Tim Walz fits in with the “wicked overlord lizard mafia”

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If conservatives want to push back against the notion that they’re “weird,” then paying attention to a man who claims Democrats are part of a “wicked overlord lizard mafia” and “driven by their goblin masters” is probably a bad strategy.

That’s what happened this week on an episode of FlashPoint, a TV show that airs on scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Channel and bills itself as a venue for “tackling topics that mainstream media does not.”

On Tuesday, host Gene Bailey explained that his next guest was Joseph Z, a self-described “prophetic voice.” Bailey actually went out of his way to vouch for Joseph Z’s credibility because “What we put on the air, we take very seriously… That comes even more so when it comes to men of the cloth and prophets.”

Bailey lobbed a softball question to begin the interview: Was Joseph Z encouraged or discouraged by where America is these days?

The response wasn’t just bad. It was cuckoo bananas insane.

JOSEPH Z: … I believe very clearly the spirit of the Lord is making a way for the body of Christ to go through in this time. And, you know, even when we bring up guys like Tim Walz, and you look at what’s going on, people say he’s, you know, midwestern folksy.

I have another word for him, being from Minnesota myself, and it’s “weird.” The guy’s just weird. You see the way he hugs his wife. You see the way he does everything.

I believe the Spirit of the Lord is letting them overextend their reach. I believe he’s giving them a sense of confidence that’s actually going to be a surprise silver lining turnaround in this whole narrative. I believe the spirit of the Lord is going to bring victory and breakthrough.

And you know it’s interesting how the spirit of antichrist just loves to pick these people that fit right in with the wicked overlord lizard mafia that is really driven by their goblin masters. And when you’re looking at this, I believe that’s exactly what we’re facing right now: a spirit of antichrist that wants to have its way.

As someone who has been a progressive Democrat for a long time, I assure you nothing about us is as cool as our opponents like to pretend. If there’s a wicked overlord lizard mafia, it’s news to me. If we have goblin masters, I’ve never met them.

Bailey, of course, didn’t push back on any of that. He just went on to the next question. Lizard Mafia and Goblin Masters are perfectly normal things to say, according to the sort of people who flip out over Dungeons & Dragons.

It’s too bad he moved on. I kind of wanted to know if the lizard mafia includes the reptile who imitated the husband of End Times preacher Sharon Gilbert and tried to have sex with her. (That’s a real story that she once told!)

And to say all that about TIM WALZ?! He may be the most down-to-earth boring politician you’ll ever see, and that’s his superpower! There’s nothing about him that even suggests he has a dark side. The guy doesn’t even own any stocks. If he’s hiding a secret life that involves a lizard mafia, it would be incredible.

What’s especially troubling about this segment is that FlashPoint isn’t some random show even if most readers aren’t familiar with it. As Right Wing Watch points out, the show “provides a steady platform for pro-Trump, Christian nationalist propaganda and conspiracy theories, as it did on the night of Jan. 6, 2021.” Donald Trump himself has been interviewed by Bailey more than once. The show’s hosts also promote rallies in which they teach Christians how to take over public school boards.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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