Trump wants to arm the Justice Department

I’m exhausted. I’m not the only one. As momentum builds, Donald Trump is shouting more and more crazy accusations at anyone who doesn’t support his bid to return to the White House.

He mixes wild, sometimes incoherent campaign speeches with direct sales pitches for $100,000 Trump watches, Trump Bibles, gold Trump shoes and all manner of other merchandise. Meanwhile, his wife Melania released a book on October 8. When CNN asked for an interview, her publisher said yes, as long as CNN paid $250,000 – CNN declined.

The Trumps have always been about the money. If he returns to the White House, he and his family will make money on a formidable scale. For example, he has made all kinds of promises to cryptocurrency exchanges, which in turn have poured tens of millions of dollars into his campaign. Details of the quid pro quo have not been disclosed – but that is Trump’s style.

Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen

What exhausts me and so many others is not his financial shenanigans, but his calls for revenge and his daily threats. It’s sickening. I can’t explain why about half of all potential voters in the United States still support Trump.

His vitriol has led Taylor Swift, former Republican Party leader Liz Cheney and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, to announce their support for Kamala Harris. They all say the deciding issue in this election should be the character of the next president.

In a video that just went viral, Bruce Springsteen says, “Donald Trump is the most dangerous candidate for president in my lifetime. His disregard for the sanctity of our Constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should forever disqualify him from the office of President.”

The fascist state

Yet there is a deeply sinister issue that Trump continually raises that should turn voters against him, even if they can swallow the fact that he is devoid of integrity, human empathy and the slightest ounce of humility. Trump is not ashamed to declare that if elected, he will launch what can only be called a fascist state.

Earlier this year, as I reported, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that a U.S. president is immune from prosecution for all actions performed in the course of his official duties. In light of this statement, Trump is announcing a growing list of individuals, starting with Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, whom he will prosecute and imprison, and others such as the former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to Trump, he will be indicted for treason and executed by firing squad.

At the same time, partly based on the US Supreme Court ruling, he will revoke the legal status of many immigrants and deport them. He will use the military to help deport millions of people he claims are living in the United States illegally.

In addition, Trump has announced that he will take action to allow police forces across the country to use all forms of force, without restraint, against shoplifters, gangs and protesters. He will also shut down media organizations he claims are guilty of treason.

The threat is real

An extensive survey by the New York Times showed that a large majority of the fifty top legal experts in the United States, both Democrats and Republicans, are now seriously concerned.

As the newspaper reported: “An overwhelming majority of our respondents told us they are concerned about Trump’s potential impact on the Justice Department, many to an extent that they believe the public conversation does not reflect. Forty-two of the fifty former officials said it was very likely or likely that a second Trump term would pose a significant threat to the norm of keeping criminal enforcement free from White House influence.

As his first act in office, Trump would demand that the Justice Department end all pending charges against him. He would then replace all top officials at the Justice Department and the FBI to ensure he can order investigations against everyone and promote the prosecution of many.

Furthermore, he would waste no time in pardoning many gang members and neo-Nazis sentenced to prison for their January 6, 2021 violence at the US Capitol. Trump calls them heroes.

Trump’s record

We had a taste of this when Trump was last in office. He launched investigations into top FBI officials who refused to investigate Hillary Clinton to the extent he wanted. He called on the Internal Revenue Service to conduct tax audits of people, and was only stopped by White House officials who claimed that some of his planned actions were illegal.

Now the U.S. Supreme Court has swept away this objection with its immunity ruling. And Trump has learned that next time he should only hire people in the White House and the Justice Department who are eager to make his wishes come true, no matter how outrageous they may be.

Trump is a man of his word

The attack on justice that Trump says he will continue has not — at least so far — influenced voters to choose Kamala Harris. Apparently everyone has become so used to Trump’s bluster that perhaps too few people are taking it seriously. But Trump is a man of his word.

After all, the lengths to which criminal Trump will go to secure his goals are documented in the new 165-page letter filed in court in Washington DC by Special Counsel Jack Smith of the US Department of Justice.

The Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity forced Smith to file a new brief to show that Trump’s actions to overturn the 2020 election, including his support for the violent invasion by a massive mob of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, could not be interpreted. as ‘official’ acts.

According to the letter, Smith emphasized that Trump repeatedly used private lawyers and non-government employees, such as right-wing extremist Steve Bannon, to spread lies about the election results and to organize illegal efforts in several US states to overturn the election results and incite the riot. Plan January 6th.

As Smith notes, on January 5, 2021, Trump spoke with Bannon, who less than two hours later told his listeners on his daily radio show, “All hell will break loose tomorrow.” And that happened.

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