote for Kamala Harris

It was recently revealed that an organization called “Hands Off My Porn” has started a campaign, reportedly spending $100,000 on ads to convince young men to vote for Kamala Harris in the upcoming election. Their motive? To prevent more age verification laws from coming into effect – a development they fear could significantly affect their profit margins by making it harder for underage and anonymous users to access explicit material.

Studies have shown the harmful effects of pornography on mental health, relationships and perceptions of sex. The ubiquitous nature of pornography, especially in the digital age, normalizes misogyny, violent behavior, and a transactional view of intimacy. It is an industry associated with human trafficking, abuse and exploitation – especially of children and young women, who are often coerced or manipulated into taking part in degrading acts.

Multiple studies have also shown how porn consumption rewires the brain, leading to addiction, unrealistic expectations, and problems with intimacy. Many people are trapped in cycles of shame, addiction and loneliness, further fueling the demand for more extreme and inhumane content. The idea that porn gives people power or that it is an expression of freedom is a lie; a lie that the industry has been spreading for years, while raking in billions in the process.

The porn industry thrives on addiction, so why would any of us believe that this industry’s concern is rooted in protecting freedoms rather than protecting its massive, unchecked profits? They claim that age verification laws infringe on personal rights, yet these same companies have no problem exploiting people for capital gain. Their sudden political activism is not about freedom; it’s about maintaining the status quo, where the porn industry remains under-regulated and accountability is a distant afterthought.

Why the Porn Industry Favors Democrats

Republicans have historically been more aggressive in pushing for regulations impacting the porn industry, leading to significant setbacks for the industry in several states. These efforts have often focused on protecting children, promoting public health, and ensuring accountability for content distribution.

Age Verification Laws

Republican-led states like Utah and Louisiana have been pioneers in passing age verification laws for accessing pornographic websites. These laws require users to provide proof of their age before entering porn sites, directly restricting access to minors and significantly impacting website traffic in these states. The industry has fought back citing privacy concerns, but the results are clear: less traffic and fewer opportunities to exploit underage users.

Similarly, in several conservative states such as Utah, pornography has been officially declared a public health crisis, paving the way for more restrictive legislation, awareness campaigns, and educational initiatives aimed at limiting exposure to porn, especially among younger demographics. These efforts harm the industry by stigmatizing porn consumption and reducing demand.


The Republican-backed Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA) and Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) were landmark victories in regulating online content. These bills made it easier to hold platforms accountable for the sex trafficking facilitated through their content, hitting porn companies hard. Major platforms have had to rethink how they allow explicit content and implement stricter moderation, limiting the industry’s ability to operate with impunity.

Under Republican administrations, there have also been more aggressive efforts to enforce federal obscenity laws, particularly targeting extreme content. These prosecutions have historically had a deterrent effect on the production and distribution of particularly harmful or illegal pornography. The threat of prosecution under Republican leadership limits what the industry can legally distribute.

In contrast, Democrats have generally shown little to no interest in pursuing these types of regulations, often citing concerns about privacy, free speech or sexual freedom. This unregulated approach has caused the porn industry to favor Democratic candidates, who are less likely to pass restrictive laws that affect their profits. In fact, many Democrats argue that age verification laws could infringe on privacy rights or unfairly target adult consumers. This makes them less likely to support similar measures, allowing the porn industry to flourish with fewer obstacles.

The porn industry recognizes that a Democratic-led government is less likely to enact strict regulations. As a result, they have increased their financial contributions and lobbying efforts toward Democratic candidates. That’s why organizations like ‘Hands Off My Porn’ desperately want Kamala Harris over Trump – because she will protect their profits.

Closing thoughts

This willingness of the Democratic Party to align itself with industries like porn exposes a troubling contradiction: How can a party that claims to stand up for women’s rights, mental health, and the well-being of children continue to look the other way when things go to the real harm done by the porn industry? Will they really continue to ignore the damaging impact of a company that thrives on addiction and exploitation because they are willing to cut a campaign check?

The rise of easily accessible pornography has been devastating for both young men and women, distorting views on sex, relationships and consent before they even have a chance to develop a healthy understanding of these concepts. Parents, educators and even young adults themselves have called for better regulations to protect minors from this toxic content.

It’s time for all our leaders to listen.

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