Monroe City Council Rightly Believes Cannabis Sales Should Be Banned in City

Thanks to the Monroe City Council for not repealing the ban on cannabis stores in the city. (There’s already one on Trombley Road, by the way.)

Thanks to America’s endless and childish preoccupation with “getting high,” all of Central America and Mexico are now under the control of the drug cartels – the real reason for the border crisis – and no one there is safe anymore.

We have been dealing with drunk driving for centuries. But now it’s heroin driving, meth driving, fentanyl driving, cocaine driving, cell phone driving (distracted), and driving while angry, etc. etc. Should we really encourage and support weed driving too? (Not to mention the constant robberies of weed shops?)

Isn’t it time we grow up and put an end to drug abuse as a form of entertainment?

Robert Van den Akker


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