Watchman: Daily Devotional. Statements about the identity of Jesus are found throughout John’s Gospel. Jesus is the light of the world, according to one of these statements of faith. The darkness represents ignorance and uncertainty. Light is clarity

The post Watchman: Daily Devotional, statements about the identity of Jesus are found throughout John’s Gospel. Jesus is the light of the world, according to one of these statements of faith. The darkness represents ignorance and uncertainty. Light Is Clarity first appeared on USSA News | The front page of the Tea Party. Visit

John 1:9,11-12 9 The true light that gives light to every man came into the world.11 He came to what was his, but his own received him not. 12 But to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

Statements about the identity of Jesus are found throughout the Gospel of John. Jesus is the light of the world, according to one of these statements. The darkness represents ignorance and uncertainty. Light is brightness and reveals things as they really are. Verse 9 states unequivocally that everyone who enters the world will receive light. No one dies without receiving a revelation of the light. John then describes the different reactions to the light shining on everyone.

The first is of the Jewish people (his own people). They did not accept Jesus as the light. They were shown light, knew it was light, but chose to remain in the darkness. This does not apply to all Jews, as we will see later in John, but to the vast majority. Many of the leaders came to faith, but refused to admit it because they wanted to maintain their position in that society. Claiming that Jesus is the light can jeopardize your social status.

The second response John mentions is that of all who received Him, that is, those who believed on His name. The redemption of YHWH is symbolized by the name of Jesus. They were convinced that he was God’s salvation. To believe in the name is to accept the authority it represents. Instead of clinging to the authority of the world, they chose to submit to the authority of His name. Those who do so receive the right to become God’s children. Have you decided that His authority is superior to all other authorities in the world? Have you come to believe that He is God’s salvation? Then you have the right to become a child of God.

Be thankful that you are in the process of being transformed into someone who resembles your Father.

God's Salvation Plan-6

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Author: StevieRay Hansen

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The post Watchman: Daily Devotional, statements about the identity of Jesus are found throughout John’s Gospel. Jesus is the light of the world, according to one of these statements of faith. The darkness represents ignorance and uncertainty. Light Is Clarity first appeared on USSA News | The front page of the Tea Party. Visit

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