Kamala Harris’ presidential bid resembles an Oscar campaign.

Through Sasha Steen

Harris has been tripping out on the campaign trail, fantastically, showing only the side of her campaign that she wants people to see. It reminds me of the many years I’ve covered the Oscars. The Best Actress campaigns always follow the same pattern. They get a stylist. They show up selectively. They show up on the rope line. They shake hands. They look great. The one thing they don’t do is interviews.

Hollywood has its greasy fingerprints all over the Harris campaign. We know that. They see it as their mission to stop Trump. So they’ve taken matters into their own hands. It looks like Harris has hired awards consultants instead of politicians.

They make her radiate joy and positivity above all. Harris did a great job playing the role they gave her, somewhere between the blessed virgin and Eva Peron.

But they are flirting with disaster. That is not the real Kamala Harris. They are hiding her from the press because they know it.

They’re betting on Trump to be obnoxious, insulting, and belligerent. Harris will do everything she can to goad and prod him into a reaction. She’ll call him too old. She’ll say we need change. She’ll call him a racist. She’ll call him a criminal.

But what if Trump doesn’t present himself that way? What if he is instead polite, well-mannered, and, dare I say, even sympathetic to the public? It will throw her off. If nothing else, Trump should present himself as a nice Trump, not a belligerent Trump.

The most important thing Trump needs to remember is that Harris is not like Hillary Clinton. She is not tough. She is vulnerable, easily triggered and erratic. She can go from a hot temper to an explosive fit of laughter in a matter of minutes.

But voters sympathize with her because she’s a Black/Asian woman — and that means any attack on her will backfire. I learned that from the Oscars, too. People vote for what makes them feel good, and it’s good to see Harris making history. They care less about being “another old white guy.” The key for Trump is to get her out of the role she’s playing and let the real Kamala Harris come through.

What can Trump do to close the deal? Here are a few ideas:

The “we’re not going back” narrative seems to resonate as the default for “bad white male” versus “woman of color.” Everything is about race and racism for the Democrats, and this is no different. That’s not really change. That’s just casting.

But for many people on the left, it is. They want to see a woman, especially a woman of color, make history.

The best Trump can do is convince the silent majority that they need more than just making history. How long are they expected to care about that alone? How long are they going to keep the same regime in power just because of identity politics?

Trump offered the people change in 2016, and he delivered. Since then, they have been trying to stop him.

Trump should emphasize the point again: “You had four years to fix this country. You failed. Now it’s up to me to clean up the mess.”

Harris may seem like the change Americans want, but in reality she is a continuation of the failures of the Biden administration.

Afghanistan – She was the last person in the room.
Inflation – she was the decisive vote in the bill on which this was based.
The border – Yes, she supported the failed deal, but it was mainly a bill to finance the war in Ukraine disguised as a border bill.
The economy – Biden screwed up. She can’t fix it.

Democrats refuse to discuss this controversial topic, but it’s the only way Trump could win over female voters. The debate moderators will never bring it up. Harris refuses to answer questions from the media, so it will be up to Trump to blurt it out and make Harris answer for it.

The Biden/Harris and Tim Walz administrations are fully supportive of transitioning children, whether with therapy, medication or surgery. Where does Harris stand? What are their age requirements? How young is too young?

We’ve heard “mind your own business,” but that’s not good enough. The government is our business. And we have a right to know if they plan to continue with puberty blockers, which are banned in several countries.

It’s probably too much to ask Harris to go on the record about the kinds of books they offer kids in schools about gender, but Trump can certainly try. This is his only chance.

What is Harris’ position on biological males competing in women’s sports? Can Trump force the issue?

I vowed to vote only Republican because all Democrats support this madness. Every voter in America needs to know where they stand.

The Biden/Harris administration has screwed up big time:

—The Exodus from Afghanistan
—The Hamas Attack on Israel
—Russia invades Ukraine

How can anyone expect Harris to suddenly lead this country through one of the most dangerous times in history? Will JOY keep us safe? Will vibes lead the country through the coming storm?

Harris and Walz are too afraid that even the propaganda press will ask the tough questions: How can we trust them to stand up to our dangerous adversaries? They’ll say Trump makes friends with dictators and is “nice” to Vladimir Putin, but at least he’s not afraid to talk to the media. They are.

Neither Harris nor Walz could protect America from the rioters in the summer of 2020. Tim Walz let Minneapolis burn down and refused to call in the National Guard. Kamala Harris visited Jacob Blake and didn’t care about the destroyed businesses, let alone help the protesters.

Here’s an interview with the real Kamala Harris:

All they want to talk about is January 6th, which didn’t do even a fraction of the damage done that summer by people who weren’t even protesting with Black Lives Matter. They came from far and wide. No one ever knew their names. They destroyed our cities. They brutally attacked the nation’s police while Kamala Harris and Tim Walz said nothing and did nothing to protect them or anyone else. Let it burn, they said.

Yet it was January 6th that Kamala Harris called as bad as Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Like Joe Biden, she doesn’t believe she should lead or care about this entire country. She doesn’t care about those who showed up at the Capitol angry about our government and how they ran the 2020 election.

They all decided that it was Trump who ordered the riot. But why would he have ordered the riot when he spent so much time convincing Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz to debate the undemocratic election changes, among other things?

All the riots did was give the Democrats absolute power and give them a piece of propaganda they could use forever.

Trump would be better off staying out of the 2020 election altogether, but if she brings up the subject, he should immediately focus on the summer of 2020.

Here’s a funny video of the Babylon Bee:

The American people need a president who cares about all of them, not a president who wants to throw half of them in solitary confinement.

Not only could she have secured the border over the past four years — she could do so now — but she has repeatedly ignored the rapes, murders, and rising crime of migrants crossing the border illegally, knowing that America had weak leadership at the top.

Even the media can’t ignore Venezuela’s gangs. Yet identity politics has paralyzed the Biden/Harris administration to the point where they can’t even name the crimes, let alone protect Americans from them.

Trump needs to make the point: The Biden/Harris administration cannot keep Americans safe. As long as they are in power, America is at risk.

Trump has shown that he is brave enough to take a bullet for America. He is not afraid of anything or anyone.

Kamala Harris is a good storyteller, but everyone knows the Biden/Harris administration is ignoring the silent majority. They pretend to care about the middle class now, but what about the last four years? Why didn’t they prioritize the concerns of working families then?

America is more divided than ever. We have a crisis of masculinity. Young men are being ignored and left behind. Fear is greater than ever. No one in power is helping to reassure them. And that is what Trump can do. He is the “father energy” America needs, not Tim Walz. Young men need a real leader, not someone who will run away from the fight or let his city burn down.

The Harris/Walz ticket, like the Biden/Harris administration, is what Hollywood has become. It’s an isolated, insulated bubble. Maybe they can hire good writers and stylists and consultants to create a beautiful illusion that they hope will last until just after Election Day. And like every actress who wins the golden statuette after running the gauntlet, it will feel like something important just happened.

Only then does the illusion shatter and fall apart into a million tiny pieces. The truth is, this is not an Oscar campaign. This is a campaign to lead the most powerful country in the world at a very precarious time. It will be up to Trump to show America that she is far from up to the task.

And it’s up to Trump to show he can stay calm, while Harris does everything she can to break him.


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