The Tartarian Age-Enda | Operation Disclosure Official



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Grant Ouellette, Contributing Writer

Submitted on October 10, 2024

I continue my clean up for the Age of Aquarius with 3 equivalent Grant ‘Age of Pisces’ Awards for Canadian Rock Band.

The Canadian Rock Band ‘Loose and Complete’ Award goes to The Tragically Hip.

The Hip song Little Bones is a metaphor for, uses ‘happy hour’ and ‘chicken’ as metaphors for, and uses a pool hall as representative and symbolic of The Age of Pisces.

“Little Bones”

It gets so sticky down here
Better butter your cue finger up
It’s the start of another new year
Better call the newspaper up
Two fifty for a hi-ball
And buck and a half for a beer
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour is here

The long days of Shockley are gone
So is football Kennedy style
Famous last words taken all wrong
Wind up on the very same pile
Two fifty for a decade
And a buck and a half for a year
Happy hour, happy hour Happy hour is here

I can cry, beg and whine To every rebel I find
Just to give me a line I could use to describe

They’d say, “Baby, eat this chicken slow
It’s full of all them little bones”
“Baby, eat this chicken slow
It’s full of all them little bones”

So regal and decadent here
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Music all it’s delicate fear
Is the only thing that don’t change
Two fifty for an eyeball
And a buck and a half for an ear
Happy hour, happy hour Happy hour is here

Well, nothing’s dead down here, it’s just a little tired
Nothing is dead down here, it’s just a little tired (twice again)

“Baby, eat this chicken slow It’s full of all them little bones”
“Baby, eat this chicken slow It’s full of all them little bones”
Little bones Full of all them little bones Little bones

(amazing guitar ending)

Tragically Hip – Little Bones (Lyric Video) (




The Great Purge of the Cabal Has Begun – by Erik Carlson ( Quote:

“Recently, a new four-part documentary came out on Amazon Prime about the Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip. You are probably thinking, “who?”

The Tragically Hip was huge in Canada in the 1990’s, and pretty big in Europe as well. I believe Justin Trudeau-Castro’s only redeeming quality is that he is a Tragically Hip fan. The Tragically Hip’s debut album Up to Here was released in 1989, and this amazing bluesy-rock album got plenty of airplay on American rock radio at the time. Their follow up records, even though arguably better, got no air play in the US. They seemed to have fallen into an abyss, just disappeared from American radio. As the music executives will say, ‘I just didn’t hear a single.’

I believe this means the band chose not to sell their souls.

The Tragically Hip seemed to be a one-album wonder to many American rock fans, except in reality, they continued to produce outstanding work for the next decade. Why did the American music industry reject them when the rest of the world, and especially Canada, embraced them?

Back in the 1990’s, I used to have to drive to Canada to get their CDs because they weren’t released in America until months later. I’d see The Hip in stadiums and large music fests in Canada, but small clubs in the US. It was shameful.

It reminds me of another musician I love: Chris Whitely. Chris Whitely was a guitar virtuoso/singer who like The Tragically Hip, I would see perform in small clubs in the US. Like the Tragically Hip, Chris Whitely had a very successful debut album released in 1991, Living with the Law, he even had a song in the movie Thelma and Louise played during Brad Pitt’s breakout love scene. Like the Tragically Hip, after that successful debut album, Chris Whitley received no airplay in America, even though he continued to make great music.”




The Inverted Truth of The Age of Pisces from ‘The Unexplained’ 2024
The Great Imposter, Ferdinand Demara of Lawrence, Massachusetts
With ‘borrowed’ credentials Demara flipped through many of the archetypes, personas allotted for his lifetime: military, monk, doctor (performed successful surgeries), civil engineer, zoologist, psychologist, philosophy professor, lawyer, Deputy Warden
Tony Curtis starred in the 1961 film ‘The Great Imposter’
Demara is also a metaphor for, representative of The Age of Pisces

New Orleans is Sinking Lyrics ( The Tragically Hip

New Orleans is a submarine in this song.

“All right
Bourbon blues on the street
Loose and complete
Under skies all smoky blue-green

I had my hands on the river My feet back up on the banks
Looked up to the Lord above and said, “Hey, Man, Thanks”

My memory is muddy What’s this river that I’m in
New Orleans is sinking, man, and I don’t wanna swim Swim!”

The Tragically Hip- Blow At High Dough (Lyrics Video) (

Whoever fits her Usually gets her It was the strangest thing
How she moved so fast Moved so fast Into that wedding ring
Well somethings The faster it gets The less you need to know
But you gotta remember The smarter it gets The further its gonna go
When you blow at high dough When you blow at high dough When you blow at high dough
Out at the speedway Same Elvis thing

And for the ‘Poets’ and ‘Para and Otto’ and Australia for their springtime:
“Spring starts when a heartbeat’s pounding
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting”

The Tragically Hip- Ahead By A Century(Lyrics) (




The Canadian Rock Band ‘No Sugar for the Wolfman’ Award goes to The Guess Who.

Guess Who – Clap For The Wolfman • TopPop ( Movie ‘American Graffiti’

Undun | The Guess Who | Lyrics ☾ (

“Too many mountains And not enough stairs to climb
Too many churches And not enough truth
Too many people And not enough eyes to see
Too many lives to lead And not enough time
It’s too late She’s gone too far She’s lost the Sun
She’s come undone”

No Sugar Tonight (New Mother Nature) by The Guess Who | LYRICS (

Why do White Hats use Doubles?

Musketeer Aramis (Jeremy Irons) in the 1998 movie ‘The Man in the Iron Mask’:
“Use a double to avoid open warfare.”
White Hats use doubles to minimize open warfare.


Die Hard with a Vengeance, 1995 movie starring Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Jackson:
John McClane (Willis): Guy back there called you ‘Jesus’.
Zeus (Jackson): He didn’t say ‘Jesus’. He said, “Hey, Zeus!” My name is Zeus.
McClane: Zeus?
Zeus: Yeah, Zeus. As in father of Apollo. My Olympus. Don’t Friga with me or I’ll shove a lightning bolt up your ass. Zeus! You got a problem with that?

Funny. Similar bolts are going the local and provincial politicians here in North Bay, ON Canada.




Canadian Rock Songs Top the World
The Guess Who – American Woman

Steppenwolf Born To Be Wild Lyric Video (

and The Canadian Rock Band ‘Quick Change Artist’ Award goes to
Bachman Turner Overdrive – Takin’ Care Of Business (Lyrics) (
Bachman-Turner Overdrive – Let It Ride (Lyrics HD) (
Bachman-Turner Overdrive – “Roll On Down The Highway” (Lyrics On Screen) (

Tartaria and Preposterous, Concocted, and Hidden History

Various links; many to Peter B. Meyer articles:

Who were the Tatars: The Past Tells the Future | Operation Disclosure Official

The One World Tartarians: New Chronology of History | Operation Disclosure Official

True History: Tartaria was Originally Called Both Macedonia and India | Operation Disclosure Official

Real history unlocked – The Final Wakeup Call – English

Could these pre-1906 earthquake photos of San Francisco depict Tartarian architecture? (27 min video) (




Dr. Michael Salla — Vatican Suppression of Inner Earth Contact | Operation Disclosure Official

Tartarian Past: Balmoral Cairns: The strange story behind Scotland’s pyramids (

Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia | Covert Geopolitics

It is Important to Know our True Past: History Repeats Itself | Operation Disclosure Official

Alternative Historian Michael Tsarion

Quotes or ‘pass-ages’ from ‘The Irish Origins of Civilizations (IOC)’ 2012.

Volume 1, Page 13 … Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales … were once part of Atlantis or, more specifically, of the great continent of Appalachia. From these locations (after the flood) the gnosis was eventually carried Eastward across lost land bridges into Europe and Asia.

Page 19 … the contingents who dominate and rule mankind from behind the obvious thrones of religion and politics … these ruthless agencies have their origins in the ancient past. They are either the biological or ideological descendants of the sorcerers of Atlantis.

Y Gwir Y Byd (Truth Against the World)
page 23 see Proverbs quote below
Aside: Movie quote from ‘Apollo 13’ astronaut, “We didn’t land on the moon.”

The above meme demonstrates the power of a controlled media in writing a false history by presenting a fabricated narrative to a fake video. It was easy, for Proverbs 14:15 states:




The simple minded will believe anything: but the wise looketh well into everything he does.

page 25 The first people in recorded history to study the operations of heavens, zodiac were the Druids.

Page 26 the Mother Goddess, who was originally known as Taurt or Tarut … origin of the name Tarot. Later she became known as Hathor and Isis.

Page 27 The subject of history is less than 200 years old. In that time men have convinced themselves of the following suppositions, some of which have been regarded as irrefutable truths:

abridged list:
there were no advanced pre-diluvian civilizations
primitive man was rude and malevolent
Greeks, Romans and Jews were the ambassadors of civilizations
Jews were ‘chosen people’ and were slaves in Egypt
the Bible provides accurate accounts
Jews were Semites
Aryan denoted race

Page 45 The fact that Egyptian relics have been found in Ireland, that Nordic runes exist in Bosnia, that Irish structures (Ohio Serpent Mound and Round Towers) are found in Americas, or that Japanese, Ainu and American Algonquin languages are obviously derived from Irish, does not spur the average academic or individual to question what he has been told and what he has learned.

Page 57 this commerce could not have been carried on by the Romans, Greeks, Etruscans, or Phoenicians, because their civilizations flourished during the Iron Age, to which this Age of Bronze was anterior (forefront or before), where then are we to look for a great maritime and commercial people, who carried vast quantities of copper, tin and bronze (unalloyed by the lead of the South of Europe) to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, England, France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy? Where can we find them but in the ships of Atlantis whose ships, docks, canals, and commerce provoked the astonishment of the ancient Egyptians, as recorded by Plato – Ignatius Donnelly (Atlantis: The Antidiluvian World, 1882)

page 63: Barry Fell was told that the fascinating petrographs of North America that he proved were of Irish origin, were merely doodles made by Indians high on hallucinogenic substances.

Page 64: We might also might add that, in our opinion, the great Tartessian (“Atlantean”) ruins, galleries, wells and forts of Andalucia, that Whitshaw studied for most of her life, and that inspired her book, are of Irish design. These ruins date from over 10,000 years ago and are marvels of Neolithic construction. Although they were subsequently built upon by settlers from Eastern lands, they are clearly of Western origin.

Page 112 recent discoveries made by Jewish and Gentile investigators alike conclusively prove that the so-called ‘Israelites’ were not racially Semitic after all. They were racially Indo-European. Their language, Hebrew, was identical to Egyptian.




Page 140 Jesus is said to have been from the town of Nazareth. No such place ever existed. The word is blatantly mistranslated to mean a place instead of a sect or cult. Jesus was a Nazarene … similar to a serpent priest … like those who followed Moses out of Egypt.

Page 155 … in the ancient British tongue ‘Jesus’ has never assumed its Greek, Latin or Hebrew from, but remains the pure Druidic ‘Yesu’ Frederick Haberman (Tracing Our Ancestors)

Christ is my Druid. – St. Colomba (from: Six Saints of the Covenant, by Walker)

The Irish Church of the Sun, the original Christianity, had its own Pontiff entitled ‘Crios’ or ‘Christos’

Page 195 The Chaldeans

Daniel 2:2 The King commanded to call the magicians, the sorcerers and the Chaldeans.

Page 196 In Chaldea, one of the principal sources of Judaism and Christianity, the worship of the stars prevailed – (The Christ)

Page 197 behind the Semitic legends of Accad and Babylon … lie older non-Semitic legends that speak of the origins of culture and civilization in Chaldea. (Lectus on the Origin and Growth of Religion, As Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians, 1887)

Page 207 … the alphabet that the early Israelites used was and is demonstrably based on the Phoenician script – Ralph Ellis (Scota: Egyptian Queen of the Scots)

Page 249 The term ‘Jews’ is never in the Bible applied to the Twelve Tribes or to the Ten-tribed House of Israel – (The Ensign Trust)




Page 312 Chapter ‘The Extermination of the Druids’ : once the Druids and Bards were destroyed, the desecration and looting of their works began The physical and ideological plunder lasted for generations. The perpetrators of this crime (the Atonists, Milesians, Culdean Monks, Templars, and Vatican) commissioned ‘historians’ to scribble a new history of the British Isles … In place of the White Magi we have leprechauns. In place of the groves we have Jesuit colleges. And in place of the natural religion of the Druids, we have Judeo-Christianity with all its error, folly, and poison.

The word life derives from the Liffey river in Ireland.
The word bride derives from the Supreme Irish goddess Brigid, Brigit, Brithit.
The word dictionary – diction and Ari (Eri), the Goddess consort of Esu Christos, the Irish Sun King
The word arithmetic – the Goddess Ari and mete meaning dispensed or allotted, measured (measurements)

Other examples of primer English words starting with ‘ari’: aria, Arian, Ariel (Arch Angelia), Aries, aril (1. seed covering, specifically of the yew seed – see IOC for yew tree symbolism, origins, history), aristocrat, Aristotle, Arizona (zone of Ari); also Eri as in Erin or Eire and Lake Erie, tribe name

Page 325: Could these have been the Scythians from Tartary, the descendants of the wise men who gave their religion and arrow-headed letters to Assyrian-Semitic conquerors, who came down as Turanian roamers of the Plains of Babylon, and whose Chaldean faith spread even to Egypt and Europe? – James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894)

Page 326: (abridged) Orientalists claim, as does Lenormant, and others, that the Semitic race, originating in Central Asia, migrated into Mesopotamia about 3,000 BC, where they found a Turanian population, that they quickly overcame and absorbed and found the Babylonian Empire. This migration of a superior race is correct, but, as Shem did not exist until about 2,400 BC, this race has been misnamed by scholars, for they were not the Semites, but their ancestors, the Aryans, the parent ‘white’ race, the name Aryan derived from the Sanskrit word Arya, meaning noble. Therefore, the noble race.

The prefix ‘tur’ alerts us – akin to ‘dur’ and the ‘divas’ of India, the ‘deus’ of the Romans and the ‘der wydds’ of Britain – that is the Druids. The first King of the Phoenicians was King Tur, from which the Teutonic Thor was derived, and also King Artur or Arthur. King Tur’s great city in Cappadocia was known as The Eagle City or City of the Eagle. It was from this time that the Eagle (falcon or hawk) was connected with royalty. Scholar and Freemason Albert Churchward was convinced that the Turanians were the same people as the Chaldeans.

Page 348 Deucalion (Greek, son of Prometheus) survivor of the flood, brought his family to safety in an ark that he was guided to build. The Irish king Nuada did the same thing in great ships. Nuada, Irish Nada, pronounced Nuah, is the root of the Biblical Noah. Nuada or Nada is the Aztec’s Nata. The story of the slaying of a giant by a boy-king with a sling is but one Irish tale emulated by the Israelites. It was also rendered by the Greeks as their boy-hero Hercules throwing a cross-shaped projectile at a giant.

Page 357 The Goddess Problem Around 1,500 BC there were hundreds of goddess-based sects enveloping the Mediterranean Basin. By the 5th century AD they had almost completely been eradicated, by which time women were also prohibited from conducting a single major Western sacrament. – Leonard Schlain (The Alphabet Versus the Goddess)

Page 369 Technology disappeared as the Church became the most cohesive power in Western society. The extensive aqueducts and plumbing systems vanished. Roman central heating was abandoned.

The Church included in its definition of witchcraft anyone who knew knowledge of herbs – mere possession of herbal oils or ointments became grounds for accusation of witchcraft.

Volume 2 The Order of Zion

Page 691 A secret Jewish order was behind these men, the Order of Zion. Founded in the monastery of Notre-Dame du Mont de Sion, on mount Zion, just south of Jerusalem, in June 1099, by the 39 year old Godfroi de Bouillon, duke of Lorraine – a descendant of Guillem de Gellome, who was the seed and tribe of David – Juri Lina (Architects of Deception)

Page 698 George Bush is a direct descendant of Godfroi de Bouillon, first crusader king of Jerusalem.

In 1188 AD, the Order de Zion gained a new name, The Prieure de Sion and their own grand master – Jean de Gisors. At the same time a second name “Ormus” was taken, which was used until 1306. Freemasons say Ormus was an Egyptian magician. Ibid

Grandmasters are priests of Yahweh.

Freemasonry is born out of Israel. – The Jewish Guardian (April 12, 1922)

Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment. – Rabbi Issac Wise (of B’Nai B’rith, quoted in Israelite of America, Aug 3, 1866)

Michael Tsarion Quotes (Author of Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation)

Personal Observation: I danced the Hava Nagila at my nephew’s wedding. I asked the bride’s side how old the song was, but no one knew offhand. I expected the song to be a thousand years old. Surprise! 1918. Why are the Jewish people dancing to a hundred year old song and not one much older? What happened to ancient tradition?


The Money Masters – Full Length (

I’ve given this link for the history of money and banking in past postings, but now I believe some of the history is false. Although some or all of the money types presented were used at some time, I question the detail. My biggest question is ‘Does it make sense that wooden tally sticks were used by England as money for 700 years. Sure covers a lot of generations. Is this a whitewash? Why has the documentary never been banned by youtube? Somehow corporate government details and admiralty law are overlooked. Hmmm.

Bible and Artificial Intelligence

A recent article suggested that the Bible’s John 1:1 ‘In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god.’ was evidence that ‘we’ are living in a computer scripted simulation – that is, the ‘word’ in John is a computer code, script or program.

The True God (upper case) does not start with ‘the word’ for any word comes from thought.

In the beginning was the thought of the idea of The Creation harmoniously One with the thoughts of the parts of the idea of The Creation.

The Hip Poets’ Age-Enda

Spring starts with a bird’s heart a-pounding
Earth beauties doing Piscean final accounting
Pop art flip charts reckoning’s smart sounding
The Age of Aquarius founding, abounding

Love flows in computer farmer’s direction
He’s gets reprieve from his quarter section affection
Telling me what the poets are doing in time connection
In the Himalayas of the mind perfection

All right, no wrong, nobody has faltered
Poets pen the Universe has been altered
The epitome of time feels vague sense falling
The archetypal Father’s on the beach a-calling

Stay Hip!


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