Invictus Task Force arrests Randolph County man on minor sexual exploitation charges

Dating back to July 11, the Invictus Task Force conducted a warranted search of a home in Randolph County, acting on a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

Out of this investigation, Jonathan Jimenz Serrato, 22, was charged with two counts of second-degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

Serrato was arrested Thursday and taken to the Randolph County Detention Center.

He was given a $10,000 bond and an initial appearance was held in Randolph County District Court.

TRENDING:Increased traffic is expected around WS Fairgrounds, Wake Forest football game on Saturday

Detectives say this investigation is still ongoing. Anyone with more details should call the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office and representatives of the Invictus Task Force.

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